Sup Forums's thoughts on this? and on Mark Hamill in general?

Sup Forums's thoughts on this? and on Mark Hamill in general?

Reminder that Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger) and Hamill are good friends and the latter was living on Englund's couch at back in 1976. After getting turned down for parts in Apocalypse Now and Star Wars, Englund suggested that the broke actor head down to the SW auditions and the rest is history.

Doesn't everybody know that by now?

He's pretty hyperactive on Twitter.

>hobbies: candlemaking
d'aww :3

>"I hate to see people on a constant downer. There's so much to be happy about!"
>complains about Trump on twitter 24/7

Like poetry.

>Height: 5'7"


That's Cole Sprouse

