Post your favorite movie and get judged fairly.
Post your favorite movie and get judged fairly
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I take it you like dags.
I like dags too.
Great movie.
wew lad. Action schlock like Seagal kino can be enjoyable, but actually good movies are far more enjoyable.
Fail-Safe is better.
Aguirre is better
Impact work of art that is still considered the best OVA of all time. Trust. Also including Betrayal as I count them as one cohesive film.
I'm gonna take you to the bank, Senator the blood bank.
>Impact work of art
Meant to type impactful, but got a little excited. I don't even know if that's a word. This film is just so good.
I've yet to hear a single piece of music that rips my heart in half in the first few seconds.
forgot image
For some reason none of my favorite movies are serious artistic films.
Is this reddit?
Holy fuck
Whats your pic then tough guy?
Wow what a great contribution, thanks for your participation on boards.Sup
Memes aside, compared to the generic anime for kids show, the movie was raw as fuck. Blew my 15 year old mind when I saw it in a cinema. I literally was mouth agape for the whole thing. Didn't know what the fuck was going on.
it was a tour de force if you ask me
better than the man in steel
One of the most overrated films of all time. It's slow and boring and the story sucks. Who wants to watch a boxer getting fat?
This poster is better than the movie
>tfw can hear every note of the song as the webm plays
If you're not of a fan of anime, then the live action movies are out. The first movie is still considered the single best live action anime adaptation ever made. There was just as much love put into them as in the animated movies which are literally a work of art, especially the music.
its fucking perfect
Just bought it for pickup tomorrow at my local store. Thanks for reminding me.
My nigga
Wew lad. Underrated as fuck on here
>golden brown intensifies
I can't wait for the comments on this one.....
it's one of my favorites too
game was great too
I actually played and enjoyed it.
All things considered it was well made. A long dead e-celeb had a great review of it too.
I thought that guy hated it. Whenever I saw this game's being discussed on Sup Forums half of the posters were shitting on it while admitting never playing it because of that review.
Old Spoony loved it. His old reviews are mostly tongue-in-cheek. His nu-shit like FF reviews are I'M GOING TO BE MAD BECAUSE AVGN MADE IT POPULAR.
polite sage for being somewhat off-topic as I already posted my favorite movie
Yes I could talk about the mastery of the formal and visual aspect of it, but at the end of the day it's my favorite because through all of its runtime I was enamoured with everything that was happening onscreen and had an emotional reaction in me like no other film, smiling at a screen for more than two hours is something few films have achieved for me.
I wouldn't even consider the Hitchman as one of my favorite directors.
Great taste.
this one is also 10/10
good taste my negro
You fuck my muddah?
>movie called Raging Bull
>main character gets cucked by a fucking manlet
Great film, Lamotta a very engaging character, and one of the greatest boxing stories.
Alright film, enjoyable, not sure how it can be anybodys top film though.
Top film
Mine: Satantango
>go into this film only expecting Harry Dean Stanton
>See the first few minutes of this
>oh it's some kind of surreal desert kino
>get toasted
>come back
>cry like a bitch by the end
Kino choice, friend.
And what do you like about Satantango so much?
good lad
I would say '>anime' but this legitimately made me sad when I watcched it
good taste
great film
best film, my favorite too
how many times have you watched it?
Good question. I love that it's just a world I can dissapear into, the characters, the setting all perfectly portrayed. There is good humour in the film, and a wide array of emotions. The story is interesting and perfecly paced, it's just a real feast for the senses desu.
3 times
ithats a good favorite movie