>Marlon Brando was paid $1 million in advance. He threatened to quit and keep the advance. Director Francis Ford Coppola told his agent that he did not care, and if they could not get Brando, they would try Jack Nicholson, Robert Redford, and then Al Pacino. Brando eventually turned up late, drunk, 40kg (about 88lbs) overweight, and admitted he had not read the script or even "Heart of Darkness," the book the film was based on. He read Coppola's script, and refused to do it. After days of arguments over single lines of dialogue, an ad-lib style script was agreed upon, and this was shot according to Brando's stipulations that he be filmed mostly in shadows.
Same thing that happened to Orson Welles They get a couple of very well recieved roles, and suddenly thier head dissapears so far up thier own asses that they're no longer aware of how the world words, or that they've become a parody of themselves.
Anthony Rivera
Low IQ dum dum
Eli Howard
He was a poofter. What do you think was his problem?
Evan Butler
he didn't want to act in a shitty vietnam flick
Jace White
And it turned out better than if he read off some hack script
David Jackson
Benjamin Allen
>the costumer on “Mutiny on the Bounty” (1962), James Taylor, claims Brando split 52 pairs of pants during the shooting of the film, due to his wild swings in weight. This necessitated a stretch fabric be used on his wardrobe replacement clothes. He split these pants too. During this time, Marlon was also once observed taking a 5-gallon tub of ice cream and rowing himself out in the lagoon to indulge himself.
Ryan Campbell
Yet it ended up as one of his best movies, or one with the most recognition.
This is why actors need agents, most of them are low iq manchildren that can't behave and don't know what's good for them.
Michael Fisher
It's Brando, he didn't care, he got into acting for the money, he hated western society, he hated his fame but enjoyed the perks that came with it.
But he was a head of his time, one of the best actors in film.
Charles Hill
but user, what are you talking about?
>one of his best movies >one with the most recognition
have you ever watched on the waterfront? the godfather? etc etc
I mean, come on, I know this is Sup Forums but stop being a pleb
Elijah James
Any more stories where a group hired to do a job fractures because of simmering animosity on the division of spoils?
Jack King
And I thought, my god, the genius of that!
The strength! Pure, crystalline, genuine.
If I had ten divisions like that our troubles here would be over very quickly
Ryan Sanchez
Literally /our guy incarnate/
Lincoln Ross
Matthew Scott
>have you ever watched on the waterfront? the godfather? etc etc
He said "one of" not the THE one, which is true. To be ruthlessly honest most people will only know him in the future for the Godfather and Apocalypse Now.
Jaxon Reed
I really wish he had gotten to play a Bond villain
Camden Scott
The story behind the making of Apocalypse Now
Leo Perry
that's pretty lazy and retarded, sorry, if you recognize marlon brando only for apocalypse now you should start by watching more movies and not the imdb top 100
Cameron Collins
>implying The Godfather isn't on that list
Nigga you said MB is known for two of his most famous movies you are the pleb
Brandon Murphy
Pretty sure he said "most people" recognize him for those movies user
Ryder Hall
ok you win user, I'm the pleb sure AN is one of the best movies ever, I mean is THE best movie of all time since the big bang, and MB acting here did the best perfomance of any actor in any movie, in those 10 minutes he's on screen
Jack Hall
>you You are shooting the messenger brah, just stating facts. Like it or not Brando will be remember in history mainly by Apocalyspe Now and the Godfather.
Kayden Ortiz
Brando being so fat kind of ruined his character in the movie for me.
Ayden Myers
>brah Shut she fuck up island nigger
Joshua Ortiz
Ha imagine Robert Redford whispering "the horror". Then again, wasnt he the horse whisperer...
Landon Fisher
This film is proof positive of the power of the editor being far and above the most important in film. Far more important than even the cinematogrpaher and definitely way more important than actors.
Thomas Lee
No it's alright
I think that's why he was cast. He portrays some officer that's so up his own ass he thinks himself a god. He just played himself. Good riddance he knew nothing about the film so he just played what he would say in real life in that situation.
Jack Adams
Editor is probably the most important to get a good movie if the script and shot scenes are decent enough.
Jackson Ross
t. aspiring egotistical editors
Brayden Edwards
Brandon Torres
Marlon Brando did nothing wrong.
Levi Sullivan
Listen to Me Marlon
Explains everything.
Daniel Butler
i think brando had let himself go insane because he legitimately did not give a shit
Hunter Stewart
Marlon Brando was clearly depressed. Did we ever get to know what happenned to him?
Daniel Lopez
you dont know what that is and rich people dont get diagnosed with mental illness, only poors
Eli Bennett
Well he died for one thing. That'll really put you down.
Bentley Watson
His gay toyboy died or someshit
Julian Sanchez
BS spread by the jews because he badmouthed them one time on TV. I quickly searched and found out his son commited a murder, and his daughter suicide.
Jace Watson
He was a real deal big fat peepee poopoo manbaby with a devilish sense of humor and enjoyed making everyone around him have to work hard just to deal with him. Lived the dream desu
Kevin Gonzalez
God I love these Brando stories. The guy was a fucking hero. Nothing would get in the way of his will, regardless of how bizarre or unnecessary it was. These are literally the only good threads on Sup Forums right now.
Camden Ward
He spent his last days trolling people on early internet chat rooms
Camden Bell
Other than being a complete asshole? Nothing much I guess.
Joshua Allen
Actor here -- Marlon was very confident in himself, and I am convinced that this is how he was not only such a problematic person to negotiate with, but with why he was able to act so convincingly.
Still, I was not impressed with him. Not that his acting was bad (even though he was probbly trying less than usual, in my opinion), but rather he did not fit the character in a manner I saw fit. I honestly think Jack Nicholson would have been better.
Still, Brando brings the people in. Of course they fought to keep him.
Daniel Cox
i swear these stories are just trying to compete with the stories about it's spiritual predecessor, Aguirre the Wrath of God where the director had to point a gun at the main actor to get a scene filmed
Carson Nguyen
My favourite one was where he went to his childhood friends funeral, took the ashes off the dead guys wife, then climbed a tree and refused to come down.
Julian Reed
Only on Sup Forums can you witness this much autism
Kayden Hill
delet this
Oliver Sullivan
Marlon Brando's a fucking masterful actor, but I'm surprised by how many times a director went "Should I hire Marlon Brando, or an actor who listens to directions, learns his lines, doesn't eat all the catering food, and looks like a human instead of some strange pig-creature? I'll call Marlon!"
Jace Green
what the fuck even went on during the making of that movie? it seemed just as chaotic as the movie itself