>Corn is the only crop remaining, Murph!!
>*Drinks a beer*
Seriously, Nolan?
Corn is the only crop remaining, Murph!!
Corn bear. Barley wine. Etc.
You need hops brah. Unless they're drinking a very cloy shitty beer, but even then why waste time fermenting and making a beer when you're starving?
You can make beer from corn, it would just be really shitty beer. Probably why he left Earth.
'murican """"""""""beer""""""""""
Barley would still be beer.
Beer is fermented sugars from grain: wheat, barley, corn, etc.
Wine is fermented sugars from fruits: grapes, pomegranates, plums, etc.
>*translates binary ticking of a broken watch into multi-layered, extremely long and complicated formula for gravity*
DUDE maybe Nolan's films are just a bit too clever for you
No. Ale, for example, is frequently brewed without hops.
Fucking hipster faggot and your hoppy beers. Stop shitting up beers
Ethanol is ethanol, doesn't matter what it was fermented from. "X alcohol is from y grain or fruit" is a marketing gimmick or social custom/tradition.
Nolan probably didn't want him drinking moonshine or something less relatable to the Average Joes in the audience self-inserting as Coop
You are now aware that Corona is made from Corn, not wheat.
Where do they brew ales without hops nowadays?
They were eating a corn casserole there is no reason that a beer shouldnt have been made from corn too.
Hops are in all beers, including in your shitty Bud Light, you autist
Is budweiser made from marijuana then?
it was vintage beer
>Chicha de jora is a corn beer prepared by germinating maize, extracting the malt sugars, boiling the wort, and fermenting it in large vessels, traditionally huge earthenware vats, for several days.
>Beer is made from wheat
>he doesn't know bout corn mash
>Earth is about to end
>Starvation is spreading
nigga, I would've sucked down those bottles long ago
Not once have I eaten corn and then been able to just take a s*** and not find whole kernels in it.
Their turds must have been entirely yellow.
Northerners will never appreciate how delicious cornbread is.
>but even then why waste time fermenting and making a beer when you're starving?
Alcohol is calorie dense, nutritious, and has a long shelf life. The real question is: why wouldn't you?
>and has a long shelf life
Only if you use hops
alcohol never goes bad in a sealed bottle u fucking retard
I think you meant beer, and not alcohol. And it will go bad no matter how hard you seal it. Imagine skunked beer but on a higher level without a preservative like hops
google it tard