>America BTFO
>Sup Forums BTFO
>Sup Forums BTFO
Black Americankino is here
Alternate history is ares now, and u mayo ass cracka ass white boys can do nuffin about it!
You only need to look at Africa to see how they would have ended up.
What's next?
Hispanics and Asians sharing West and Southwestern states?
>white, educated, crime free America in economic decline
>black, unskilled, illiterate New Colonia is a global super power
So when their states inevitably go bankrupt, and they come to the others for assistance, who will be there to lend a helping hand?
what is liberia
So a documentary on Liberia?
If the black state is anything other than a mini, crime filled, African shithole it's going to get these niggers hopes up.
>It envisions an alternate history where newly freedAfrican Americans have secured the souther states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama
Lmao like they don't already own those states now.
they'll play it off like the black country would be super successful when in reality it'd be africa tier with warring tribes and shit huts
>Aaron McGruder
Could be good.
None, it'll get walled off
A show about Libertatia, the anarchist pirate colony would be more interesting.
where is Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama's GDP coming from? did they invent magic and now sell it to the world?
Fucking this
and more accurate
I'm pretty sure that's called Liberia.
Inb4 they have the blacks in flying cars and inventing everything while whites regress to middle age levels without blacks.
Liberia was founded by slaves, other Africans moved in and the country quickly turned to shit. The descendants of slaves are less than 5% of the population now.
>in which free slaves get their own country
What could go wrong
>civil war occurs because it's illegal to secede
>well now that we won the war we'll let you secede
Also it almost seems like HBO and Amazon's slavery/civil war shows are being written to make the racial divide even worse rather than better.
It will be a Matriarchy with egalitarian policies, where gays run free, despite the reality of black men being far more sexist and homophobic than whites.
>alt-history is going to get ruined by jews before there's any good alt-history works
shaking my head to be honest family
This. 15k freed blacks settled there in the early 1800s and now it's a great place to get raped, catch Ebola, and starve to death. Blacks severely overestimate their culture and blame their shortcomings on whites 99.9% of the time.
I think this sounds cool.
>Kurt Russel in
>John Carpenter's
>(coming in 2018)
Jeez, can't wait!
>Also it almost seems like HBO and Amazon's slavery/civil war shows are being written to make the racial divide even worse rather than better.
Now why would they want that...
>show follows former slaves who enslave native africans and become the richest nation in Africa
>the house of cards comes collapsing down when civil war is caused by a (((USA backed coup)))
it's going to have a Trumpian United States declining and white immigrants begging to come into the black country
will skip. im not interested in any more race-baiting tv shows dividing this country
I just had a discussion on the AH forums about an African-American state.
meet alt-ratings
>country can't prevent a coup d'etat
That's not the premise of the series at all. The new black ethnostate is the world's scientific, financial and industrial capital while the United States, being deprived of its invaluable black citizenry, has become an impoverished shithole
>Two nations, indivisible
If there are two of them, they're fucking already divided.
>The US would be in severe economic decline without Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, some of the poorest states in the union
>Not even fucking Georgia
The point isn't just that the US lost those three states, it's that the US lost all of the black people who emigrated there. Without their tremendous social and economic contributions all 47 other states collapse.
Peanut butter and super soakers as far as the eye can see
That's not what the article says.
that's retarded. alternate history should be based on at least some ground logic or at least have half the white people killed by aliens or some shit
Fuck it, if it is done as well as "Man in the High Castle" it will be great. That was another show similar to this and they had the balls to make a Nazi who still believed in all the Nazi ideas the most heroic character on the show
Shit like this is fucking retarded. All we know is that it will feature slaves. Godforfuckingbid Jesus wept.
>civil war was fought too keep the Union from breaking apart
>union wins
>lets a piece of itself break off anyways
They already did though, it was called Liberia and it sucked ass. Also Haiti
did you know a black guy came up with the secret ingredient for flamin' hot cheetos
>Literally ALL black media is in relation to how they compare to/or are getting back at white people
Why are niggers so fucking pathetic and weak?
>black post slavery colony rises as america falls
>implying a former slave nation wouldn't backslide into its former dominant culture from overseas e.g. a shithole.
>implying there is any grace or subtlety to what is pretty clearly agenda pushing
this is getting played so straightfacedly. how the fuck does someone even manage that?
>freed slaves get their own country
so basically Haiti?
>>New Colonia joins the ranks of major industrialized nations on the world stage as America slips into rapid decline.
Holy shit is this hysterical.
>The US would be destitute without its poorest constituent
This already existed
It was/is called Liberia
I think it will be the unintentional best comedy of a generation
Isn't China trying to take over Africa? Where's their outrage about that?
do they not understand this is just going to feed the "we wuz" memes?
Best part is black people still won't watch it. Only viewers will be all the guilt ridden whitey's
Nah, black people love shows about imaginary #BlackExcellence. Look at Empire or Scandal
hell if it makes you laugh power to you, but I just can't abide watching something so clearly masturbatory. I just can't enjoy something that I know people are jerking off to the thought of whether I'm watching for the intended purpose or not.
the writing is on the wall, all anyone has to do is read a bit of fucking history and it gets real clear real fucking quick why first world nations are where everyone wants to be.
these people are intent on pulling out the foundation upon which the most successful form of civilization stands either in ignorance of the resultant collapse or in some malicious support of it and either case makes me sick.
Do black people watch Scandal?
Why can't basketball Americans get over slavery?
So it's a series based on this picture?
It created their culture/ethnicity ~400 years ago.
Look up the Twitter hashtag anytime it's on, that'll answer your question
>american negroes
>giving a single fuck about africa
>Blacks successfully form a country
yeh, must be alt-history
This already happened irl, several times. Didn't end well.
Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessed with black people?
So wait what the fuck did they do with the Southerners that lived in those states?
It's an American thing.
why are pussies so obsessed with Sup Forums?
but this is Sup Forums not Sup Forums?
they r smelly and dum
So... Liberia?
But I guess we can't have reality here, these "freed" niggers are going to be flying spaceships and building flying pyramids.
It's the jews who are obsessed. Sup Forums just calls the jews out.
I think the idea is that if the U.S. were too powerful in this timeline, this "New Colonia" would essentially be its vassal state.
I'm curious how serious the alternate history is going to be.
Don't try and put this show in any historical or logical terms
It's only message and purpose is "fuck whitey"
>mfw black America beat white America to the moon
Calling it now
>Liberia isn't a country
>tell black people for years to get their own characters/shows/you name it
>they do
>"whoa what the fuck, can you believe these liberals?"
>blacks create a super power out of resource poor alabama, louisiana and mississippi while productive state some how decline
>we wuz _______ n shieet
Well Sup Forums?
Fucking inconceivable
They won't have the balls to show the rest of America including the inner cities as crime free white paradises
>every show is "muh racism, kill whitey"
>"Wow, why do you white people care so much?"
>Amazon tv show
So nobody is going to watch it?
You don't know how much shipping goes through the ports of Baton Rouge, South Louisiana, and New Orleans, do you?
I would also presume you don't know about the massive chemical corridor in the same area and its economic impact.
Wasn't Liberia founded by African Americans though?
I'm totally okay with this because a tiny little percentage of people watch shows that are only made for black people. If it somehow transcends it's premise and isn't identitarian bullshit, the way get out transcended it's premise, it will attract outside attention beyond virtue signaling, but virtue signaling only works for marketing, it doesn't actually make shows and movies successful (see: ghostbusters).
This is some of dumbest shit I've ever seen
Yeah, that's the problem.
Not the retarded premise.
How much money would they even be owed? There were like 2 million slaves brought to North America.
Buddy are you even reading the thread?
In the show's universe the black country has become the world's leading superpower and the white America they left behind is a third world nightmare overrun by violent rednecks
i thought we were talking about how ridiculous the premise is not left/right dichotomy. your greentext where you answer your own strawman makes no sense boyo.
>every show is "muh racism, kill whitey"
[citation needed]
It was a meme colony that was never popular.
Lincoln himself stopped promoting the ACS when he found that out.
>In the show's universe the black country has become the world's leading superpower and the white America they left behind is a third world nightmare overrun by violent rednecks
That's not what the article says.
>Alt-history show in which freed slaves get their own country
>afro-Americans known't about Liberia
>major industrialized nation