What is this expression trying to convey?
What is this expression trying to convey?
What happens when your face itches when you have that shit on you just have to ignore it?
Ruffalo has got to be the worst mo-cap actor imaginable.
Someone post the Black Widow webm.
that's a SFW board
why use mocap when you're going to change the facial expressions that much
>browsing Sup Forums at work
what's even the point of putting that shit on his face? is it really necessary when they're animating CGI hulk?
This is a christian board
This. My children browse this board!
I just think it can make the person get banned
your wife's son?
Vertices on a 3D model coincide directly with the points on his face.
>tfw your brother wins russian roulette
He wants some 'za
Pretty much. He's always standing around with the same stupid bland face. The fact that they completely changed it in the model proves it.
I would but I got banned for a week last time I posted it
Mark "The Manlet" Ruffalo
What the fuck is Goldilocks looking at
who the fuck is that goblin in the right bottom corner
cancer gif fag
and I just think youre a pussy nigger
may i call you Erdjarg Türguss?
>Not posting the one where the anal fucking vid gets played in the conference room and everyone looks at Widow before Cap says "That's... That's enough"
It's more like mo-guide. Same with Davey Jones. They captured the skeleton, but animated the face using the original for reference.
stop whining
I got something better
yeeeeeahh! assfug her right in the pusi!
Say that shit in real life, not online and see what happens
take that back
>risking ban for a thread thats on the verge of 404
the hero we deserve
how dare you speak to me