ITT: Actors who browse Sup Forums
ITT: Actors who browse Sup Forums
hello don jon
>Davey choked to death on his sweat stained clothes
he died happy hopefully.
An obvious one
How about these obvious two.
Dane DeHaan, of working at his mom's furniture store, hating Aaron Paul and getting raped at an audition fame.
OOooooooooo so close
The one and only: Bill Shatner
Liam Neeson obviously shills his movies here.
cheeki breeki my american comrade welcome to KGB'd kingdom and rememeber happy russia day
she probably came up with the lego blind item herself
dang I'd love a taste of that sweaty roon swoon
Is the shatman the only person who is confirmed to browse Sup Forums
DeHaan too
Deehaan confirmed for ultra satan.
>my brother occasionally posts here
>he's someone you would recognize if you watch a lot of tv but not really "famous"
>no one ever believes him when he posts stories about the truly famous he's met/friends with/worked with
is he a voice actor
Truth quads
What happened to DAVEY?