Here's The Animated Gay Love Story We've Been Waiting For
Not interracial enough.
Thats really, really gay.
What are some straight animated love stories?
I really cant think of any that are just about the romance.
Meh. It was kinda cute.
>it's a Sup Forums gets triggered by drawings of homos episode
lol go watch more futa u faggots
>We want the steven universe audience
Good for them.
I'm sure they will regret this tough.
It's not gay, it's a friendship platonic love type deal
Come on, not even you contrarians can deny that was adorable.
welp, there goes nofap
>you will never be good enough to get the attention of a cute apple-bouncing gay college kid
(((Beth David)))
I wish I could spin apples like that.
paperman, fami
Agreed. That user obviously hasn't been exposed to much.
TFW no dark haired pre-pubescent boy with big brown eyes to love.
Looks gay.
Wish I could hold you in my arms right now user :)
glad someone had the courage to make this., kids don't have nearly enough homosexual propaganda shoved down their throats
I already have a boyfriend, sweetie.
>both are white males
Not progressive enough
Yes! This it he bright future that Queen Hillary and the DNC wanted for our children. You cannot defeat us Drumpfy! #CelebrateLove
Why are all short films so gay and reddit
So do they suck each other off in the movie and have buttsex for the viewers?
Well the
Can you not think of a better adjective than reddit? Are you that uncreative? Is your mind so ruled by tribalism?
ITT: Triggered drumpftards.
It's just a children's cartoon. Get over it.
w-what happened?
I look 100% like paper man, when do I get my wageslave qt?
meh that was cute.
I love how ass blasted this gay kids shit makes Sup Forums.
>put gays in tv shows and movies
>waaaaaaaah stop shoving propaganda down my throat make your own media
>make your own media
>waaaaaaaah degenerates stop :(((
drumphkins in a nutshell
Makes me wonder
He might have been taken by Candlejack. But of course Candlejack is just an urba
Fuck off reddit
I love this shit. Lefties legitimately want everyone to be bi sexual or gay.
There is literally nothing wrong with two boys falling in love
Holy shit, that made me cry
Very cute and adorable
Kids do brainless shit like that. It's adults who read into it.
In a perfect world everyone is a cute twink.
Jesus christ their kids are so fucking gaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy
it's unbearable
And they have AIDS
nigga knows whats up
Kimi no motherfucking Na Wa you pleb.
And Sup Forums wants everyone to be alone like they are
why do you care so much?
I'm so sick of having to hear you stupid fucking shitheel redneck hicks come into my work and whine about faggots this and queers that.
Sweden yes!
Straight man here and thought it was a nice film short. Not mad, 7/10
Can no one stop the Jews?
Looking at the comments, it worked.
bro, relax, i'm gay myself
It's just funny how queer their kids are, that's all, you don't have to be all autismo about it.
I'm sure the younger one will come out pretty early kek
fine for what it is, forgettable as fuck though especially the art design
The people was cool, the backgrounds were ok, the heart was shit. Still managed to melt me.
The ginger boy was really well animated. The music is pretty sweet too.
It was a good little short.
>inb4 Oscar nomination
cap this
The reason gays want to indoctrinate your children is so they can sexually abuse them. This is how they get new recruits.
If a video can make your son suck a dick then you're a horrible parent and your kid is retarded.
Gays always have to pervert people and recruit. That's the only way they can get new gays.
So do we counteract this with some pedo love film?
500 days of summer
I can't fucking believe you're this retarded and ignorant.
what a great message for children!
I am so happy this is the future we chose!
unf, muh dick
*1940's voice*
" Homosexuality! All the kids are doing it! "
>white birth rates continue to drop
>white women encouraged to use birth control and get abortions
>homosexual relations between whites are becoming more and more pushed on children through cartoons and movies
White genocide is real folks.
Man, Jack i so fucking gay in denial
He's dying for that frog cock
>that last frame
holy hell are they forcing it or what? They suddenly posed like they were in the middle of super passionate post orgasm bliss
if it makes you feel better im a spic and don't want kids so hey, few less enemies for you to deal with I guess.
It's like if Jim Halpert ended up with a QT instead of Pam
>White genocide is real folks.
Yes it is. The only upside is that society will collapse when it's run by blacks and hispanics. Just look at every nation they've ever run in all of history.
It's not a kids movie, was shown at an adult film festival and is rated the equivalent of PG-13
Birth rates are dropping because you're virgin betas
homo rates are increasing because you're a faggot
That's pretty hot. You got anything else kind of cute like that user?
It's suicide.
Cucks are murdering themselves and dropping out of the gene pool.
There are, like, compilations of those two being gay together
>muh master race gene pool
Pretty funny coming from somebody who will likely never pass on their genetic code.
Candlejack? Never thought I'd hear that name ag
because the behaviour of that kid is clearly indicating that he gets molested. this is not fucking normal for a kid this age. you are either such a massive faggot to not see it or you deliberately don't want to see it and want to try to find excuses for his behaviour.
Already a father of two.
3d animation is gay
If you want to stop children from being exposed to homosexual propaganda, you can contribute.
Stop visiting Sup Forums. One child at a time.
Yeah, sure you are, buddy.
So this is like Pixar taking on boku no pico? Worth a watch?
I like your sense of humour about this.
I personally like propaganda, it separates the (mentally) strong from the weak.
A rite of passage, if you will.
If you grow up to be a normal human being in this day and age, you're truly among the best.
Froggo is always so affectionate with his bros
I thought it was a movie too. It's not. It's a 4 minute short.
It's kinda cute but storywise it's literally nothing.
10 billion dollars says you can guess the entirity of it.
So no gaybois bumming each other, got it
But we already have the best gay animated love story
Yea, I can't disagree with that.
Jack is the most 'affectionate' one tho
>be unattractive lonely wage slave
>paper airplane comes through the window and lands on my desk
>it appears to be some kind of love letter
>get excited for the first time in years
>look out the window and it's some faggot giving me a dirty look because he can't throw the paper airplane right to the girl he's throwing it to
Didn't the white one die?
No. Brown haired one was seriously injured though.