It's going to be shit, isn't it?

it's going to be shit, isn't it?

>shoving adapting the first 5 books into one movie
>expecting anything but shit

They could have just done one slow burner with the first book, padded it a bit and it'd have been amazing

hope not, watching this for free

What, is it going to be a VOD?

>Akiva Goldsman

Yep, pure trash.

Regardless, every Sup Forumstard on the site will sperg about it for weeks because there's a black dude in it.

it's not an adaption. It's a prequel and sequel

No, the boring as fuck trailers with grey colors and seemingly flat story means the movie is going to do well.

Well look at that promo image. Is there anything remotely interesting about some nigger in some Morpheus-like gear walking around a city with a kid?

>Test Screenings
The bane of the film industry

Reddit is that way --->

>hurr the marketing said so so it must be true
They're going to explain why Roland turned into a nigger too since it's a sequel right?

Yes and No.

There's been instances where studio interference or whatever has led to a better film. Not many but still.

>abbey lee is being wasted in this

just put her in a dceu kino already

The Man in black did nothing wrong
Blaine the Train did nothing wrong
Roland is white
Oy is best doggo

It will very probably flop harder than fant4stic.
There will be a few threads for a 3-4 days and then everyone will forget it ever existed.

>Three blind screenings last October, shown before final effects work had been completed, confirmed fears that the picture was a mess. Audiences at the test screenings couldn’t understand the mythology and rated the film poorly.
>The two companies split costs, and in return MRC was granted “kill rights” on everything from the marketing campaign to the final cut of the picture. If one company didn’t like a trailer or a cut of the film, it had to be scrapped, making it difficult to achieve consensus. It’s a rare type of partnership, with the kind of sign-off that few production companies enjoy. That led to a case of “too many cooks in the kitchen,” according to one insider. King also had a great deal of input. In return for the rights to his work, he retained veto approval of almost every aspect of the film.
>The books move forward and backward in time and reference multiple genres, from gangster films to Arthurian legends. It was a struggle to combine parts of several books into an 88-minute film that appeals to both King devotees and mainstream audiences.
>Sony’s Rothman believes that the narrative complexity will ultimately help the film connect with audiences. “It’s a fantasy film and so yes, it’s complicated; it’s intricate and ambitious, but that’s a good thing because with the complexity of the stuff on television now, theater audiences want ambition,” he said.

this sounds like a bomb for the ages

Of course it is. It has literally the same plot as the Masters of he Universe movie m. The only difference being that that trashed a crappy kids toy commercial show and this is trashing Stephen King's magnum opus

going by the trailer; yes

I feel like buying some Ziploc all of a sudaaaa

>tfw they could have filmed the Gunslinger for 10 million in a California desert
>nah let's waste tens of millions of dollars turning this story into Harry Potter

Stephen himself already did that by making every book worse than the previous one. I couldn't get past book 3 because it was so shit.

Everyone with half a brain realized it was going to be shit after watching the trailer. The IT 2017 trailer didn't look too bad so hopefully that will be some good Stephen Kin(g)o. Maybe in 5 years after everyone's forgotten about this shit show we can get a series made by people who give a fuck

>movies should be like TV lmao

Retard fucking exec, holy FUCK.

yeah, because Rolad isn't a NIGGER

.>modern Hollywood making a big budget Western
Never gonna happen, theyre for white people

Why the FUCK didn't they just make a TV show then?! It could have turned out half decent

>implying a film adaptation of a stephen king novel could ever be shit

Your fear of the black man is noted..

I think i'm gonna skip this now.

I love the books I really do. Favorite series. I'd give everything to see it on the big screen. except this. This is terrible. The best thing about Dark Tower books were their heavy western influences. It all came to life through the main character Roland Deschain. A Gunslinger who's attitude and looks sold the story. A big part being white and blue eyes (In contrasts to Randal flagg being 'The man in black'. These idiots couldn't figure out the poetry in the books

The story could have been adequately adopted in a low budget TV series.

Instead we got this Dr Strange shit with a token black guy for a lead.

The book features a disabled black woman as a main character. That wasnt diverse enough?

>second book deals about a mentally insane woman hates white people with passion
>let´s switch the race of the protagonist form a to a white guy for "diversity" sake because that is gonna work just fine

>this will ever get a sequel
Even if it does they'll just make her a white lady that hates black people. They'll get their forced diversity AND get to show how evil the white man is. Win win

>poetry in the books

Isnt it racist that a black cowboy has to be in the inner city instead of a western wasteland?

you dont belong here

Wait, it combines parts of SEVERAL books? Well that's a flop.

More like the stories of a man who was drugged up,drunk, and depressed during the years of his life this book was made. Idc about Stephen King at all (Major cuck) but these books are ripe for discussion.

>Sup Forums boogeyman
Yep, they went through your skull.

Why isn't this a TV series?

Because Sony was desperate to start a new movie franchise.
They probably thought this was the new Harry Potter or Hunger Games.

We get it, your racist. /pol needs to leave forever


But it's a valid question given that this supposed to be a sequel.

>Sup Forums boogeyman

But he's right and they're already in the thread even though it's going to be a shit movie that under any other circumstances no one would bother to watch these fucks are going to whine and bitch about it until tumblr catches on and retaliates and it becomes a way bigger deal than it should be for a boring, generic, middle of the road sci fi movie for preteens.

How has Sony even survived up to this point?

I agree user it would've been a lot more interesting if he was white.

dead meme

>Blaine the train

Not to mention, she'll be cured of her hatred through the power of black dick, so they'll get the white chick/black dude pairing that Hollywood has been obsessed with for the last few years. It's a win-win-win.

Don't worry, friendo. To bypass that problem they just cut Susannah out of the movie entirely :^)

guy is ugly so it will be shit. too bad because boy is cute.

I remember the producers of the Final Destination films would intentionally make shit endings for the sequels after the test screening for the first film got hugely negative reviews so they got more money to make a huge end sequence. Worked every time.

Cause Sony Pictures is retarded

>people stll think they can get a decent movie out of King without an incredible director

>intentionally make shit endings
I'm reminded heavily of South Park: Bigger Longer And Uncut's bit where they just fucking nuked the whole movie to complete over-the-top-ness in order to get an R rating (Didn't want another Orgazmo on their hands)

What are the chances King will backpedal on all the good words the put out in favor of the movie once it bombs like a mad paki in heat?

Orgazmo is a great film.

it was always going to be shit because the source material is shit.

but I can't wait for the HAHAHAH IT FLOPPED BECAUSE NIGGER threads, will be a great time.

The trailer made it look kinda good, mostly because of Idris.
But I doubt he's gonna be able to carry the whole movie.

>Cast lead character as diversity hire
>So far removed from common folk that they don't realize they've turned an iconic phrase into a sure laugh line.

She's going to climb his Dark Tower lol

>Stephen King's magnum opus
[fart noise]

And in the 7th book the timeline gets reset but he has the Horn of Eld this time, who's to say that any of his Ka-Tet will be who they were the last time around.

Jfc, it doesn't even deserve a chance.



Honestly its a hard movie to make, and nothing against Idris Elba in the slightest, but the fact they casted him shows that their plans for this movie were more or less incorporeal. I wouldn't be surprised if this movie turns out to be just completely off-the-wall retarded. It doesn't exactly inspire confidence to know that whoever has creative control over this already bubbling hot shitstorm is willing to go so far out on a limb as to change the main character's race entirely.

yeah dude fucking pols man why is there someone that doesn't agree with my american pop culture bubble

>source material is written by stephen king

it was always going to be shit. the shit is just compounded now by incompetency by the studio as well.

>all you took from that post was the use of the word "nigger"

The movie will flop. I know why. You're either shilling or in denial.


>Three blind screenings last October, shown before final effects work had been completed, confirmed fears that the picture was a mess. Audiences at the test screenings couldn’t understand the mythology and rated the film poorly.

Oh boy.

Why don't goyim use ad block

Could never understand why this trash series got popular in the first place during the golden age of fiction

isn't the dark tower a massive book? what did they think was going to happen squashing it into a 2 hour movie?

>Matthew McConaughey passed on that sweet Marvel money for this.


Sup Forums only responds to "take THAT, white people" articles, which have been thin on the ground for this movie

>because with the complexity of the stuff on television now, theater audiences want ambition


Different mediums you abject retard. Dark Tower is a good foundation for a TV project. Go full autismo and tie it into other King properties that are more movie suited if you want - The Dark Tower could run for years and have references to ongoing King based movies. That's your shitty universe gimmick done.

But instead we get a rush to get 5 books into 1 movie. Absolute shit tier.

>88 mins
>8 books
>11 mins per book

Really Makes You Think

You should have known this the moment it was announced

>being mad about casual racism
They won. You've been had.

Love the books, hate King as a person, and staying away from this movie. I hope it bombs considering how they butchered the source material.

>every movie studio pathetically trying to cobble together their own shared universe
>get a property that's entirely about the concept of an authors work being in a shared universe
>don't utilize this at all

bravo talentless jews

When you put it like that it sounds like Hollywood is full of incompetent retards.

Matthew McConaughey has done nothing but great decisions the last decade and now this? What the fuck was he thinking?


To what? How the fuck is that possible?

I bet he actually liked the books, so he wanted to insert himself.

Yes. The more I hear the more I am convinced it's garbage

> 90 min runtime
> Compressing books into one
> Peudo sequel to the books
> Sony

>It was a struggle to combine parts of several books into an 88-minute film that appeals to both King devotees and mainstream audiences.

Could have been an epic film series but instead we get a rushed 88 minute film that's supposed to cover 7 books and prequel and sequel material. What a mess.

> Casual Racism
> Sup Forums

Yeah I don't see what the problem is. Stop taking shitposting seriously you fucking idiot

Yeah there was never casual racism on other boards you niggers.

>people will defend wanting to blackwash james bond with this old ugly fuck because he's a "good actor"

>saying nigger on Sup Forums or making a joke about a black dude makes you Sup Forums
this is why everyone hates redditors, because you take no effort to learn the board culture and start spazzing out when you see naughty words.

Feels like a classic Sony rush job to keep the film rights. Like how they keep fucking up Spiderman.

Adaptations of Stephen King almost always fail. Only times they've worked is when they movie is so different from the source that they could have called it something else than what the books name originally was, because if there is anything King's work needs badly it is editing.

Yeah the point of Sup Forums is that there is no need for filter. Anyone who gets triggered seeing word nigger should go to forums instead.

Flagg isn't the man in black.
Book 3 is the best one. Fuck you and fuck the face of your father!
Forecast looks promising on that front.

Nobody is talking about the real problem. This isn't The Dark Tower, this is capeshit. Pure and simple. They turned Roland into some quipping slowmo physics defying air realoding sliding cuck.

The Mist was pretty good, from what I can remember about the story it was faithful until they changed the ending for the movie but it worked.

Green Mile was a great movie

Don't forget about Maximum Overdrive

What is Misery. What is The Green Mile. What is The Shawshank Redemption. What is The Mist.

> white chick/black dude

You mean one of the last prevailing cinematic taboos?