Any movies about communist atrocities or how evil communism is?
Any movies about communist atrocities or how evil communism is?
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No because real communism has never been attempted
Why does everything have to be about pol? You do know communists are just as evil as Nazis
Doesn't stop left/pol/ from worshipping the USSR and Stalin
>people who don't like communism are Nazis
>this shitty ass bait will lead the thread to 200 replies
lmaoing at ur lives rn
enjoy your cia cuckaine pleb
>free (you)s: the post
If you can't think of a movie portraying communism atrocities then you need to get out of this thread buster
>caring what 8gag boards do
That's actually the only tactic that tankies have.
Anyway I'm gonna be first to actually contribute to this thread.
One of the most significant cold war era movies.
Surprisingly few, especially considering the lopsided focus on fascist atrocities.
How many films about Stalin's purges can you name?
the killing fields comes to mind but inb4 thats not true communism
I love this movie. Also incidentally it was the first date between my parents so if it didn't exist there's a chance I wouldn't be alive
also it's weird how the actor playing the oppressed Cambodian was killed by rice niggers in LA yet the actual guy survived Pol Pot's killing fields and is still alive today
Capitalism has killed way more people if you go by the bullshit way. You get the 100 million stastic.
communism only had a run of a few decades
capitalism has had basically all of human history
The Interrogation. Made in Poland in 1982 it was released after the fall of communism in 1989. It was made in secret basically waiting for better times. A one of a kind movie.
since the rise of capitalism the worldwide population skyrocketed. thank you capitalism? thank you on infinite chinks and niggers!
rightism is eviler, you faggot
A producer-consumer relation that exists for god knows how long and moved us forward because... some people are still poor. Well I'm sorry the thing that got people out of poverty more than anything else and will continue in the future didn't create a paradise in one night.
Better cling to a theory that promises that but only creates more poverty.
makes you wonder how people don't get bored of this
Same director made this. About Stalinist practices in post-WWII Poland. Geralt plays one of the biggest real life monsters and the interrogation scenes are just incredibly hard to watch (fitting for a guy who made a movie called Interrogation).
Are you implying the population didn't grow in Communist Countries? Just one excuse after the next. For some reason a famine in rural China is commuisms fault but millions of people dying of preventable diseases and war in capitalist Utopias like Ethopia don't count.
That's very small compared to how many capitalism kills
stop thinking about hebrews all day
greatest story never told
People are more poor in Russia right now and have an objectivly lower quality of life then they did in the Soviet Union right now. Besides the drug problems, Crime and low birth rate. Capitalism stopped working at the same time as communism did in the early 70s. When we started running out of resources.
Only if it a movie about your low IQ.
Whites and capitalism > niggers and communism
Damn it really is tought to pick one.
I don't trust anti-commie movies made during the American red scare. Lesss than 10 years before Hollywood was making movies praising the Soviets when they were valued as allies. No, a real anti-communist movie must come from within.
Here's a list but I don't think it's very helpful. It has Indiana Jones and that movie about Che which I heard is not anti-communist at all. Benicio del Toro dedicated it to Che at Cannes and the entire crowd cheered for him. Fucking bastards. But some other movies look promising. I assume the one from Estonia is about Johan Laidoner.
>Communism is evi-
Russia and capitalism? It wasnt a thing there before the Soviets and it certainly isn't now.
>Capitalism stopped working at the same time as communism did in the early 70s. When we started running out of resources.
What the actual fuck is this California-tier bullshit? Actually it sounds more like 17th century mercantilism to me. If you are free to start a new enterprise and enjoy the fruits of your labor according to the law then it's capitalism.
> 100 million isn't much
I can't believe you don't consider that horrendous and I can't believe there are legit commies here
I'm impressed it didn't list natural disasters too.
Holy crap it's so retarded I want to know the thought process of the creator of this shit. It's some Antifa scumbag isn't it?
I found this one funny.
>Fascist terror in Spain
Yeah because the republicans didn't have any blood on their hands.
wow can you believe all of that happened in just half a dozen countries and in the span of less than a century?
oh wait this isn't communism, this is worldwide and back to 1492 in a desperate attempt to beat communist numbers
>100 million indians
The Paris Commune, was capitalism's fault? Maybe you shouldn't have started shooting people?
Compared to capitalism it isn't much.
Choosing between the two based on death totals is stupid but if that's your criteria communism clearly wins
No crime is big enough for them to face the reality. The promise of utopia is too tempting for them. Even if it doesn't work it's the concept that they like. When a murderous spy Kim Philby escaped to USSR he tried to commit suicide but eventually he convinced himself that even though the reality of the soviet system wasn't what he imagined at least the theory was noble.
Yeah still showing the double standard. You can weaseal out of it by switching the conversation to race. Capitalism has killed way more people then Communism. If we used the same standard and isn't superior in all cases.
The difference is that there have been good, honest leaders of capitalist countries.
Name one commie who didn't murder a large portion of the population
Even funnier is the thought that fascists are capitalist.
Antifa just doesn't know what capitalism is. It's way too difficult to describe so instead they turn to the genocidal ideology they never experienced but that they teacher told them was good and not oppressive at all.
From my experiences nazis and commies are so alike but ever since they ended their friendship in 1941 they have one funny quality. Each is willing to talk about the crimes of their opponent and can be truthful about it. But they always deny their own.
>80% of American Indians died from smallpox Diseases are capitalist now?
>Compared to capitalism it isn't much.
How do you figure that?
>It's some Antifa scumbag
I guess you're pro fascism, yes communism was always executed in a reprovable way but fascism is rotten to its core.
fascism is better in concept than communism
>22,000 children die everyday due to poverty according to UNICEF
And that's just children
They're both dogmatic totalitarians. They're alike in how opposed they are to every alternative, so it stands to reason that they are most opposed to each other.
That's like saying stepping on shit barefoot is better than eating it. Sure you don't eat it but it still sucks.
Make that a 100% of the things listed there that have nothing to do with capitalist system or is a thing that is a universal problem and is only worse in communism.
The closest thing to a capitalism-created problem would probably be the rise of East India Company and the such but they were basically state-funded enterprises that had the official charter and were totally dependant on the governent and relied on geographical distance to do as they please not that they succeeded for long.
>Iraq death toll 1.2 million
Try 100,000 and it's not like al qaeda didn't kill anyone.
have less kids, use birth control, etc
how can you even live with 8 kids to raise
They won't as long as we send them aid.
It has nothing to do with capitalism, it has to do with the sort of people that you are.
>All that desperation in one image.
No but I'm guessing you're just like every other retarded communist drone I encountered by making this accusation. I'm really glad worms like you are not a problem anymore and won't hurt more people. You should've listened to Bernstein (if you even know who that is) who told you exactly where Marx was wrong.
Hint: this is how you lost the working class forever.
Al-quaeda is a capitalist organization
i am the victim of communism feel sorry for me
and send me some money btw
If you want anti-comunist movies you have to check on European cinema. Especially from countries that actually experienced it.
Oh I get it. It isn't "true capitalism". It's funny how lolberts and commies sound the same when their talking about their precious economic system. The 70s is when wages stopped scaling with production. Technological and scientific innovation began to stagnate. Schools and universities went to shit. Capitalism was only able to by some time by ransacking all of it's public resources.
if communism is so bad why did all the ex communist countries instantly joined the EU the moment they could
You mean after we ditched the gold standard?
What does it produce and who's the buyer? And under which law because I thought it wasn't exactly legal.
>eastern 3rd world shitholes
Also the US isn't in Iraq anymore, so it isn't present.
I think that having children should be forbidden.
ah ah ah, they just barricaded the city after the troops refused to fire on civilian and joined the protest against the removal of the montmartre canons, then the monarchist government bombed the shit out of them for being filthy commies and anarchists. Try harder or read a book you disgusting lumpenprole.
The gold standard could not survive expanding governent and deficit spending. All the great things brought to you by Keynesian economics.
And just to be clear. I hate it but the only real debate is between the followers of Hayek and Keynes. Marxist commies don't even count as a real option in the intelectual debate. I hope this is the one thing both sides can agree on.
What did the Irish famine have to do with capitalism? It was just population control.
To barricade parts of the city isn't legal I believe. Also the government wasn't monarchist then it was a republic.
A parasite like you has no right to talk about the working class, and the way you're so triggered I guess you don't know shit, but I don't need to worry about you since you made you choices, just enjoy your minimum wage moving boxes around or flipping burgers since that and clapping at demagogues it's all you're good at.
I don't really see how you can blame capitalism for that. Those kids would be dying regardless of which economic system is dominant in the world. I guess you could make the argument that communism would provide them with a little more food, but free handouts is exactly what created that situation in the first place.
You're all psychopaths.
Chekist 199w
A secret police officer's descent into madness while executing political dissenters.
Repentance 1984
True anticommunist kino.
>try to look for anti-communist movies
>literally all movies with Stallone, Chuck Norris and shit like "I married a communist"
Besides Killing Fields Hollywood offers nothing. Even The Bridge of Spies is full of that post-'68 relativism. Just stick to movies from the former eastern block. Or watch this documentary. It will trigger both commies and nazis as it doesn't shy away from their productive alliance.
Californian fag. You don't know what communism looks like but it's never too late to try to join your comrades in Venezuela or whatever the fuck. But bring your own shitpaper.
>Communism is bad because it killed people
So did every other ideology and system in history
>Communism is bad because it causes poverty
Poor people exist in literally every economic system
>Reddit cuck meme antifa!
Oh I see
>you has no right to talk about the working class
>enjoy your minimum wage moving boxes around or flipping burgers
t. leftist
The thing that caused the most harm should be hated the most.
Also communism never eliminates poverty unlike other systems.
>We are the real power against the bourgeois but fuck those hicks that vote for conservatists.
Also fucking hell assuming someone's class? Isn't that classist? Btw my prospects are looking quite good right now. Gotta love developing economy.
i've been thinking about this for a very long time, and i know what people are saying when they say "that's not real communism." it's the most arrogant possible argument you could make. what they mean is that "if i was in charge, i would've ushered in the utopia, instead of the genocidal massacres, because i understand the marxist doctrine and everything about me is good" well THINK AGAIN, SUNSHINE.
>communism theory requires a set of steps
>all these "communist" states lack multiple of them
>somehow this is real communism
>tfw a board that complains about sjws investing their comic book kino attempts to talk about radical politics
o i am laffin
If the ultimate goal is some vaguely described utopia that cannot possibly happen then we're justified in calling communist countries that officialy pursued that goal.
Most ideologies don't have an endgame anyway they just want to improve.
Why are commies so intent on giving complete control of their lives to their government?
Sure you know you'll get your basic income, enough to get your fair share of bread and circuses, you'll get decent treatment if you're ill, you'll get free access to (useless) education, but you'll never be in any position to achieve greater things.
You're literally cattle in a welfare state, daddy government ensures you don't starve or die from illness, all while keeping you locked up in the happy little ranch.
>Why are commies so intent on giving complete control of their lives to their government?
this is the dumbest thing I've seen
>start to make a list to try to blame individual freedom on massacres
>almost 100% bullshit
>in the end you get a number so small that it might not even have gotten past the death toll of communist policy
>"fuggggg :DDD"
>add slave trade, holocaust, and 100 million indigenous
Any movies about Pitesti Prison?
Is malaria capitalist?
Slave trade is a textbook example of capitalism killing people in the pursuit of profit and exploiting labour.
true communism doesnt have a government
Dying of it due to the high cost of malaria drugs which you can't afford because you are being exploited by global capitalism is