ITT: Simpsons´ jokoes you only understud years later.
ITT: Simpsons´ jokoes you only understud years later.
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I still don't understand that Sneed's joke to this day, maybe next year. Anyone got any theories?
Dental plan
based grahamer poster
which one is Chuck?
>Sneeds feed n seed
Why did this became a meme? I don't even understand the joke
It's not a meme, people just like when shows don't pander with SJW jokes or celebrity cameros (like nu-Simpsons does) and have intelligent and subtle humor.
I don't get the humor in that scene
Literally and unironically this one
chuck's fuck and suck
>Chuck's Feed and Seed
>Sneed's Feed and Seed (it rhymes)
>Chuck's Fuck and Suck (it rhymes)
sneed is literally the baneposting of simpsonsposting. This board fucking sucks at simpsons memes.
If any of you has a facebook, check out compuhyperglobalnet australia & newzeland. It's full of cool memes. Or rock bottom. Or simpsons shitposting
Get out of here, pervert.
The best of two worlds.
What did they mean by this?
General simpsons posts
oh my gosh is this real?
pretty funny
Does it have a hidden message like this one? Only real fans know this one.
xplain plesz
This joke is simple. It isn't the retarded suck and fuck like that one retarded keeps saying.
It was Chuck's Feed & Seed, then it just happened to be purchased by someone named Sneed which Rhymes with Feed& Seed.
The humor here is that Sneed is a ridiculous name and not something made up for the Rhyme. So it is humorous that there is a guy named Sneed out there because it was formerly owned my the normal name Chuck.
i really like these mashups
What if its actually both....?
what if it was always called sneed's and its was just formerly owned by chuck and then chuck sold it and the new owner wanted everyone to know?
Was chuck the original owner?
Was John gay?
>Why did this became a meme?
Some autistic loser spammed it in these threads until it became a thing.
No, his zzzzzzzzap! gag freaked Homer out. Didn't know the guy well enough to know he was only kidding about zapping him. Homer really worried when Bart started doing it too.
Then in the end, Homer saw John and Bart defend against reindeer. No more fear of zzzzzzzzap!
It's not like they based the character on John Waters. He's gotta be straight.
>the actual menu is facing the street
Why did he park like this?
this you bunch of fucking autists
Joke is that a woman in the same situation would have a towel wrapped around her head to dry her hair. Homer is obviously doesn't have a towel on his head but says it anyways.
This one always made me smile
>jpg for ants, etc
Women wear towels on their head, making it hard for them to hear.
Homer just repeated what Marge probably said even though he doesn't understand it.
Those are Sneed's children
He's talking to Sneed
That's the agricultural school Sneed went to
no the joke is Sneed named it Chuck's because Sneed is an odd name
You two are the autists. It's just a dirty joke. Chuck's Fuck and Suck. What's the problem with that? It was a joke written during the Scully days, so of course it was going to be something like that.
Exactly this.
Is it me or that pic is slightly different everytime is posted?
Watchmen Babies: V Is For Vacation.
Did not know that Alan Moore was responsible for both til years later.
Oh, so that's why you people re-post it daily and beat the dead horse into a fine paste. Because you enjoy intelligent and subtle humor. I understand Sup Forums now.
Either this is bait or you know nothing about John Waters.
Compare the image in post And yes, John Waters IS gay IRL.
Formerly Big Chuck Crazy Cone
this is how 90% of memes become memes
but it's a feed and seed store
Its a forced meme you newfag.
There is no joke.
Bunch of retards just keep posting it to fuck with others.
The Simpsons were ahead of their time.
Simpsons did it.
Find a way, that is.
oh my god no it is not fucking real
that episode existed before metal gear solid
please explain
It's a FEED and SEED store.
>Network TV allows a joke like that.
It was just a shit joke. Why can't you shills admit that?
Hi Matt. Love Futurama.
>No travon with bart hair on the ground
Jesus Christ no the joke is that Homer was taking a shower at work which is quite bizarre. Earlier we just saw that Marge had taken a shower which is why she missed the phone, which makes sense since she's a housewife.
What did he mean by this?
why were bart and milhouse cheering when scratchy killed teddy roosevelt?
Because Teddy Roosevelt was a warmongering piece of shit who thought Armies had to go and die in pointless conflicts to keep nations strong.
He might have had a point considering how shitty people are when we are undoubtedly living in a Golden Age.
What an old show
>We're talking Homer........Ozzy and the Sneeeeeed
pure classic simp
notice that ozzie's ghost is present in the photo, despite being sucked into an interdimensional time warp?
fun fact: this is because of the giant brained ken griffey junior, who's habit of drinking copious amounts of brain and nerve tonic has given him psychic powers, and bring souls back from other dimensions
Okay Sup Forums, we need to get to the bottom of this. Somebody find Mike Scully's email or physical address. We can send him a mail and pick his brains on the whole Sneed debacle.
Chuck's Camp
>pedophile mustache
checks out.
Simpsons is great
chuck's chumps? how the fuck do they get away with this?
Oh wow
Institute of
In one episode, Flanders's wife Maude dies and I just never got the joke. It just seemed way too dark to be funny
ohhh, "SHIT"? thats the joke??
Are you actually retarded?
It was a FFV reference
> ⌘ + F "sneed"
> 16 matches
not Ctrl, please fuck off
Okay seriously. You people need to stop fucking editing this picture every time you post it.
It's not funny anymore.
Unironically this
That niggas' sleeves are long af f@m
I taught that was a Loss edit
How is it edited?
imagine not knowing the fucking box factory episode.......