Actual good scenes from the Hobbit trilogy edition
Since the old thread is still going but hit limit thought I'd make another
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Actual good scenes from the Hobbit trilogy edition
Since the old thread is still going but hit limit thought I'd make another
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Feanor did nothing wrong.
my ex muslim gf used to watch lotr cause she was a nerd
sadly now she is married to an orc and is becoming more of an orc herself
she probably no longer wishes the best for the fellowship.... only death
What is wrong with you
Rate my Remake Casting:
Aragorn - Idris Elba
Elijah Wood - Kevin Hart
Samwise Gamgee - Anthony Mackie
Perrigin Took - Tyler James Williams
Meriadoc Brandybuck - Common
Legolas - Chadwick Bozeman
Gimli - Donald Glover
Boromir - Michael B Jordan
Gandalf - Morgan Freeman
Sauroman - Forrest Whittaker
Elrond - Denzel Washington
Arwen - Taylor Swift
Galandriel - Beyonce
Gollum - Jamie Foxx
Theoden - Danny Glover
Eomer - Mekhi Pfhifer
Eowyn - Jennifer Laurence
Faramir - Chris Brown
>film is shit
>still has kino scenes of the highest calibre
how does he do it?
im not a faggot? she wasnt practicing, her family was, then they practiced threatening her and she married an orc
thats the true nature of orcs for you, they will tell you its a nice religion of peace, but even the ones who are civil will orc out on their women if they consort with elves or humans
>dating a muslim
Fucking Orc lover
Muslims must be purged.
pls stop fighting this is a /comfy/ thread
I remember how hype I was to see the hobbit in theatres, freeman was really great as bilbo imo, and I enjoyed the movie overall, though it felt a big too long and something was just, about it.
if only we'd known then how far it was going to fall.
Hell diverse/10
>Ian McKellen and Cate Blanchett named the dummy Michael Gambon after Dumbledore
why is gandalf hugging sima yi?
The Hobbit trilogy is the biggest disappointment for me since the Star Wars one.
>be the most memorable dwarf in the book
>get 0 lines in 3 films
>all that pipe smoking
>manly as fuck singing about gold
Why are dwarves so comfy
Fuck gay elves I want more dwarves
Post underrated scenes
He has a line in the EE of the last one
Damn, this scene is embarrassing now few years later. Although I laughed at the Galadriel scene the first time too.
that's my favourite scene in the whole movie, the music swell and so does my sense of wonder
haha you thought I was going to say benis
>Smaug sounds like a gay pedophile about to try and suck Bilbos cock
That was bad
>Kill him in 10 seconds in the 3rd movie after hyping him up to be the godking bad boss
That was really bad
I don't think The Hobbit is on the level of the prequels at all desu. Maybe Desolation of Smaug and Battle of the Five Armies, but they're still nowhere near as bad.
An Unexpected Journey is a lot better than I remember it being. Maybe it's in comparison to the other 2 or it's because I can watch it now without 11 years of hype and expecting it to be LOTR tier, but it's a solid 8/10 imo.
Has anyone watched the Tolkien Edit of The Hobbit by Maple Films? It's all 3 films cut down to 4 hours so it definitely has a few pacing issues and obviously can't fix every issue with the films (I really hate that fucking bloom filter they put on DoS and BotFA) but it's definitely an improvement. I'm thinking of trying to make my own two-film edit of the films with An Unexpected Journey and There and Back Again as the titles, but after re-reading The Hobbit recently I definitely sympathize with Peter being unable to properly adapt it. The pacing of the book is really weird. The first 2/3s of it is pretty much episodically with each chapter being its own story, and once they get to Laketown that goes away and it's more straightforward, but then Smaug is killed 3/4 into the book by a character they just introduced a few chapters earlier and there's an entire battle that we don't see because Bilbo gets knocked out and sleeps through it.
I love the book but there was no way Jackson could adapt it to 2 films (let alone 3, thanks WB) and not change things for the 2nd part.
what's the point of a gigantic empty hall like that?
The music when Frodo gets the light of Earendil is beautiful
1st for /bigvig/
>Christopher Lee has passed
every time I remember it hits a little harder
man what the hell was with the bloom in those films
agreed though kino scenes
It's abandoned, I think it wasn't empty before
1st for Figwit
>muh laydee
it was pretty bad at the time but because the rest of the movie is such a clusterfuck it basically got a free pass
also the budgets of each trilogy compared is fucking comical, especially considering how shitty The Hobbit looked
>Lord of the Rings
$90-$93 million per film
>The Hobbit
$250 million per film at least
fucking Warner Bros trying to cut corners by giving Jackson no prep time and ending up spending far more money than necessary. Haven't they done the same thing for almost every DC film?
Just a gentle reminder that Elrond wanted to send Glorfindel along with the Fellowship to help them destroy the ring.
Just a gentle reminder that Gandalf persuaded Elrond to send Merry and Pippin instead.
Why couldn't it just be two movies or at least Del Toro...
Well Merry and Peppin bring the bantz and the longbottom leaf.
they could have spent a billion, it wouldnt have mattered, LOTR had something like 3 years pre-production, the Hobbit had less than 1
>The Hobbit
$250 million per film at least
>War for the Planet of the Apes
$150 million budget
fucking how
Reminder that Longbottom Leaf, and pipeweed in general, is a tobacco product and not DUDE WEED LMAO.
Reminder that whenever Christopher Lee, Bernard Hill or Sean Bean commentate its absolute kino
Gandalf was a mental midget who tried to duck Sauron as much as possible until the Valar told him to fuck off to ME and get busy.
Then explain this face
that has to be the smuggest 'fuck the pigs dude weed lmao' face I've seen
What's with all these reminders, guys
it was in development hell for 10 years and del Taco was working on it while the film wasn't even green lit, so he basically moved to New Zealand to do pre-production for a film that he didn't even know would get made and without getting paid at all. I don't blame him for leaving to be able to actually make movies, it just sucks that basically a month after he left the studio got the money and green lit the films (after strong arming Jackson into directing).
I do wish the appendices showed a little more of what he envisioned for the films, though. I feel like I knew more specific stuff about what he had in mind before the films even came out, let alone before watching the appendices.
Tom Bombadil - Snoop Dogg
Then why is it called pipeWEED u fucking retard
Was he always evil?
>War for the Planet of the Apes
$150 million budget
holy shit that's incredible. I just checked and Dawn had a $235 million budget. Crazy that Fox cut their budget by $75 million for the sequel and they still managed to have it look better. I suppose Dawn had a bigger human cast though with Jason Clarke, Keri Russell, Gary Oldman, and that weird alien looking kid, while War just had Woody
WETA is so fucking based though god damn. Rise has definitely aged a bit since coming out but I remember watching it and genuinely believing Maurice was a real orangutan and wondering how they were able to train it to sit still and shit.
>mfw I found out Maurice was CGI
Did Gandalf literally fuck himself?
if it's the same crew that worked on the previous film they can do more with less
>ywn be a blade of grass in Galadriel's forest
Q: Is Pipeweed Supposed to be Marijuana or Tobacco?
ANSWER: You need look no further than the Prologue to The Lord of the Rings to see that Pipe-weed is nothing more than tobacco:
2. Concerning Pipe-weed
There is another astonishing thing about Hobbits of old that must be mentioned, an astonishing habit: they imbibed or inhaled, through pipes of clay or wood, the smoke of the burning leaves of a herb, which they called pipe-weed or leaf, a variety probably of Nicotiana. A great deal of mystery surrounds the origin of this peculiar custom, or ‘art’ as the Hobbits preferred to call it. All that could be discovered about it in antiquity was put together by Meriadoc Brandybuck (later Master of Buckland), and since he and the tobacco of the Southfarthing play a part in the history that follows, his remarks in the introduction to his Herblore of the Shire may be quoted.
Eat shit, faggots.
>listening to the Fellowship director/writers commentary
>Jackson straight up acknowledges that the Balrog probably didn't have wings but says the description in the book was vague enough for it to be either way and to him it doesn't really matter because the design in the film works well
similar moment earlier in the commentary when Phillipa Boyens mentions the "why didn't they just take the Eagles to Mordor" 'plot hole' and Jackson somehow has never heard of that and without hesitating explains 3 different reasons why the eagles wouldn't do that.
See: The Hobbit
Eh I wasn't disagreeing, just posted smug Merry
>willingly dilute your gene
>implying letting your women interbreed is good
with cucks like you around no wonder white women are spreading their legs for the jamals and tyrones
how did Warner Bros think they could get away with this
you got me at Arwen
I had to go get this, I'm in for a comfy night friends.
I like how they cover Bombadill too.
They never say the Fellowship doesn't meet Tom, they just don't show it.
Also, Super Extended Editions when? We all know they have more kino scenes in vaults
>watching washed out filtered blurays
I remember that on the extended commentary its clear they saw the memes about the eagles and peter was having non of it. If I remember one of the reasons is it would be a shitty movie, they get on the eagles fly to mordor and are back home before second breakfast.
Im contemplating watching the trilogy again but with the cast commentary have you watched that and is it any good?
Remember when Gandalf's staff broke and he got rescued by a tranny?
why did they give martin freeman this role? he can't act
It's not noticeable when watching
>not casting Samuel L. Jackson as Gimli
He was perfect fuck you
>not casting Downey Jr
This is honestly the greatest 3 dvds every made all of them have 4 commentary tracks, the new scenes completely edited even with music, and each movie has close to 9 hours of the most amazing documentary material I have ever seen
The books are kino. The films are kino. The two will always be regarded as masterpieces.
So why are numale Canadian cucks making fan fiction assassins creed LOTR games when they have tons of GOAT source material to work with?
Fuck it
Exactly. The worst scene is the always pointed out Gandalf in Shire sequence, other than that it's barely noticable.
seriously? he can't display any emotion at all other than looking sort of confused. he completely ruined most of it
It didn't break if you read the books you know he has a different staff in LOTR and the hobbit. After his is destroyed by the necromancer the wood wizard (cant remember his name) gives him his staff which is what he uses in LOTR.
It not working was his first time using the new staff and now knowing exactly how to use it
that was only downside otherwise i liked it
Cast commentary is mostly good
True kino when Lee, Hill and Bean commentate
That last clip has me feeling some type of way.
I'd love to get an ultimate edition that includes every scene they filmed with no regard for pacing at all.
Part of me also wants Jackson to film the Tom Bombadil sequence with the four Hobbits because they haven't aged at all, but deep down I know that's a terrible idea and might be a slippery slope that leads him to go full Lucas. Although I guess if he's just adding stuff rather than changing it and also releases the theatrical and extended versions too it's fine.
Read The Dwarves (German: Die Zwerge) by German fantasy author Markus Heitz.
It's basically every high fantasy trope ever only with dwarves as the protagonists.
It also has a nerdy magician who ends up in a three-way relationship with two hot women. He alternates living with them every six months.
but that's a retarded reason,the eagles would never be able to reach mordor so easily with a fucking giant eye watching everything and if by some fucking magic they got close enough they'd have 9 fucking nazguls on their asses,not to mention that the ring could corrupt the eagle since they are a sentient species and that would be the end of everything.
Goddamn the eagle "plothole" gets my blood boiling.
He was almost perfect.
He'd be perfect if Ian Holm didnt exist
Fellowship cast commentary is fucking KINO. The banter between the Hobbits (especially Billy/Dominic/Elijah) is almost non-stop at points. You can definitely tell they recorded a lot of the cast separately though, because you'll have Billy and Dominic talking about that game they made up while fucking with Elijah called Tig, and then they'll be interrupted by Christopher Lee talking about stabbing Nazis in World War II.
It's still great though. Definitely worth at least listening to in the background.
Eagles didn't give a single fuck about the Nazgul on any level.
>implying the difference is between DVD and bluray, and not theatrical edition vs extended edition
>"he can't act"
>"he can't display any emotion"
fuck you he was god-tier casting
>you dilute your gene by breeding with smart girls from other races
>all other girls from other races are dumb all the time
oh im laffin at the retard faggot who cant get laid and thinks im a cuckold cause i do
I'm going full autist
Which commentary has Lee/Hill/Bean on it? Two Towers? I haven't listened to that commentary in years but why was Bean on it? Just for that 1 deleted scene?
that deleted scene is kino though desu
I do feel sorry for Jackson, he really had the rug pulled out from beneath him. That said it's still shit we never got the Del Toro Hobbit film.
You made a horrible mistake.
You forgot the Asian actors for those China dollars.