Sex scene in porn

>sex scene in porn
>hard and fast pounding
>sex scene in a movie
>slow and steady

So which one is how you're supposed to have sex?

t. virgin

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Depends on the mood

stick your dick in and do what feels good you autist

Ur supposed to cum after 3 thrusts then leave

Sometimes I feel sad when I realize that I will wonder about this for the rest of my life. I truly know that I will die a virgin.

>it's an hour long episode
how does our guy mike adriano do it

Same, don't care enough about women to bother bettering myself or go out looking for them

hard and fast and cum without warning


It's a sprint, not a marathon

The liberals from Sup Forums and Sup Forums strike again

buy a hooker pay her 200 bucks and have her teach you everything all night

Depends on both of your moods and how close you are.

Significant others can go both ways for either rough or gentle. One night stands or fuck buddies typically just rut like animals.

Gentle sex lets both of you appreciate each other's bodies more with soft touches and gropes as well as kissing. It focuses more on the emotional aspect that intercourse brings.

Rough sex is just making each other cum as fast as possible.

You can go slow and sensual or fast paced, same for penetration and blow jobs.

Really depends on what both parties like, you usually go fast when you're trying to finish though.

Just jackoff on her forehead

Slow and pounding, spill on her belly

>tfw haven't had sex since last october

that's like an hour's worth

Sometimes I feel like it would be better to be a virgin, because they don't know how truly bad it is to go on a dry spell.

Especially if the sex you had prior was amazing.

Just post the nudes already

I have a problem with a prostitution. I don't believe any woman would ever willingly choose that as a career unless she had some serious issues. My conscience would bother me afterwards.

They have sex with blacks tho

No they dont. Most hooker ads say no black guys

>tfw just got done having sex

not if it's a crack whore

My usual technique is slow and steady then hard and fast, then slow and steady then hard and fast. After fucking fast and hard for a while your dick can go numbish so its nice to slow it down and feel everything and then speed it back up again.

Good luck virgin fag.

Lower your standards and you could find out within a week.

yeah i feel this so hard. it's almost worse. before that you don't even know what you're missing out on

Porn sex is for men
Movie sex is for women
Who are you trying to please?

Doubt it. You can't really get laid if you're not a social butterfly/jacked.

>200 bucks
just get a drug addict whore for $30 its not like we know what good or bad sex is

what if you believe you aren't good enough for anyone?

Then cry for sympathy on Sup Forums

beelieve in yourself

You don't think you could get a fat old women on a rascal?

As I said, if you lower your standards you can fuck within a week. Go to your local Walmart and find the most pathetic excuse for a women. Hit on her and fuck her.

Cat ladies exist, no one wants to fuck them
and they jump at the chance to have sex.

As I said, if you are as ugly and fucked as you are and you really want sex, lower your standers or fix yourself. Whatever you do, shut the fuck up about your bullshit complaining.

No one cares, no one owes you anything and no one feels bad for you.

Don't worry user, you're not alone. Have you reached wizard status yet? It's the path to enlightenment.

I don't want your damn pity
thanks, guy

No, 7 more years.

>w-what if im not good enough

no, I believe I can't pull anyone
and I'm fine with that

nah, I like life
mine is uninteresting, but it is mine

listen here faggots, SLOW, LONG, THRUSTS

also look up the nina hartley pussy eating vid, she knows her shit

>sex scene in an 80s/90s movie
>woman straddles guy's stomach and jerks head back spastically

surely everyone involved had fucked before, why couldn't they ever make it the slightest bit convincing?

You don't sound like you're fine with that, you're the one complaining.

Eh. I seek sex for validation of self. Everything besides the woman part of my life I'm pretty happy with. Fucking some 1/10 wouldn't really do anything for me in that department.

it's not complaining, it's just statement of fact
like saying the sun rises in the east or there are 365 days in the year
it's just something to talk about

I kinda feel bad for him.

>I seek sex for validation of self.

>Everything besides the woman part of my life I'm pretty happy with.

Pick one. If you are truly happy with everything else in your life you wouldn't need validation.

You have some issues to work out whether you want to accept it or not.

You've never met him. Hypothetically he could be a robot. If you feel bad for him, I feel bad for you.

(Spoiler alert, I don't feel bad for you.)


That's how people fucked back then.

Well everyone could be a little happier, but I've hit the max amount of happiness I'm willing to put the work in to achieve, and it's landed me in a spot I'm otherwise content with. I don't particularly want the skills you need to pick up women. They're pretty separate from the qualities I care to have. I don't feel bad about not being very competent socially. I already know a version of me who's socially perfect and who puts the max effort into looking good every single day in every single way can achieve a woman, so it doesn't mean anything to me since I don't care to have those qualities.
I just want the material thing for five minutes so I can get it then throw it away, feel like I did the thing you're supposed to do, then break it off and go back home.

If I can't get it through chance then whatever. I can vent myself well enough whining about it anonymously every once and awhile.

What Sup Forums - Television & Film is this from, sange??

Easy money for them. Don't be a neck beard

If I'm in or have been in a similar position that's just basic empathy. But he certainly is a robot.

>pussy eating
You might as well suck dick

>Well everyone could be a little happier

Meh, I think that's a bunch of bullshit. Happiness is happiness I don't believe in "more happiness."

You're ether happy or your not, happiness is fleeting contentment is not.

If you are content with yourself then validation is not necessary from anyone or anything.

Going after "more happiness" is folly and leads to depression.

Sex is overrated. I lost my virginity to a roastie and it wasn't worth it.

Only faggots don't eat pussy.

I'm certainly not properly functional, but such is life

>havent had sex since last February

>haven't had sex since August 2015

>havent had sex for almost 2 weeks

>haven't had sex since the coolidge administration

>haven't had sex in two days.
>mfw im like 100lbs heavier then everyone in this thread.
>mfw I had sex with my side bitch 4 days before that.

MFW I have no face.

haha yes, i too am fat and disgusting and have sex with 2 women regularly. my side bitch is attractive

in all seriousness though we could all get laid if we wanted to. i could hit up that girl that i had sex with in october desu, she'd be down

or ugly girls that hit on me. i guess it really isn't about sex huh

i also kinda hate women so that complicates things

>And your OTHER sex

>this is virgin lo
>i taught him wrong, just for fun

Nah, side chick is ugly, wife is attractive though. I might be fat, but I'm not disgusting, muscle does a body good as does attitude.

ewww married sex doesnt count. also why would you risk cheating on your wife with some gutter pig

I only do hard and fast. Mainly so I can get it over with and leave quickly. I'm slamming this fat girl because shes really easy and never says no. Its great sex but I always have zero interest the moment I cum. I'm afraid I might end up stuck. I need to graduate so I have time to actually go dating

Exactly. I'm interested in getting with a girl that at or above my level. If I really really REALLY needed to get laid I could fuck a bumblefuck bitch from the county over with tats up and down her leg and 2 kids. But who wants do to that?

>But who wants do to that?
exactly lol. having shitty sex or sex with an ugly girl is kinda worse than being on a dry spell honestly. i feel guilty as hell afterwards for some reason, like i took advantage of her or something

having sex with someone attractive is so crazily different

>fat ugly guy with hot wife is also banging other women on the side

What Kevin James sitcom did I stumble into?

For fun.

Wife won't figure it out. She's a super devout christian with not a whole lot going on upstairs as far as awareness is concerned. I do love her and we've been through to much for me to want to leave her for good with someone but its fun to do something other than the same pussy for ten fucking years.

Plus she isn't too spicy in bed, I degrade the slop slot on the ugly one.

Had our anniversary two days ago, was awoken to pretty solid morning sex. Feelsgoodman.

Hah, fact is stranger than fiction. I was pretty lucky with my wife as far as the body value discrepancy is concerned. I'm not rich but I do well enough so she doesn't have to work if she doesn't want to (although she does work as a teacher's aid.)

I've always attracted uggos pretty easily so no real story there.


yep sometimes you just need to fuck a new pussy hole. marriage? boring!

>it's a Chad gives useless "advice" thread

more Luka memes please

I don't know why I'm bothering typing out a pick me up to some random user but here goes:

If you are as happy as you claim minus the woman stuff you probably have some things going for you. Odds are someone compatible with you will pick up on that and will want to be with you. You've gotta put yourself out there a little bit, but in the context of who you are naturally. i.e. if you aren't a bar-hopper don't go out hitting on women in bars, but if there is someone who is organically in your life already, and maybe you kinda like or are interested in, go for it. I was in a very similar situation and mindset for a long time, and then I asked the right person out and things just clicked.

Hey virgin,

How does it feel to know that a guy like me has had sex with over 1000 women?

Friendly reminder that the fast pounding in porn requires professional training and the slow movie sex is for actors who are not willing to put effort in it

Why are porn videos so long anyway? No more than 15 mins. should be the standard.

I feel the same way, but for different reasons. Women don't arouse me at all, but all the homosexual men I've met are awful and homosex intercourse is terrifying on multiple levels. I wish I was an asexual instead of a faggot.

I know that feel bros. Im 5 days into my longest drought yet. Last month I only had sex with 10 women and was the quietest month for the year.

Hello phil

I bet you get a lot of complements on the snake bites during fellatio.

You just call a hung black man to do it for you

>what you want
>what she wants
>how can you turn your fucking into pleasing both of your wants

That is how you have sex you fucking idiot. And if two people want different shit in bed it's called having no sexual chemistry.

Some guys want to facialabusedotcom women and some women are into that so if the dude gets lucky and finds some qt that's willing to choke and puke on his dick all the time then good for him and her.

And if some girl wants to lay there like a beached whale and not do anything while a pussy beta dude goes slow as fuck and it somehow gets both of them off then good for him and her.

I don't get off on puke and I don't get off on my dick going 0.0000000001 mph in/out so if either of these situations happened to be I'd be forced to finding some other qt to put my dick in.

>reddit spacing
Somehow the content of this post no longer surprises me

kys retard


>>reddit spacing

Listen here your newfag. I've been on Reddit since 2009. Spaces so people can read you more concisely is not a new thing for these boards.

I'm not sure what this new fad of "fucking reddit this and reddit that is" but to me it just solidifies that this place is fucking dying.

Sup Forums has never been good, reddit is better in some ways and worse in others. Saying someone is a redditor is about as useful as saying someone is a facebooker.

Shut the fuck up with your non-points and construct a useful insightful post or get the fuck off.

>All these fucking normies
Sup Forums really has become reddit.

okay that's great champ, now you can go back.

2 years on July 17th. Highschool sweetheart, drunk driver.
>tfw don't even know why I keep waking up
>tfw she isn't coming back and there's no one else like her

that's really sad user, i'm genuinely sorry

heat up her body dude