Boyega is against racemixing!
John Boyega: I'm looking for a gorgeous BLACK woman!!!"
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thoughts, everyone?
I thought he was a Homer sexual.
wtf I love John Boyega now
based dindu
He knows that white women are impure whores who look like shit past the age of 30.
death to all niggers
can't wait for him to fade away after this trilogy
I share these thoughts too
The only white women that go for black men are ones with daddy issues and enjoy being degraded.
/OUR/ Guy
That's just not true.
Turn off your trip, nobody cares about you.
It is completely true.
Why are they taking so much pleasure embarrassing him like this? Would they ask this question to Daisy Ridley? I think not, because that would be sexist to imply she needs a boyfriend.
>nobody cares about you.
>replies anyway
seem like you care
could care less, he just seems like some cocky goody two shoes
boyega is a faggot.
>hurr i was in star wars and Im black so i demand all movies have a a bunch of black people in them!
This gorilla needs to go back to africa
>will have an asian gf in SW8
Except when he's getting paid to promote it.
Of course he wants a black woman, he hates white people
I can't stand these dumb remarks he makes lately but sometimes I wonder what I would be like and what I would think and say if I were black myself.
I would have killed myself if I was black
They asked him "what's your type". I honestly wonder what they were expecting. It's like they suspected him of being gay and wanted to out him, or they wanted him to say I like THICC women, as you would expect
good for him
But why? You'd be swimming in white pussy.
You mean white trash pussy. No woman that holds any respect for herself is going to hook up with a nigger
>its a cuck reply
fucking Sup Forums
So, his like Robert?
>You mean white trash pussy
>No woman that holds any respect for herself is going to hook up with a nigger
what about black women?
Black women hook up with whites because they are treated better that way, at least that is what they keep telling the world
This video is even better
hi there,Sup Forumstard
The guy wants to date someone who looks like him. What's the big deal? No matter what people say, the folks at okcupid have plenty of data to show that the majority of people date within their race.
>Well sir, I prefer to date within my own race in my personal life. When I provide bull services I do not discriminate
>1.6 billion people in the world have the same rationale as a nigger who made a career of getting hit in the head
Black girls hate all other women because they're cuter and have better hair.
They also intensively hate mixed black girls and latinas because they get too much attention from black guys.
t. not a black girl
Except black women who overwhelmingly go for white men.
Someone photoshop a fedora on his head pls
Why he is SO fat?
kek Black kids like him are literally Black Sup Forums.
Why is /poltv/ a thing?
>tfw thought he was going to be a shitty hamfisted diversity hire
>tfw he was the best part
what a racist
>why can't Sup Forums be a lefty shithole promoting interracial sex and cuckolding?
death to the whites am i right
It's beautiful really, everyone fights Sup Forums and says "you're wrong, you're ignorant, you're the bad guy" but in the end Sup Forums always wins. This guy was preaching to the choir mere weeks ago and now he's openly stating he doesn't want to race mix. Everyone who shits on Sup Forums is just living their lives in denial, you're only lying to yourself when you virtue signal in public.
>poo poo monkey in denial
>white actor goes on tv and says he's looking for a white girlfriend
What happens?
Why is everyone all up here bixnood, man? Shit pisses me the fuck off like no other.
the mel gibson treatment
Literally hitler
we're already here
Is Boyega secretly /ourguy/?
Krager Also known as "the most insignificant Sup Forums poster" strikes again
LMAO this guys funny
Just ignore the tripfags. They are worse than woman when it comes to craving attention.
And yet you replied, like the racist fuck you are. I'm sick of this place, so so fucking sick of the racism you all carry.
Krager is the greatest Sup Forums user
what's wrong with racism?
I'm really not that much racist. But as I can't have white girlfriends or girlfriends at all I blame both women and black men.
this guy literally looks like a gorilla.
Now just keep your trip off and you won't be the most despised cunt on Sup Forums
shut the fuck up you subhuman baboon
wow, krager is the greatest man. I enjoy his posts.
t. black larper
Where can one send application?
People hated blax before Sup Forums was a thing, do people not realize that? Plus if racism didn't benefit humans wouldn't we eventually leave that trait behind? Checkmate fundamentalists
>implying this isn't true of nigger sluts past 15
Sup Forums would not be the same place without the greatest Krager.
This is the most plebbit board on Sup Forums next to Sup Forums and has the most 17-20 year olds who don't remember what Sup Forums was like before Sup Forums
Can one throw feces autistically?
Yum yes I'd take some of that.
>if having a 2 digit IQ didn't benefit humans wouldn't we leave the trait behind?
Great argument
Krager is definetelly right, he is fighting against ignorance in this board.
He looks way more chimp like imo.
That's right. One of these fuckers at a time. To hell with these racist Sup Forums rejects.
He looks like a fucking gorilla.
>complain about racism
>on Sup Forums
Lemme ask you something; do you hate racists? Do you wish racists would die? Would you kill a racist if you knew you could get away with it?
you guys cant prove hes wrong. racism is for ignorants and those who can't have girlfriends
Maybe if you samefag hard enough you can give your life some meaning.
Daily reminder that if you are racist you can't justify it with reason.
Never. Only pussies do that shit. It's disingenius and wrong.
Make a dark daughter for me to COLONIZE
Sup Forums doens't have a single fact to make racism reasonable; Krager is right.
I never tought I'd say this, but I agree with Krager. You poltards can't have girlfriends so you blame on the blacks
I know you are baiting for (you)'s but find me one pureblood aboriginal doctor.
I amso tired of lurking and pretending that I am a racist. I am not.
I had greatest friends that were black. I...stand with Krager.
Wow dude so original, there has never been a tripfag like you who samefags their posts over and over again. You will be forgotten within the month.