Fear Mongering 101

Joe Rogan is a fear mongerer. He needs to be to get attention and retain listeners.

You guys need to write this down. It's important. Shows like these are fucking 4 hours long. That's 1/6th of your day, do you realize that? The longer you spend listening, the more likely you will come back for more.

If you've watched any of Jordan Peterson's lectures, you would know that this is novelty. None of it will benefit you in anyway. The only people who benefit are the podcast host, guest, and the technologies they talk about. The person who benefits the most is the programmers and sherperers that influence the lives of millions of stupid people.

My recommendation is to stop watching podcasts. There's nothing that they are saying that will help you.

I had to learn this the hard way.

hes about to do a podcast in a moment. lets use this thread for that

ya i hear u but i can't stop watching xD it's just too addicting yanno?

Agree with you unironically. Worst part is how they act like experts but have to google everything

What about listening to podcasts while doing something productive like chores or driving to work?

>Joe Rogan is a fear mongering
WTF did you expect from a show named "Fear Factor" you imbecile?


Joe Rogan isn't funny or relevant. Why give him any attention?

There are more than one podcasts you know.

>There's nothing that they are saying that will help you.
But I'm not looking for help. I'm looking to be entertained and listen to other people's opinions. What nonsense are you going on about?

Yea, podcasting has become this weird form of edutainment with this allure of self improvement. You listen to it expecting to learn something new, make yourself a better person, but you end up just hearing rich guys blab about their TRT regimens.

Specifically Eddies episodes?

I like listening to song exploder but those are only like 15 minutes long

Eddie Bravo is the most appropriate use of the term "mongoloid" I can think of. The guy is just so unintelligent it hurts to listen to him speak, and the way that he doesn't listen at all to what anyone else says, rather just watched them talk and waits his turn to speak (when he isn't loudly talking over them spewng drivel) just further cements this.

>half the shite he said yesterday increased my blood pressure. Its frustrating listening to him, Im not surprised Joe is bald


I'm just trying to save you from wasting your time. Many people on this website are depressed because of this reason. No one will show you the truth.

i always just lay in bed and watch rogan podcasts. its become a ritual for me now. feels good man.

>great now I'm watching this crap again

The last JRE podcast I watched was Jordan Peterson. His guests are usually literal who's. Will definitely watch his 1000th.

Then don't listen to it.

Motherfucker it's entertaining. Not every thing you watch/listen to is supposed to change your life. If you only watch things to change your life than you are fucked

anything related to the "self help" category in general is not worth the medium it is captured in, or your time, because sitting around waiting for enlightement to be handed down to you never works.

"just do it" is a heuristic that clever-silly (110-130 iq) people can't believe because they think there has to be some system or tactic or some secret to learn before they can have success, and yet anyone emotionally detatched from the situation will observe that almost everything in life is learned by the doing, even the intellectual pursuits.

More importantly however, is these industries like every other industry centered around getting people to think something is wrong with them and then offering them the cure, is about making $$$. Most of Joe's guests are charlatans hawking a product even if its not immediately obvious.