How could you have all the cards in your deck and still fuck up so badly?
How could you have all the cards in your deck and still fuck up so badly?
because she listened to Tyrion and Tyrion is an idiot
Women aren't capable of leading.
Because she's the Hillary Clinton of this show
Because bad things have to happen before good things happen and that way when the good things happen people say "she really earned it. Remember when that bad stuff happened?"
>listening to a cripple bastard and broken guy
>not olenna
oh wow
You know it isn't real, right? You are surely aware that the events transpire simply how the writers decide they should, and that this character actually has no control over her own actions.
it's a subtle lesson: never trust manlets ever, never mind trusting one to plan your war for you
Lol but then how could I see it on the telly?
Because she's a woman
She also listened to Olena and the bitch is dead
It's true, inner manlet rage clouds judgment. Tyrion wants to attack Casterly Rock for revenge, rather than for strategy. He'd know the gold mines were spent.
That's what hapenning when you fit minority quotas
By not playing them properly.
because your enemies have teleporting armies and fleets
>Dany BTFO Westeros
>Dany does not BTFO Westeros and the field is evened by her opponents
There is no winning with you guys. There will never be an episode that won't have Sup Forums flooded with threads bitching over something. Can't wait till this show is over.
They gotta stretch the story out some more and have to weaken her some how even though she's OP as fuck
The leaked spoilers say that she will lose one of her dragons and it will get revived by the Night's King.
It's like every episode, she's trying to out-stupid her last major act of stupidity.
She tried to win cleanly. No matter how big an advantage you have, take the easy win.
Olenna told her she survived as long as she did because she didn't listen to her advisors and told her to do the same. She listen to Tyrion not to attack King's Landing and now she's dead. She would of won by now if she hadn't listened to Tyrion.
Pretty much this, tbqh. She wanted to take the high ground, and now she's being punished for it. Being honorable and minimizing damage is what loses wars in Westeros.
unironically this.Tyrion is overrated as a Hand and overrated as a commander, His one success was the Wildfire, and that was just a meme. Varys and LF were dancing circles around him and outsmarting him at every turn and Tywin was cynically used him when he was the Hand, and all he could think about was his obsession eith Cersei. Tyrion is not half as s art as people think he is
>Be female
>Have stronk independent black woman advisor
>Have no balls cuck advisor
>Have midget advisor
=Fail at everything you do
D&D dropping some low-key redpills on the sjws chosen one
I would say the end result of what happened at Meereen was good.
>Dany spends the entire show making idiotic choices without even considering what the consequences might be
>it always works out for her because of some magic bullshit or because someone else fixes the problems for her
>Dany finally starts thinking about future consequences and plans accordingly
>it blows up in her face
It's pretty hilarious honestly
>be a woman
>be the daughter of some insane asshole that was also the king so you've never had to fight for anything and lived in a sheltered world
>be given dragons who obey you
>have a beta male do everything for you
>have some brutal warlord fall in love with you
>oops now she fucks off to Saudi Africa or whatever the fuck
>through being a gigantic bitch who has everyone do everything for you to fuck you, you manage to get a giant army of dickless cucks, one manlet advisor, some worthless black bitch with nice tits, an old fart and some lesbos
>be a fucking DMPC standin for the shitty fanbase who just watches to get gifs to post on tumblr and twitter
>because she's a retarded white girl, she makes fucking retarded decisions
>absolutely zero diplomatic skills
>absolutely zero leadership skills beyond "hey do this for me because of my last name"
>dont go for the throat because Tyrion is a bitchmade loser manlet and appeals to her uncontrollable emotions to not kill thousands of people that she has not met and never will meet
So she's a retarded spoiled girl who is easily manipulated.
>be a woman
should be good enough though.
Cause it's in the plot, but don't worry she will triumph as she always does due to Deus Ex Dragons, or something equally silly.
Things sure are looking up Cersei though, its a shame that the most hated women in the kingdom didn't have to deal with the same Feudal problems as Rob. Nor even deal with a real reaction for blowing up the Pope and Vatican when zealotry is at an all time high.
dany = hillary
she will fail despite every advantage
>the night's king
>has a dragon
>literally recycling the lich king from warcraft
they really are out of ideas
To be honest, watching discount Lich King fuck shit up with an undead dragon would make for a better show than the current state of GoT.
I don't remember the names of the dragons besides Drogon (because who cares) but
Orange = undead dragon
Green = killed by ballista
Drogon = big dumb spectacle battle against undead orange dragon, both die.
Beacuse they had to gimp her somehow. She has 3 fucking dragons that could win by themselves. Making her the "underdog" now will make the win by her "better"
Woah bro, how am I supposed to speculate about fiction then? Delet this
Assume, quite wrongly, that your opponents are not going to use their ship teleportation or cloaking devices.
Assume, quite wrongly, that your ally the great House of the entire Reach is not the weaker than a couple good Lannister men + one defector bannerman. And even if they are, they can survive siege past a day on account of having walls.
Assume, quite wrongly, that Dorne are not completely worthless, and that their allyship counts for more than ass wiping paper if their one paramount lord doesn't accidentally die or become incapable during the war.
Rookie mistakes. Never underestimate the Westeros webway and the power of a few good men.
Sorry to break it to you but the spin off starts a year after the final season of this show, so /tv will always be complaining
D&D aren't involved with the spin-offs so there might be some hope
by being a character in a tv show
she dies early next season though
>ask Dio