Why was she in this fucking movie?
Does anybody even remotely understand how retarded she looks pretending to be a tacticool operator? It's the fucking equivalent of casting Jack McBrayer in her role.
Just an absolute, nerdy, weak, unathletic looking fucking tool, and you're supposed to believe that she would be involved in a shootout in any capacity. It is FUCKING obnoxious.
She undermines the whole movie, with her dumb clown shit. You can tell she couldn't handle a M4 in real life if her life depended on it, probably not even for recreational shooting.
Even Steven Seagal in that shitty military movie was more believable. I can tolerate her in Edge of Tomorrow, because that's a fantasy movie, but not one that's heralded as a realistic thriller.
And if you count the scenes she's not in, the movie is short, and it's basically just Benicio acting out a retarded vendetta, which makes the movie non-kino.
Why was she in this fucking movie?
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This is maybe the worst opinion I have ever seen, even on Sup Forums. Is this pasta?
That's why the movie works so well. It's a bumbling woman that will never understand what is going on around her being used to get through some bureaucratic red tape so the real operators can kill some shitty Mexican criminals and make the big shit sandwich slightly less shitty.
> Does anybody even remotely understand how retarded she looks pretending to be a tacticool operator
That's the point, she's the only woman in the entire film and she was portrayed as weak and worthless, as she would be if the premise of the movie were to have happened in real life
Even my dumbass brother understood that's what it was going for by the time Brolin kicked her ass after the night vision scene
i love rainbow six shit and what are some essential tacticool kino? pic obviously not related
Good god fucking leave and never come back. Tired of seeing this thread every 10 seconds.
No, that's not the point. She's bordering on Mary Sue and despite being competent even though realistically she wouldn't be because she's a dumb little girl in over her head who probably watches Big Bang Theory all day, she loses in the end.
Video related, it's Sup Forums cringe material
bad obvious bait
Stop pretending you browse this board frequently, you just proved that you don't
I would've agreed with you if she overpowered some dude twice her size, the clip you posted just shows her as incompetent
>She's bordering on Mary Sue
she's nothing of the sort
How the fuck is getting designated as squad leader and then getting the first justified kill on a raid incompetent?
Watch the video.
In the real world she wouldn't have survived that bullshit, not to mention the fact that she would never be allowed to lead a squad in the first place since she doesn't know how to clear a fucking room.
It's the "why women should never be allowed on the front lines because they are not willing to do what it takes." the movie.
so she's incompetent? Then she's not a Mary Sue.
Your criticisms are objectively wrong
I stand corrected. Rest of the movie just portrayed her as a useless sheep though. That one scene of the dude choking the bitch out without any effort was great
It's not though and I'm getting really sick of this dumb dickriding of this shit movie.
She's not portrayed as the fucking retarded ignorant child that she is, she's meant to actually be taken seriously by the directors. Stop these bullshit analyzations. There's no deeper meaning to it.
Why she specifically was chosen, and why they decided a female lead would be a good idea in the first place in an enviroment that no woman would fit in or have any business in, is a mystery that nobody's even bothered to give an answer to yet.
Was it to boost her career? Was she the flavor of the month female actor feminists and hipsters jerk off to? I'm genuinely fucking baffled.
No. Nobody called her out on her ineptitude and the concept of proper room clearing procedure isn't even touched upon. That goon had the easiest point blank shot he could ask for and still missed.
By the way, I'm aware this all makes me look like a bitter woman hater, before anybody thinks to try to use that point of ridicule as an argument or to rile me.
Watching a woman in these kinds of roles, especially a small pretty one reminds me of kids movies where the kids in the film get special powers or learn martial arts and manage to beat up the big mean adults. It just comes off as goofy and theres this underlying sense that everyone watching understands that its just a stupid aspect of these kinds of films that are there purely to play into the "women can do anything" myth that is floating around.
She was their to be killed so they could push for more powers and funding against the cartels.
You are a brainlet if you don't comprehend that agencies carefully calculate these things in asymmetrical warfare.
All she was there for was to be the Jessica Lynch if the drug war so the agencies could get wall to wall coverage in the media and crocodile tear for more power
Also, of course they wouldn't want a competent agent getting in the way. She is literally only present to check a box, allowing the CIA to go wild on US soil.
>calls me a brainlet
>spells there as their, and of as if
>thinks the CIA makes it their agenda to send innocent women to die against cartels so they can get more "powers and funding" to win the battle against the cartels
>this retard thinks you have a point
>this whole post
It smells autism
She was the worst part of the movie. Her performance was the reason not what op is sperging about
>hmm a chick doing this sorta stuff is dumb
This is why this feminist shit has flouded the cinema, anyone who even slightly questions it is called insecure, autistic etc.
Sup Forums liked her in Edge of Tomorrow but not this even though she was way more girlpower in that.
Really gets the old cogs turning.
Nobody actually uses autistic like the void buzzword did.
If being angry is autistic according to him then most likely he is genuinely autistic himself or has fucked up body chemistry.
I didn't like her in Edge of Tomorrow either, and infact before I saw this movie detested her initial performance and Mary Suing but as the movie went on forgot about it.
It helps when the movie is entertaining enough for you to accept its flaws.
she was annoying as fuck. reminds me of female supervisor who is by the book and policies but if there is a code blue she is at the nursing station.
>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)
but there was implied rape
she pretty shit in edge compared to the manga's character but then again most of them are so eh
she's not pretty
i dont know why /tv like her so much 5 or 6 at best
wait, so that's what is so cringey about it? she didn't clear the room correctly?
if anything the scene is flawed because of the director's execution. her character was supposed to have tons of experience before getting "promoted" to the benecio's detail.
also, the film following her is a good vehicle for an american audience to understand just how little they know about the reality behind this criminal enterprise.
>also, the film following her is a good vehicle for an american audience to understand just how little they know about the reality behind this criminal enterprise.
This is the kind of stupid shit that Redditfags like you unironically believe? Jesus fucking christ.
You sound way too invested in this shit. Time to relax faggot
why stop? this thread is a botched monument to how inappropriate her casting is because of: her training / her gender / her position in the movie setting
the last shot is the nameless, fatherless "niƱo" playing soccer in a field where an assault rifle is also casually being discharged.. it is a film about hidden realities; who better to plod down the path of disillusionment than a woman who wanted to make a difference? how can you not draw the line between her experiences and this country that's virtually blind to the violence & condemned to the same fate?
I'm not but this guy is
Do you have any idea what the CIA has done US citizens in the past 60 years?
Audience surrogate.
>Mary Sue
>In the real world
Did you watch the movie all the way to the end?
She's literally told she has no place "in this world" and that it belongs to violent men. She's literally demeaned, broken and sent packing.
Yes, the beginning was unrealistic. It's a movie, not a documentary.
Well she's not in the sequel so maybe you'll like that better
>She was their to be killed
are you retarded? She was there because the CIA isn't supposed to operate within the United States. The plan was not for her to die, it was for her to be there to fulfill a legal requirement and not get in the way.
>She's not portrayed as the fucking retarded ignorant child that she is, she's meant to actually be taken seriously by the directors
And she's literally potrayed as naive and essentially a child among wolves at the films end.
>being this insecure about women
ironic you start calling people redditfags when you're this triggered.
>Just an absolute, nerdy, weak, unathletic looking fucking tool
This man can kill you and your family in a million ways without even blinking. Looks mean nothing.
>past 60 years
You meant to say 60 years ago, although there's been a few things here and there.
>in a million ways without even blinking
Fuck off with that shitty /k/ meme.
This man is a EOD specialist. Granted, he has more experience than me, but considering his age, his training, and that he is probably out of shape aswell, the only way he could ever hope to kill anybody is if he had a gun and his opponent did not.
Second of all, yes, looks mean nothing.
But looks have nothing to do with what I said, except for when I called her and Jack McBrayer nerdy and unathletic looking, and they most definitely are both.
>Granted, he has more experience than me
How many Tier 1 units have you served in?
>Given his age, his training, and that he is probably out of shape
I'd say Delta have pretty high training standards.
>How many Tier 1 units have you served in?
Read what you just quoted and you will have your answer to your stupid question you dumb fuck.
As for the last part of your post, you DO realize he's retired now, right? And that he served during Vietnam?
You do realize photographs are still images that capture a person in time, and that they don't continue to age inside the photo, right?
>he served during vietnam
Yes. And he served in Delta during the 90's.
Crazy, yah?
Nerdy McNerd in Sicarrio looks MUCH more athletic than Vinning does here, when he was actually serving.
Maybe play less COD.
>Nerdy McNerd in Sicarrio looks MUCH more athletic than Vinning does here, when he was actually serving.
>play less COD
Her character is only meant to be taken seriously in American lala land, so to speak, which the movie is depicting as a safe haven that is divorced from the reality of the harsh world.
As soon as she's allowed into that world, away from the protection of the American system that allows her to do the job she does, she fails are everything.
I'm not making any value judgments about that depiction, merely describing it.
If anything, the writer might be an anti-feminist.
I doubt it since they included her for the sake of diversity or something, and were given several chances to change the role to a male. I feel like the character was supposed to be male from the beginning. And given some of Blunts own stupid comments about it.