Audreyfags got us deleted Edition
Meanwhile: ???
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Who the fuck said this was going to be on pair with ep 8? It was good, but nothing like it.
daily reminder the guy who got our last thread deleted was not an Audreyfag and instead hated her
fuck audreyfags
>It was good
>Audreyfags got us deleted Edition
>OP deleted the thread because it triggered his autism
Holy shit how fucking pathetic.
Daily reminder that Phillip Jeffries is going to come back in the 18th episode and THE SHIT IT COME OUTTA MY ASS
Kill yourself
Thanks for confirming your samefagging last thread
This guy was a goddamn Nostradamus
With the episode title being what it is, and being a follow up to arguably the best episode this season, this was really supposed to be the perfect storm. I was fully expecting Hawk and the boys to travel to those coordinates this episode, but we got an entire fucking episode of filler. The Sara scene and Cole mentioning the Blue Rose were really the only decent parts of the episode, in which they were part of the beginning of the episode. Everything after that was just ridiculously drawn out.
The return of Audrey made absolutely no sense. Nothing was explained at all.
We got trolled hard. Now we have to wait another week. Did Lynch just not give a fuck?
What's your order?
Uh, you know OP's can't delete their threads anymore right?
Some janny probably deleted it because it revealed titty.
Friendly reminder that Audrey was always slut
Miriam Sullivan (Mentioned by Frank)
Miriam Hodges (Written on the letter)
Miriam "What's her name" (Ben can't remember)
Are they the same person?
david lunch lol
>eating a donut for lunch
typical americans
Based lunch poster
audreyfags getting triggered lmao
You can't delete threads since years ago newfag only posts
dougie stones lol
Holy shit I'm laffing.
Lynch always delivers.
it was deleted because of OP posted a lewd pic of best girl
Here's the meanwhile since last thread was pruned
>reddit newfags coming here to make threads can't even do it right
Audrey was a pure maiden until It was Laura who was always the slut.
I love this new dwarf character. If he was with snow white he would be sleepy.
fuck off with that shitty whore
Proof that Inland Empire and TP are in the same universe:
>Diane has a doppelganger
>Sarah Palmer saying "This is the way to the palace", obv referring to Jack Rabbit's Palace
>"It was the man in green coat" Clearly referring to Dougie
>One of the characters is literally called "Jack Rabbit"
>Audrey was a pure maiden until
yah ofc
She was though. A total virgin.
has any character in any show been humiliated as badly as Audrey was last night?
>blocks your path
>thousands of boys lusted after her during the 90s
>lynch makes fun of her current looks by marrying her to the uglier version of mja
lynch hates women
If nothing else The Return is a successful troll on Michael J. Anderson, who has to watch his fellow midget actors get paid while gets replaced with a CG tree.
Why was Humpty Dumpty in Twin Peaks?
>didn't have sex in that scene
what did you mean by this
Funny how the candie and audrey posters keep blowing the OP each time they try to make one
Who the hell is Billy?
Dougie jones getting hit with a baseball now that's entertainment LOL!
I'm to the point where I just want to scream every Sunday night after the episode airs.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Special Agent Dale Cooper the main character here ?
Art is one thing but teasing people week after week is another.
Lets have Coop back already geez !
I mean what the hell is the deal ?
I'm trying so hard to stay with it especially since I've waited 26 years for this but, I'm getting let down over and over again and it's getting ridiculous.
Most parts of this series could have been cut out and the show would have been much more suspenseful and enjoyable.
In the words of Diane "Fuck you Dougie" !
sorry, did you want more Audrey?
>twelfth episode
>still setting up more plot lines
she wanted having sex with Cooper
Where do you get these?
Well, some of it was definitely taking the piss.
The french woman taking forever to leave and Audrey's husband making that obviously important phonecall and then not even telling what was said were obviously meant to be a joke on the audience.
Audreyfags can't recover from this fucking hell
It is rewarding for one's mental health to meditate with thoughts of Sheryl Lee's smile for approximately 10-25 minutes a day
all waifus except laura are being systematically LYNCHED
The midget that is married to Audrey is the same guy in the photo with evil Coop in front if the glass box. How has anyone not noticed this ?
wanted, but didn't do the deed.
Who wouldn't?
They got so BTFO last night that they're trying to get /tpg/ banned.
>will there be another BOB-like villian
>poo will flow = the sheet it come out of my ass
Jeffries confirmed new BOB?
Nadine will always be top waifu
You'd realize they had already been set if you actually paid attention.
I thought it was him, when he first showed up, but I'm not sure.
holy shit
>tfw if there's no jumping man first post, you should probably avoid /tpg/ threads for the foreseeable.
I want to accent Sheryl's natural beauty by giving her a pearl necklace!
i liked episode 12 a whole lot tbqhwy senpai
Something is definitely a foot.
trips confirm Audreyfags are traitors to /tpg/
Jumpingmanposter shitposts in /who/ now, I'm not even kidding
>grabs tiddehs
>laura is still dead
>maddy is still dead
>donna (both show and FWWM) are nonexistant
>shelly is a slut
>audrey is married to a midget
>josie is still a knob
>annie is a literal who
>lucy is still autistic
are Norma and Nadine the only true OG show waifus left?
Best girl.
>that lewd neck and chest
O-oh boy
Call me reddit but the last episode was the most disappointing so far. Not even because of Audrey but it felt so pointless and unnecessarily protracted, not to say boring.
This really Lynched me. It was so early in the episode that I knew the dream episode we all imagined wasn't happening.
Nadine is alt-right now so it's just Norma now
>Nadine is alt-right now
>implying that's bad
This episode, kino. KINO, I SAY.
Norma was glad her husband was locked up, she's right wing too.
Norma is still a non-character.
>the only reason twin peaks is moving into alternate universe territory is because the original donna was being a cunt and fucked her looks up
Laura's being set up to come back, not even just from the leaks
Barring that Lynch retroactively made her a pure being forged by benevolent forces
oooh Sheryl
>Audreyfags btfo
>'Chet Desmond dont real' fags btfo
Norma is too busy with her taxes to be your waifu.
Another indication of the RR/Two Realities Theory.
There's at least 3 jmposters - listed in terms of relevance below;
>alcoholic spoilertagsanon who always gets firstpost & laments his choice of alcoholic beverage and christmas music
>vhs user who posts shit-tier quality jumping men pictures
>frenlo jm poster who replies consistently to all of the above
oh shit those double doubles prove it.
Sheryl Lee is a considerably amazing, remarkably genuine, extremely gorgeous, unbelievably lovable, highly intelligent, tremendously talented, unquestionably amazingly sweet, outstandingly caring, exceptionally kind, adorably cute, legitimately worship-worthy, particularly huggable, decidedly amiable, factually fantastic, comfortably well-mannered, undeniably compassionate, naturally real, understandably soul-strengthening, specially heart-warming and extraordinarily wonderful lady with the most stunningly beautiful smile and the softest, silkiest voice that has meditative and calming qualities not found anywhere else in this solar system who is unfairly inflicted with the blood disease of Neutropenia, which causes a lowered concentration of white blood cells in the blood, and she is not deserving of suffering from such illness!
I just realized that on top of marrying a man who is the complete opposite of Coop in every possible way, Audrey has also become her father. Frost and Lynch are brilliant.