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Poor Matt, the fucking reporter being so cold about certainly didn't help.
>Whaat? No way!
>Is this some kinda setup or something?
>I'm just on my way to the beach
Seemed a bit suspicious
Best acting he's ever done in his life, what a fake person.
i thought it was sincere. eat shit fag
Thumbs up
almost as good a performance as the time your mother convinced her husband that he was your father
You're too gullible. No one's fault but yours.
tfw i'm ashamed of this fact ;-;
meh, too long winded for a snappy comeback
this was real, and based
>Moved on
What is wrong with saying dead?
you sound like a tool lmao jus'sayin
A lot of A-list celebrities are extremely positive people who don't want to think about negativity, so they invent ways to say "death" without actually saying "death"
He's pretentious.
nothing. but matt follows that statement up with 'see you in the next one, sam' implying he believes in an afterlife which means he wasn't saying 'moved on' because 'dead' was not PC
When I see his true personality I always find it so strange that he played a character like Rust
t. wife's son
Were you expecting him to cry or something?
Y'all retards need Jesus.
Saying dead is pretty rude.
he looks genuinely surprised. sorry he didnt break down in tears for you, faggot
Same thing with Dallas Buyers Club. He's an entirely different person.
This, he let Sam know he's going to meet him in heaven someday.
>"heh! I bet the guys at Sup Forums will love this witty comeback."
he shouldve said "who gives a shit old people die all the time"
Seems genuine. Anyone thinking this is some sort of act is far too cynical for their own good or a moron.
no, he's Texan in all of his movies
thanks for the (You)
is mccounaghey /ourguy/
>right wing
>pro trump
>thinks richard spencer is "intelligent"
Wow good one buddy you really insulted me good, that joke was worse than what your mom conceived 14 years ago you chowderhead.
>"heh! I bet the guys at Sup Forums will love this witty comeback too."
If you're so desperate for acceptance in a fucking anonymous board, then you should consider suicide.
None of those things describe McConaughey, and frankly they don't describe the average Sup Forums user either. Did you mistake him for that retard Kid Rock?
almost as good as your mom's fat ass. retard
got 'em
>breaking this news to a guy at the release of a guaranteed bomb movie
Is that shitty accent real?
>right wing
When did "conservative" become synonymous with "right wing"?
Thats right. Never. Stop using terms and buzzwords you picked up on Sup Forums please. That board is /r9k/, but with more virgins.
>When did "conservative" become synonymous with "right wing"?
God I know, those fucking idiot Sup Forumsster manbabies.
Jeez, what are the chances of a word's definition becoming biased and changed by usage?
Keep moving those goalposts
>conservative and reactionary are the same thing
was he supposed to break down in tears?
its not really like that when someone you know dies who isnt a family member or close friend
KEK accusing me of moving goalposts when I posted only once.....
He's a Christfag and thinks Sam is in a magical cloud castle now.
Prove he isn't, fedoralord
I don't get it. Did they have an issue?
This is actually a time when political buzzwords have a very explicit definition. Right Wing = Conservative. This goes back to the French Revolution where during debates when the progressive revolutionaries assembled on the left and the conservative monarchists were on the right.
who the fuck is sam shepard
Guy from the DNC who Trump started a conspiracy theory about saying that they had him killed for the Wikileaks thing.
Fuck if I know. A writer, I guess.
Guy on Fox News
holy shit
wrote Paris Texas you pleb
Checkmate Athiests.
One of the atsronauts who faeked the moon lending and covereded up the flat earth truthe
this guy was in kino such as the assassination of jesse james, rip
>don't describe the average Sup Forums user either.
Hello Plebbit. Wish there were some more niggers in Dunkirk?
He was in Mud, the film that started McConaughey's comeback.
MM didn't know he had ALS if the clip is to be believed.
He was a rare dude. A straight american broadway playwright.
Comeback? What, did something kill McConaughey's career for a while?
He used to be a schlocky rom-com fixture but then started taking more dignified roles and has done them well, in my opinion. I like him for the same reason I like Nic Cage or Tom Cruise.
>Sup Forums users aren't Sup Forumstarded enough to support an idiot president who hasn't accomplished a thing in six months, and an idiot white nationalist who quickly became irrelevant after being outed as a pedophile
>in your mind this makes them all third wave feminists from the radical left
Stay in la la land, and don't ever post here again.
What's the the tripcode for Krager?
Almost like hes an actor
He's a literal retard that believes in heaven, who cares what he thinks
Pulitizer prize winning playwright who went on later in life to star in the GOAT space movie, The Right Stuff.
He was in Mud most recently.
Never do we actually discuss politics, beliefs, ideas, or philosophies. It's more so gossip about whose a bigger loser.
Sounds like you're a fucking faggot, if you ask me. Does your wife's boyfriend know you're using the internet?
And we did. Thanks user.
>if you ask me.
And nobody is asking you, pedo. So fuck off.
>the film that started McConaughey's comeback
That was The Lincoln Lawyer, pleb.
You must be too young to remember but he was in nothing but shitty romantic comedies for a while
>he didn't see The Lincoln Lawyer, Bernie or Killer Joe
he was so great in Stealth
He fucked Patti Smith.
So he dies of ALS, a slowly debilitating disease, yet he asks what of? Couldn't have been that much of a friend if he didn't know he had it.
It would be hilarious to get him to describe what he thinks heaven is like.
Or maybe he didn't watch shitty romcoms, idiot.
Who hurt you, emo kid?
I am Christian Bale.
He was a friend of sneed.
He was a good friend.
It's called 'acting'.
I gotta say I like Matt. And its not just because he's one of the only celebs with a seamless hair transplant who drives a bitchin Camaro but he just seems so proper and nice without being a faggot about it.
He's actually religious, watch his oscar acceptance speech youtu.be
I think he's more shocked by the news than he can properly exchange grief, he's on camera after all.
blown the FUCK out
guy from mass effect
Holy SHIT.
3rd degree bazinga'd
i think this guy just called ur dad a cuckold