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Television and Film
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Television and Film #857
Television and Film
Tomb Raider: 2018 Movie
Is he, dare I say it, the greatest living American autheur?
/got/ general
Leave Gowron to me
Illiza Shlesinger trashes female comedians
Jesus Christ Ledger, it was only a capeshit role
ITT: Gal Kino
LOTR thread
What does Sup Forums think of Sarah Jessica Parker?
This movie is better than Wreck it Ralph
Hollywood-China Relationship Faces More Pressure as Chuck Schumer Calls on Trump to Block All Deals
Wow wow wow
Is there anywhere online I can watch the de-specialised editions of Star Wars?
*unzips dick*
Damn, I miss True Blood
All star cast in new Netflix "Stretch Armstrong" show
What would your waifubot look like after having your porn history used to compile a face?
Yvan eht nioj
Which Emma is Best Emma?
/got/ general
Is there any good movie about the American Revolution?
What's next for her 'career'?
Is it just me or
Your favourite movies with Christian themes?
Who would Sup Forums cast as Samus Aran in a live-action Metroid film?
Ok, I can't figure this out. Who was this? It's basically Cartman...
Middle of the night, heavy rain outside
The new Star Trek series looks fun
Wolf Warriors 2
What does Sup Forums think about Rick & Summer?
Is this correct Sup Forums?
Why was she sch a cunt to debra?
Itt: Actors in the process of killing their career
ITT: directors commenting on other directors/movie
Women can't direct good horror mo-
Claims to be a patrician
What does Sup Forums think of Lena Dunham?
I was raped!!
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again
Movie trailer
Is there any movies about seals?
How is Sony Pictures not bankrupt yet?
This was the good picture
/got/ general
Why has Olivia Wilde's career never taken off?
Just a reminder that if you're complaining that the new episode is bad because of woman writers...
It's a Columbo thread
ITT: Characters who taught you more about the real world than your parents
Woah...marvel btfo
Amy Pascal pitched a Barbie vs He-Man movie to Phil Lord
Holy shit the new episode was so good! Did Sup Forums enjoy it??
/who/ - Doctor Who General
ITT: Cool movie vehicles
FYI, this is the same guy who wrote Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Catwoman wants that MCU money!
No mention of Tyrion being responsible for his son's death
The Dark Tower
We already had our own Godzilla. Why make dumb King Kong and Godzilla again?
Villain's motivations are better than the Hero's
Write the script for part 3
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: characters whose only purpose is to elicit YASSS SLAYYY QUEEN reactions on social media
What movie has the best soundtrack?
What am I in for?
New BBC drama on the seige of troy £8,500,000 per episode
Now that the dust has settled. can we agree that with the Ultimate Cut, this is at least a 7/10?
Do you remember how everyone was excited the new star wars would be progressive with a minority as the main jedi...
Best Movies of 2017 (so far)
Villains who really did nothing wrong/had the right intentions
/got/ general
If boards were movie, what would each board be? Suggestions might be:
Is there a chance for feminine actresses to get back into mainstream?
So I just watched episode 8 and Lynch just went off the rails with his retarded "DUDE WTF" transcendental meditation...
What's the deal with Nicolas Cage? How did he rise to fame and how did he obtain his meme status...
635 million McChickens
Hello legendary actor Patrick Stewart, we'd like to offer you the role of "Poop" in our upcoming movie
Why did sam hyde destroy his career?
Rick and morty
What is the purpose of a graphic sex scene? How does it benefit storytelling...
T.J Miller breakdown
What is the philosophy of the joker in the dark night ?
Whats wrong with him?
Where do you think her career will be after the Star Wars trilogy is over?
Can we get a Gangster movie thread going?
/got/ general
You looked so beautiful being raped Sansa
Why was she in this fucking movie?
Post and rate 'em
Why do the US & Britain portray gypsies like THIS?
/prg/ - Pickle Rick General - Animated gif edition
Why they spent so much time on this plotline in seasons 5 & 6...
What does Sup Forums think about this ?
Battle of the sexes
Comfy Movies
Opens in 2 days
What is the best South Park episode and why is it Cartman joins NAMBLA?
I don't get it
Will Ben Affleck get to direct again
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What was it about the male form in the 80s that just encapsulated what it was to be a man...
There are no good women action movi-
Why is he so relaxed? Why is he so calm?
Dark Matter
After 25 days of release it's still the lowest grossing movie that had Spider-Man in it...
It's going to be shit, isn't it?
Name a Jackie Chan movie better than drunken master
Why didn't they just shoot Voldemort?
Jesus christ
Do Americans really do this?
If you're good at something, never do it for free
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
Is MovieBob the worst film reviewer on the internet?
With every Oscar ceremony seemingly getting more and more sanctimonious year after year, how bad will next years be?
It was never our forte
Why do audiences disagree with critics on King Arthur?
Thoughts on Faults (2014) directed by Riley Stearns and starring Leland Orser?
What was going through her mind at this exact moment?
Why do women have godtier taste in movies?
Why does he wear the mask?
Did Sup Forums like it?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Are there any characters that could beat him 1 on 1?
And here's your drink, sir. Enjoy the movie
Has anyone watched Modern Family since Ariel killed herself?
What film has the sickest sex scene?
Character is fat
Don’t fight in the North or the South. Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy...
Post actors you just sort of like and make everything they appear on better
John Oliver Exposes Alex Jone to be a fraud
JRE - Countdown to 1000
If you went back in time to when you were 14 and murdered yourself, would you die?
Holy shit what is wrong with wh*te """people"""
Marlon Brando was paid $1 million in advance. He threatened to quit and keep the advance...
What went wrong?
What are some kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of...
So Eminem made a movie about a Sup Forumsack trying to become a rapper
Me on the right
Hey what's up Sup Forums
Reminder margot robbie is 32 years old
What did you guys think of american psycho?
HBO had some episodes of their shows leaked online but i can't find them on any streaming or torrent sites...
/got/ eternal general
What the fuck was her fucking problem?
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Correct me if I'm wrong...
Anyone else miss when this guy was just a cocky asshole but nobody could beat him so it was okay?
Sup Forums in one picture
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why does she make me cringe when I look at her pics?
Buddy from Baby Driver
Mexico and Canada are more redpilled than amerilards
What went wrong?
King of the Hill
Megan Fox really wants in the new transformers spinoffs
Dude, did you just cum in me after only 30 secs? and i'm not on birth control, you didn't warn me!
Anyone excited about Catman?
Late-Night Comedy Writers Frustrated They Aren’t Persuading Voters to Hate Trump
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What does Sup Forums want from the Harley Quinn movie?
She was so fucking hot
ITT: Pleb filters
Name some movies where the bad guy wins at the end
ITT: Overrated actors/actresses
Top 3 Sup Forums's worse fanbase
What are some good psychological thrillers?
What are some movies with cute cockroaches?
Spiderman that actually acts like spiderman
/got/ general
So fucking true
So why can't the white walkers just go around the wall?
Bella thorne is a tv and film actress
Oh Captain, my Captain! Another unmarried childless 30 something has joined the ranks of the Dead Roasties Society
Gonna watch this for the first time. What am I in for?
What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood honestly?
How was this South Park episode funny?
Max Landis stopped being a faggot. When will you?
Reboot trilogy about super intelligent apes becoming the dominant species
What are some Simpsons jokes you never understood?
Might as well merge Sup Forums and Sup Forums now
Don't do it Jon
Any good movies about down low gay romance that aren't too faggy?
Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA
Easter eggs you noticed in animated shows
The CW-Verse
You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right...
Thoughts on Se7en?
What will his monologue be about tonight?
What do you think of the theory that the DCEU is a sequel to the Dark Knight trilogy featuring a grown up Joseph Gordon...
Who wins?
/got/ general: Randy Bobandy Edition:
Sex scene in porn
Walk out of room
Can please explain to me why this whole "le Szechuan sauce" trend is so popular?
HE SURVIVED! Are you going to watch the premier of his TLC show in Spring?
Name something you often find between your legs
Is Daisy Ridley replacable in Star Wars?
You'll Float, We All Float
Webm thread
Will it be kino?
Star Wars IX Getting Rewrite From Wonder Scribe
This is one of post-Drump writers of Rick and Morty
/trek/ Star Trek General
WW2 Kino
So let me get this straight
How do I get girls like this?
Is this the dawn of the Autism Cinematic Universe?
Wow! Doesn't Audrey Plaza know kicking is rude? Why are Hollywood actresses so inconsiderate?
How do you feel knowing
Explain the appeal. She's a poor actress imo
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
The Temple of Doom is Steven Spielberg’s least favourite Indiana Jones movie
The Sopranos
This fucking sequence
Sup Forums: Griffith, Stroheim, Flaherty, early Murnau
Corn is the only crop remaining, Murph!!
So I watched this for the first time on Sunday with the new episode. Come on guys, you like this shit...
/got general
ITT: Actors who browse Sup Forums
Lucas came back to Star Wars and ruined it
ITT times you acted like the Baby Driver
Well hello beautiful... You must be Harvey's squeeze. And you are beautiful
Forbidden Romanc
So you came to die with your gang?
Ladies and gentlemen: Generation Z
Why are all the characters in this movie braindead retarded?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what happened to Monica?
See this movie last night in England, visiting old roommate
If you could cast this person in one major motion picture that is coming out by the end of the year...
All things considered is she a good actress?
/cinemassacre/ general
Black Americankino is here
So, MTV turned 36 today
Without memeing, without being a contrarian, and without mentioning Reddit, what is your honest opinion of Breaking Bad?
Name a better western
Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine...
Sony AKA Columbia Pictures just bought Funimation
Who would play them in a live action remake Sup Forums
/got/ general
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Was he even in the wrong here? What would you have done in his position?
Hey Sup Forums what are some good MILF kinos?
God tier Russian films
Do you agree?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Would you watch a movie made documenting the life of Based Milo?
ITT: up-and-coming actors and actresses who will be A-listers within the next 5 years
Is he in the next film?
What was she thinking in this moment?
What the fuck was their problem?
Is paedosexuality finally going mainstream in Hollywood?
If Reviewbrah had his own show on Food Network would you watch it?
Ian McShane to play Prof. Broom in Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen
In terms of her career, what do you guys think is next for popular actress Emma Stone?
Chris Pratt describes the problem with ‘Suicide Squad’
/got/ general
Sequel when?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
That episode where Kelso calls Hyde a kosher manlet
Has Sup Forums ever met a famous actor? If you could meet an actor of your choice, what would you talk about?
Don't mind me, just best girl coming through
ITT: Actors/Actresses Who Never Disappoint In Any Film
Will Santza marry CIA? Or is she too stronk and independent to need a man?
Dunkirk only two million more than the Emoji movie
Game of Thrones - teleport
Emilia Clarke makes $2.7 million per episode
Dawn of a New Era
How did Jerry score so many dates on the show?
Is horrorkino finally coming back?
I think if dad really wanted to be here he'd stop at nothing to make that happen maybe he just doesn't want you back or...
What did you think?
Only 80 more years till the copyright of star wars expires
What did Sup Forums think of pic related?
Are you prepared for 135 MINUTES of clown kino? Holy shit, 135 minutes
The Invitation (2015)
How did Rowling get away with this?
ETERNAL /got/ General
Sup Forums once again exposed as hypocrites
What are some good movies about Hollywood? I've already seen The Player, Maps to the Stars, Singing in the Rain...
What does Sup Forums think of this?
John Boyega: I'm looking for a gorgeous BLACK woman!!!"
Does Sup Forums like Arrow?
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Fear Mongering 101
And this is my wife's son's room. He's quite the movie buff
Hey Hillbilly!
ITT: kino scenes in TV
Removing Superman's Mustache From Justice League Is No Easy Task
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
So... what happened to him?
ITT: The last movie you watched and how was it
I'll be useful,Sir
*Drops out of production*
Is being a junkie actually like this?
There are poorfags on Sup Forums who pretend its ok to watch movies on laptops
This is still the most beautiful movie ever made
How badly is this going to flop?
Guess the celebrity thread
How do we stop nu-Sup Forums?
/got/ general: Salt and Smoke edition
This is fucking awful
What Johnny Depp movie should I download?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
This show is reddit, and you are reddit for watching it
Why do amerifats do whatever their favourite tv show says?
What's his endgame?
*urp* she's not your sister in this dimension Morty
Black America
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Would you watch the movie adaptation? What would it be like? Who would write it?
What a disgrace to the franchise
Is Rick a radical centrist?
People are very strange these days. I used to know a girl; she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it...
/got/ general: Save me choas edition
Any movies about communist atrocities or how evil communism is?
/got/ based grey worm
What does Sup Forums think of Camila Mendes?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Do you know what nemesis means
What are some white culture kinos?
Tfw no black lady to bleach in my area
What are some movies about delicious titties?
What videogame is this?
How do i know you will not just kill me
Are Adam Curtis docs kino?
This triggers the niggers
You passed your test
If you didn't know this was related to the Dark Tower, would you be able to tell just from this photo?
Paul Walker BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
Dont mind me my third film will be good, r-right?
What's next for his career?
Are they moving at the speed of one kilometer per day?
Why do people hate Queen Daenerys?
What (not poor) country do I have to move in so I don't hear or see blacks?
What's the general verdict then Sup Forums
*record scratch*
"Get ready for a taste of a REAL woman, kid."
What's the name of this hairstyle?
Kino documentary thread
/got/ general
Guys, be honest... Ya'll are rooting for him, right?
When will this motherfucker actually kill someone important?
They should turn Green Goblin into a woman and cast Kathy Griffin
Looks like white gaykino is back on the menu, boys!
What are some films about little monsters?
He killed millions
Name a worse movie
How can JUST-ice league compete
That's all we were waiting for
Who's your favorite character?
Troy: fall of a city
Why is every vietnam movie about how much it fucking sucked?
ITT: Proof that procedural tv can work
TFW it makes $1.4 billion
Spared no expense
Stop mocking Sony movies
Mentor is showing protege all sorts of gadgets and weapons disguised as everyday objects
When I wanted to do the rape scene, I explained to [Mara Lorenzio] that I was going to hit her and rape her...
Dude its bad on purpose so its good lmao ;)
Marvel kino thread boys
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
The extra that saved film
Great leaders
/got/ general
/got/ general
Just realised this has been released on DVD like five months ago. Is this a good movie?
Who was in the wrong here?
Webm Thread
Why does the Empire/First Order/Republic hate peripheral vision?
>>>>>Sorkin dialogue
Its up!!
/got/ general
Is dir kalt - kristen schaal!
Whats the /tv consus on Katheryn Winnick? She has stuff coming out
I fucked up. I should have seen this movie in theatres when it came out...
'Dunkirk' Confirmed To Be Racist
What's your single most favorite and best Simpsons joke?
Should right to vote be given to those who serve or to those who pay taxes?
The dullest franchise
Was Suicide Squad good for DC?
What do Sup Forums think of Ryan Gosling?
Do girls really do this?
/got/ general
Make thread discussing movies
30 minutes in now. Jesus christ, what a shit show... Why does this have 7.1 on IMDB?
Who is better, Refn or Von Trier?
What's next for his career?
Is the "Bane?" meme dead?
Dude just peel off your skin with a knife and you will be fine, LMAO
Why did he always order it "tea, earle grey, hot"?
What does Sup Forums think of A Goofy Movie?
Game of Thrones
/got/ Sansa
Movie about mental illness
Is the 80's really that cool?
Is he just shitposting, or is he a legitimate idiot?
Honestly, this made the whole prequel trilogy worthwhile
Revenue was up 12.3 percent, or 9 percent on a dollar basis, helped by higher television production sales...
John Oliver laying the smackdown on Alex Jones was pretty good
"If you're playing the movie on a telephone, you will never in a trillion years experience the film...
/got general
Hollywood Diversity and Inclusion See Little Rise in 10 Years (Study)
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
They better not fucking kill him off
Is his career over for playing this role?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Can't he go one show without talking about trump? i don't like trump either but christ dude just shut up already
What are the top ten greatest movies of all time?
Supernatural abilities in space/future
Nolan's Dunkirk is racist - I'm glad someone has finally said it
How many seasons would you say is ideal for a tv series?
"I was raped!"
They cast her as Squirrel Girl, do you agree with this choice?
What can I expect from The Layover? Does the trailer already show all the good stuff? If you know what I mean
What the FUCK was xers problem?
ITT: Characters who are literally you
Jesus fucking Christ
Why was he such an asshole to Rambo
/got/ general
Why did the historical epic die? They're box office poison now
Game of Thrones vs Rome
*sound of a gliding english fuelfree aircraft*
HBO LEAKS GENERAL /HLG/ - Sup Forums's Command Center to collect all data
Is it me or the quality of Rick and Morty episodes is really decreasing ?
Who should be the next James Bond?
I watched you get raped
Comedian Kathy Griffin Shaves Her Head: 'He Will NEVER Break Me'
In an age of capeshit and shared universes, can we ever get a true historical epic of Alexander the Great?
Just a heads up
‘The Emoji Movie’ Delivers A Number Two At The Box Office
Almost get killed by Mike Tyson
/got/ general
Alright Sup Forums lets settle this once and for all is this a good movie or not?
The milks gone bad!
You only get one Sup Forums waifu
That's how it starts, sir. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men... cruel
How was this allowed on a family show?
Rate S07 so far
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/got/ general
So Alex Jones is pretty much finished after this, right?
Alright there's been a few rick and morty threads that obviously devolved into a shit show. I just watched it...
I've never made it through a single film of his
Kahlan Amnell
Why can't we have nice things?
What was his fucking problem?
100% on RT
Deadshit 2
Kiernan Shipka will be 18 yo this November. What would you like to see next for her?
Serious casting concern/question...
I don't get it
Does being considered a "manlet" actually matter in the long run? Or is it a meme...
Mikkelsen interested in playing DOOM
Generation Kill
What was the worst part of this show
Your weekly /got/ reactions :^)
Criterion Collection 50% off sale
/got/ general
Simpsons jokes you don't understand
What's some good Cruise films?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Luke, did I ever tell you I used to be a slave owned by a blue jewish bat named Watto? Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon...
Will it be /black/ino?
Most overpriced, overrated army in any tv show? Also...
This was the worst moment in the episode
This show is gonna get the Rick and Morty cycle
ITT actors who won't live to old age
/got/ general
Are his non Hells Kitchen shows pure kino?
So do we all agree that this is the best episode in a long time?
Let's be honest, there isn't a person alive beautiful enough to play him
Entire comedy schtick is based around being redpilled on the vaginal Jew
Rick and Morty is kino
I hate how this nigger always acts like he's morally superior and more reasonable than all the degenerates around him...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Just saw this
Sup Forums approved actors
Bluray Collections
What is the trilogy equivalent of pic related?
/got/ general
Post movie magic
ITT: redpilled kino-"""villains""" who did nothing wrong
ITT: Simpsons´ jokoes you only understud years later
How could you have all the cards in your deck and still fuck up so badly?
Logan's Run
Bond. James Bond
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why didn't Raine just honor the deal?
What's your favorite episode of The X-Files?
Is she the villain of the show now?
Why does the US version of this show feel so fake...
/got/ general
"She's not MJ, she's MJ"
I wish I could find a Hitler of today and go kill him
So Bran watched his own sister get raped...let's try to honestly analyze this
Why did Hans Landa think the deal was going to be honored?
Why are you not on a private tracker yet Sup Forums?
The Watchers On The Wall was the best episode
Is Dan Vs. literally Sup Forums: The Animated Series?
What went wrong? How did Jackson go from the LotR to the Hobbit?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Eternal /got/ general
What what you say this shows biggest flaw is?
How will the world react when Wonder Woman wins an Academy Award
Any good movie/fiction about Tennis?
What are the best HBO shows?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Does anyone care about this guy anymore?
Legitimate question: was anyone actually surprised by the ending to this...
David Duke
"Reddit and morty"
Is Legend good?
Just back from an early screening in Boston. AMA
First set photos from 'Transformers' spin-off 'Bumblebee' starring Hailee Steinfeld and John Cena
What's her next move?
Is it the most universally liked film ever made?
Why do you guys like this asshole?
What is this expression trying to convey?
/got/ general
Your 'go 'za will be right out, sir
Vic has been dead for 2 years
Is this the best comedy of all time?
Here's The Animated Gay Love Story We've Been Waiting For
90 Day Fiance General
Name one thing Jerry did wrong
Great Soundtracks from Terrible Movies
Does anyone actually prefer the Amazing series to the Raimi films?
mfw I've got a gallic look about me
*blocks your bombing raid*
Draw a scene from a movie or tv show. Others guess the movie its from
Dr.Pavel, what's up doc?
What are the best made-for-TV movies?
Which VHS release are they lining up for?
Preacher Live Thread "Herr Starr in Play Edition"
Domino vs. Valkyrie
Post ITT or tomorrow you'll wake up dead
What did you think about it, Sup Forums? Was it, dare I say, shit
/got/ general
Joss Whedon says Buffy cast "should have been more diverse"
What's the Despacito of Television & Film?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Actress thread
Captain America
Thoughts on young cristina applegate's body of work?
After being dropped by Disney, do you think that Jake Paul has a future in Hollywood?
What was this expression intended to convey?
How would you adapt Song of Ice and Fire? What would you do differently than D&D?
Removing Superman's Mustache From Justice League Is No Easy Task
84% of Star Trek fans have pledged to "watch Orville instead"
Any good foodkino shows you guys would recommend? I've watched too much Gordon Ramsay and that Guy Fieri dude...
What's your favorite scene from the Sopranos?
Why is he doing so well if he's "so bad" Sup Forums?
/got/ general
What are his best movies?
Got a date for the first time in my life
You passed your test
Get Out
Tfw the "women are funny, get over it" meme literally ruined this show
/bb/ Big Brother 19
ITT: movies ruined by reddit
Did it really have to be 3 hours long?
Name me some ww1 kino
/Lotr General/
Why was that old cunt so mean to Jaime after he did her a favor and granted her a painless death?
Okay serious question (no racist Sup Forumstard shit):
What did they mean by this?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Watching HBO series
Who will play him in the literally inevitable biopic?
Everything that happens will be something that you've seen before
6'2 football Chad
/got/ general
With GOTG and homecoming flopping, what numbers will this do
Loved the show, but seriously, how were the producers allowed to do this?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
About to watch this. What do I think of it?
What went wrong ?
Do they explain how she and other women, like Black Widow...
Can she go back to the B Plot please?
Name ONE (1) A-list celebrity than has not been in a superhero and/or Star Wars movie
Has any character ever swore like this?
Give me your best Sup Forums cringe
You can practically see it from here
I thought he was poor?
/got/ general
What was your favorite fear factor season?
Is the Matrix kino, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums's thoughts on this? and on Mark Hamill in general?
Do you think it bothers her being typecast?
Sunday’s Game of Thrones Was a Message to Black America
Who is ruining tv?
Post got memes. season doesn't matter
Sup Forums used to hate Nolan for the worthless hack he is...
We're running out of good villains
Recommend films centring on people that are slightly forlorn e.g. Nothing Personal, Castaway on the Moon...
Watching the undisputed GOAT show on netflix
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Hello mr user, I will be your new therapist from now on, how do you feel?
You lied to me Sup Forums, this movie was actually pretty good
Honest opinions on this cult classic?
Female Characters that piss you off
Atheists BTFO
Cast Friends if it was made in 2017
Is standup comedy pretty much dead?
Character is named Domino because she has a powder white face with black dot around her eye
Realistically speaking, how can this show go on now that Chuck is dead? He was the backbone of the entire series...
Dany's baby lived through birth, was kidnapped and is now being raised by Mirri Maz Duur
What will his opening monologue be about tonight?
Board Game Kino
/got/ general
Pick the better movie
Whats your favorite Hidden Detail / Easter Egg from a TV/movie?
Sauron is dead
It's happening!
Actors/actresses you like who don't have any movies you like
Why the fuck does Lena Headey get naked in every other movie she does but uses a body double for GOT...
/bb/ Big Brother 19
Was it kino?
HBO hacked: Upcoming episodes, Game of Thrones data leaked online
Why does Seth MacFarlane's The Orville look so much better than Star Trek: Discovery?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What does Sup Forums think of the X-Files?
Shamelessly stolen from Sup Forums, but I thought it could work at least as well here to
/got/ general
This is highly underrated
Dunkirk discussion
The way Dany turned around to look at Jon Snow
So I just watched this movie and what the fuck is with the ending?
I'm the shot caller now
With friends
/got/ general
Tell me about a movie or TV shows where one of the most entertaining characters isn't given more than a brief cameo
Joey King
What the fuck went wrong?
Tom Hardy in Dunkirk
What would you like to see in the sequel?
Twin Peaks
Jessica Biel is starring in USA's new prestige drama. Discuss
New GoT angry review is out
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Has there been any greater portrayal of a Sup Forums user in television?
Kidkino thread
/got/ general
Name a more autistic website about celebrities
Name as many characters as you can
Rick and Morty S03E02 Discussion Thread #4
How the fuck do you age this much in 18 years?
The Freak is BACK
I just marathoned the first episode of The Man in the High Castle
Give me one good reason to hate him.without the word ¨reddit¨
Help people appreciate life more
Alex Jones has never been wrong
I just watched this for the first time, with almost no prior knowledge of its cult status...
/got/ general
Trey Parker: Rick and Morty is as bad as Family Guy
/kbm/ - Kino Black Market Thread
How many carrots did bugs eat?
Harry could have fucked this quirky goddess
/got/ General - Normie edition
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Sup Forums is tumblr
Did he actually have any proof that he was Isildurs heir?
Does this movie contain the best unsuspecting jump scares of all time?
What do we think of Bob's Burgers?
Negative 600k
Donald Trump Animated Series From Stephen Colbert Headed to Showtime
What does Sup Forums think of Natalie Portman?
Doctor Who General - /who/
Tried to watch yesterdays episode to see how bad it was. It was atrocious
/got/ general
Does Cersei really like fingers in the bum?
My dick
What does kino mean? I've been dying to know
ITT: Write lines you would like to hear in a movie
Why are blacks the ones complaining about "white washing" in movies when shit like this happens?
/got/ general
Finally a show I can enjoy without contributing to the corrupt hetero-cis-normativity of our patriarchal neo-capitalist...
The History of Trunks to be produced by HBO
So, even if she manage to win, what the fuck is she going to do with that legion of horsefuckers after the war?
Why don't millennials watch TV or support the film industry anymore? Hollywood is literally on life support now
Movies about retarded people?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General - STORY TIME EDITION
Jenny Slate
Why Marvel Studios can't make a Punisher movie like the Nolan trilogy?
Best show
RIP Sam Shepard
How the hell did they manage to conquer Hightower in just a day without even any siege weapons?
About to marathon the extended versions
King Arthur: Legend of the sword
Realistically speaking, could Batman defeat Iron Man?
I saw this before watching BvS, then I saw the movie, then I saw the extended edition. Months later...
Paul Greengrass is planning a film about the 2011 terrorist attack in Norway by Anders Breivik
Finally, based John Oliver putting that fat snake oil salesman down. Oliver truly is /ourguy/
Is American History X worth watching even though I don't like Nortons acting?
/got/ general
/got/ general
Cersei's done horrible things I could never even imagine myself doing. She's a monster
This was the best onscreen Spider-Man costume
Juden? Juden? I'm Juden, ya know
Momma, momma, momma
Post your favorite movie and get judged fairly
Why don't they make sequel to this where the kids are already adult and have their problems and old Jack Black reunites...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...