Has anyone watched Modern Family since Ariel killed herself?

Has anyone watched Modern Family since Ariel killed herself?

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Red pill on Ariel as someone who has necer seen the show.

Just another dumb roastie but turned up to 11 with money and power from stardom. A child with no-one to say "no".


how do you go from THIS



Fucking Hollywood plastic surgeons, man.

if she was going to balloon up like that she should have kept the big jugs
she could have been the next christina hendricks

I try to avoid Ariel threads because I get so depressed. We will NEVER see those fully bloomed village feeders EVER. I just hope some lucky bastard got the nudes before she chopped them off



just imagine tit fuking the pear of them gosh dam

their fucking faces. they know

Quick rundown? She didn't actually kill herself... right?

Sarah hylands nudes leaked, so there's a chance Ariel's might

Breast reduction should be illegal.

People guilty of the crime:

Ariel Winter
Christina Ricci
Scarlett Johansson
Jennifer Connelly

Yeah we'll get to see her scarred up pancake tits.

i think ariel was not 18 yet when she had the surgery

>what's been the most noticeable change since surgery

Her nose is fucking weird.

1. They were giving her back problems

2. She was tired of people always focusing on her tits and not her acting.

3. She always had trouble finding a top that would fit in wardrobe while on set.


will we see her trying to show her bum off more in the show?

not me

>dont objectify meeeeee!


her ass is delicious

1. Lose weight
2. She's a terrible actress anyway
3. Who cares lol

for what purpose?

gods what episode is this??

I guarantee if there's a God he would send this bitch to hell for all eternity for fucking with his divine plan.

the one where alex graduates

I wonder how many guys got to fuck her before she lopped her tits off. I get really mad and jealous thinking about it.

1. Her adult boyfriend when she was 14.
2. Her later boyfriend Laurent who got her at her absolute prime and then had to stay with her for at least six to eight months after her suicide so he wouldn't look like a dick leaving her right after she ruined herself.

HUUUGN I would take her bareback without ever asking

1.The back problems excuse is bullshit. Plenty of women have giant tits and don't complain.

2. Shes a shit actress though. Her tits were literally the only reason anyone cared about her, as evidenced by her fall into obscurity.

3. Then that's wardrobes fucking fault. They have one job and if they can't do it I'm sure L.A. is full of people who can do it.

Gods, just imagine them pleasuring each other...


Those plump girls often have surprisingly small pussies.

the stank

they just seems small when surrounded by a whale

Dude, gross.

she fucking looks like skrillex in the bottom pic



1. ur
2. fucken
3. ded

no, I'm talking finger tight. Its rather odd.

will the scars ever go away?

or are they permanent?

have to be repaired with plastic surgery


What i dont understand is that shes basically acting like a kylie jenner rip off (the way she dresses, posting half naked pics on her insta , showing of her curves), so why would she do something to make herself less attractive , its the exaggerated "wow" factor that made the karadasian ass famous.

What a stupid kid

>What a stupid kid
This is why children should never be given the option to have any cosmetic surgery.

what could have been....

she got hubris and thought she would get attention anyway on the basis of being her

I'll pay someone fifty (you)'s for an Ariel dump

Why wouldn't you just go to Google?



>ywn pump a girl full of cum and watch as her hips, ass, and breasts plump up while your child grows inside her
I got a boner just writing that

could you imagine

Top tier mommy

She got sagging tits surgery and called it a "reduction"

>Back problems

Go to the gym then faget

>oh user im so fat

Scarlett never got a reduction, she just lost weight.


After this episode he was not gay anymore

has a sitcom ever had a main character commit suicide

based markposter

Did EoNeil vote Trump? I cant imagine Bundy voting for Marcy Darcy

> mfw Marcy directed a bunch of MwC episodes, including some No Ma'm ones
> mfw she didn't invite Ed to her RL gay wedding because she thought it'd be problematic

Pilot episode of Wilfred came pretty close or succeeded according to some interpretations.

1. She was too lazy to do any exercise

2. She has mental issues and instead wants people to focus on her asshole.

3. She now wears see through tops and underwear.

this what the fuck did she get a nosejob

> 2.

Holy shit, i think it's working


>had beautiful fat oversized titties developing further every day like ripening fruit kissed by the gods themselves
>wore low cut dresses and shit to red carpet events all the time, constantly had her tits on display at press events
>started to cry about "muh objectivication" and how no one cared about anything but her titties (correct) so she got breast reduction surgery
>immediately every stopped caring about her
>started posting slutty, barely clothed, borderline softcore images, the things we all wanted to see beforehand, on instagram and shit now that she's ruined her body and is covered with surgery scars and a scarlet letter of being a fucking dumbass with no foresight and a dead career looming like a rain cloud

tl;dr - she's a dumb woman

That's more believable with J-Con.

Hol up nigger you can't just say that and not post them.

Hello where are the Sarah Hyland pics

Fuck off whitknighting tripfag

Fug m8.

Every girl I've fucked has worn a padded bra. What a fucking ripoff. Finally get them naked and it's such boner kill to see some saggy small titties when you're expecting some big bouncy melons. I can't even imagine getting to play with massive tits like that.


Fatgirls confirmed for tight cunts. All those thick thighs keep the pressure on it

>literally looks like a prostitute
>spade tattoo
okay then


Me too user, me too. They were wonderful

Say it with me lads


seriously who is this