ITT: Cool movie vehicles.
ITT: Cool movie vehicles
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I like the original too but the GT will always be my favorite
What will happen to hybrid and electric cars in Mad Max world
All gays are kept on a leash in those times leaving nobody to drive them
Honestly I kind of missed the homoeroticism of The Road Warrior when watching Fury Road. Was it just deemed too offensive for modern audiences?
The Dodge M4S "Turbo Interceptor" from 1986's The Wraith
Find out in Fury Road 2: Electric Boogaloo
Is it harder to charge those cars or to find gas??
T. Faggot who got convinced by the green commercials
The can have a wind powerplant or find a submarine in the dried up sea whose reactor can power something.
is that the UniSol truck?
Society has collapsed, there's no trillion dollar energy industry making electricity dirt cheap to come by anywhere you want in unlimited quantities. Gasoline is a physical resource that had been collected enough to actually use and survive. Also, it's easier to set up and use an oil drill than it is to generate enough electricity naturally from wind or water or whatever liberal bullshit people pretend is efficient enough to replace coal with
It's Strayan tradition to bugger each other in the desert.
The same thing that happens to them in the real world when their batteries get about ten or fifteen years old, they die or catch on fire.
Depends on how long it's been since the apocalypse. Easier to make electricity than gasoline, but batteries are harder to make than new gasoline.
Christine is legit one of John Carpenter's best and noone is talking about it
Electricity is not the issue. The problem is green cars use high tech parts impossible to produce or fix in post apocalyptic world
But let's not forget that Mad Max is and always has been a environmental warning about climate change.
Drive green now.
Reactor rods are only good for about five to fifteen years depending on setup. You need to refine your fuel for it like anything else.
What really gets me about nuclear fuel is so many people don't understand that it's basically the only fuel on the planet that's burning away without use anyway. Might as well concentrate it and make it work for us while we can.
It's much better if you read the book first so it seems more like an abridged version and the wonky transitions in some parts of the plot don't bug you. Great car movie though. Love it.
always underminin my Hazzard county schemes
Fucking this.
Do you think any modern car could convey that menacing aura in a remake?
Yeah that's a cool one.
I raise you this truck
Hey Crab Man
I'm honestly surprised this didn't immediately become a Mad Max thread
I want one of these, all beat up and everything, I'd travel the country in it and not give a fuck.
What movie? I googled Medusa but came up with a bunch of horror movies.
I think there's a deliberate progression of the villains in the series
>bikers not too far removed from modern bikie gangs
>chaotic, hedonistic S&M marauders with a charismatic leader but no real structure or long term plans
>a city of people working together to continue their way of life, but ultimately fragile and based on a precarious dynamic between two power players (The Master and Aunty Entity)
>a cult that actively recruits and gives meaning to the hopeless remnants of the world, with a leader that has plans past even his own death (he wants a legacy). Religion isn't a tangible enemy that can be beaten or turned away from potential antagonists (see Nux still clinging to it as he dies)
Basically all the butt pirates weren't destined to last long because they didn't plan ahead.
They better never remake The Wraith.
I could already see them casting Daddario as the love interest and turning the M4S into some foreign car.
Deserves better than that
Just look at this bod.
It would still turn heads today.
fucking cagers
>i spent my life savings turning my van into a dog
Have you seen 1995 GITS
I like the shiny windowless car the bad guys from section 6 drove
Innocence had one shiny antique car but I don't care for that
The 1995 had better cars IMO
This car
What the fuck
wait is that Ghost in the Shell?
GitS is from 1995 but Tesla Inc was founded in 2003...
I love how the dude with the mohawk had the exact same look in Weird Science
Can I play too?
I love how fat and out of shape he was in Commando and how they made knitted vest into chain mail with sound effects
Great taste, anons
I like those Japanese minivans. Probably because I am a weeb
I used to have a poster of this car on my wall in the early 2000s.
This one is the best so far
I am also curious about how many laptops and monitors they put in that one
Probably one of my favorite movies of all time, and when I see yo momma, I'm gonna punch her in her belly.
Finally do you have some surveillance van kino for me?
I used to be interested in those but I didn't remember any names
Official Batmobile ranking:
The roblem with nuclear power is that the NIMBY's get up in arms. Plus the ammount of time between when you're allowed to break ground and the time you're allowed to go live is over a decade at best.
Lobbyist for energy companies scare people about nuclear energy and the mire them in red tape magnifying the opportunity to have the nuclear plant shut down.
tl;dr: political fuckery and a dumb public is the root cause
Seriously, Burtom mobile was so nice.
Batou's home board is canonically /o/, though he spends a lot of time on /k/, /an/, and some /fit/.
>The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down
89 owns, toony yet serious
BvS, JL and DK are warmachines
66 and 43 are more or less just normal cars
95-97 are worst, they are clownbomiles
89, 66/05, the rest in any order, 95/97
>The Bus That Couldn't Stop
one of my all time favorite vehicles, the horn was awesome too
I think he put an engine in his room when they showed it
I always loved how classy the '89 Batmobile looked, glad I got to see it in person.
Did any of these threads mention any car from Fast and Furious?
Just curious about how that series is doing
Nice. Does it come in African American?
Movie itself is pretty bad but the love interest is a "muh dick" 11/10 and the car is amazing as well.
Whoa, looks like Nolan let Raimi direct a scene there
The hell is this?
The Dreadnaught
Is there any pickup gun kino?
District 9 had the coolest pickups
>bat hubcaps
shit is retarded. pretty cool car otherwise
for you
Shit movie. Greatcar.
dun dun dun DUM DUM DUM DUM turuturututUUU DA DA DARA DA
Black Hawk Down
Every vehicle in this movie
Not even close.
only iconic vehicle for it is Dom's Dodge Charger that reappears in various forms. After tokyodrift/furious4 ricer tuners are out leaving random sports/supercars that are later destroyed.