Villains who really did nothing wrong/had the right intentions

Villains who really did nothing wrong/had the right intentions.


why is he a villian?
Adolf Hitler is a villian, Jeffrey Dahmer is a villian, people who lose or get caught is a villian.

I literally can't watch movies where humans are the villains and non-humans are the good guys. Why would I cheer against my own race?

While the film was great, the plot doesn't really hold up to much scrutiny.

Why go to the effort to capture the apes to use them to build a useless stone wall? Why antagonise the apes in the first place if they only want to be left alone? What would be the purpose of trying to assassinate Caesar when he already made clear he wanted to be left alone? What did the virus do exactly, Woody mentioned it turned his son into a retard, but that loli kept her full intelligence the whole film?

Because you're supposed to hate yourself and beg for death as penance for a laundry list of misdeeds.


It's something that non-sociopaths are capable of.

what if I root for the villain

Only a sociopath would root for the villain.

then you are wrong

only a pleb would say this, you're the type of guy to dislike a movie because no relatable characters

also does villain have nothing to do with good or bad, tony montana is a bad guy but the hero or anti hero of scarface

cause he did a bad thing

I think they use that stone wall to mount machineguns and other stuff to keep the infantry at bay. I meant, the base already has one, but an additional one before the concrete wall can slow down the enemy.

They just want to kill the apes since further contact with apes = retardation. Thus, removing the apes alltogether can atleast stop the virus already dormant inside their body to react and turn them retarded. I mean, with how the guards acted in the movie, you can see how the virus already works stupidying the remaining humans, albeit not full on mute-primitive state.

I think the loli is retarded, but she is already a child so the change werent that apparent. Plus, Maurice is used to be around children and can makes the best out of the loli situation.

He was literally Trump

dude literally saved Earth from Nuclear Annihilation and brought peace and prosperity for everyone for years to come

>Why go to the effort to capture the apes to use them to build a useless stone wall?
For defense against the incoming attack from the other humans. Granted it would have made more sense for use as a defensive structure if the other humans weren't shown having artillery and air support but it seemed to work reasonably well as a defensive structure until Caesar destroyed it from the inside
>Why antagonise the apes in the first place if they only want to be left alone?
He explains that he sees conflict between apes and humans as inevitable and that any peace would either devolve into conflict again or the apes would simply outbreed humans anyway
>What would be the purpose of trying to assassinate Caesar when he already made clear he wanted to be left alone?
Presumably to deal a severe blow to the apes' organizational capacities
>What did the virus do exactly, Woody mentioned it turned his son into a retard, but that loli kept her full intelligence the whole film?
As far as we can tell it simply affected the afflicted's ability to speak but the colonel seemed to think that, in doing so, that it robbed them of their humanity

All of the colonel's actions can be explained when you stop looking at him as someone who has everything figured out. The dude's clearly scared and is acting impulsively in the moment from one problem to another. It's why he flipflops from wanting to kill Caesar in his hideout to simply breaking him because he doesn't have a plan he's just acting in the moment.

>killing infected humans and decreasing an already dwindling population of humans even further rather than just quarantining them whilst you search for a cure
This guy was a fucking idiot.


except in real life nuclear war didn't happen so perhaps he just killed millions of people for no reason at all


lester was sympathetic until towards the end but he did a lot of things wrong and was objectively a bad guy

>This guy was a fucking idiot.
Trips of truth

>he did a lot of things

Only because of the stupidity of other characters, includind his "victims".

his wife was a total bitch and needed a slap but you actually cannot justify murdering her the way he did

Don't have to justify it, just need to understand, and I understand.

Woody Harrelson literally did nothing wrong in that movie. He was just trying to preserve the human race.

Why should the rest of humanity suffer and die off to be replaced by apes, just because some scientists were reckless. Nah. Not me man I'm not turning into a fuckin chimp. I'd fight for his army. I don't care how many baby chimps I have to kill. I'm not letting humanity turn into monkeys.

He was right to mercy kill any infected humans too. That's no real life. Seriously, he made the right call turning on the rest of the human army. They thought they could treat the disease. Look how far that got them the last time. Given humanity's current resources they would have only made things worse. They had to die.

Maybe he was cruel in forcing the apes to work, but he did need that wall to hold off the human traitors, wasn't just pointless cruelty. Killing Caesar's family, he was only trying to kill him, their leader. How's he to tell one ape from the next. Maybe if he had have killed Caesar it would have destroyed the apes morale so much that the humans could have one.

He really was humanity's last hope, if only the rest of humanity could have seen that then maybe we would have stood a chance against the apes. That mute girl? What kind of a society will she live in now. She'll never truly be one of them. A sad sad existence for her, and any remaining humans.

Fuck man. I would have slaughtered so many apes in this man's service to preserve humanity.

doesn't stop him being a villain or being guilty of wrongdoing because you understand though

Never claimed it was. Empathizing doesn't mean approval. What he did was wrong and you're 100% correct on that, but putting yourself in that situation, some might react the same way

Literally 100% correct


Why did they have to kill of Caesar?

For what purpose?

I guess it's because of his name and he's the leading the apes to freedom


Shaving your head with a straight razor is going to be a massive time sink for his mornings. Not advisable.

As much as I revile this guy, he actually has a point. Foreigners who come to the US and don't assimilate are a serious problem. The Irish in the US always had dual loyalties; one to the homeland and one to the Republic. And it really pisses me off that Irish-Americans sent money to support anti-British opposition instead of learning to become good law-abiding Americans who put the past behind them.

So retards still haven't learnt from the Maginot line faggots?

movies are not a fucking sport you retard

non meme answer.

He very sincerely considered himself to be doing the right thing, when he realized how wrong he was he was genuinely remorseful.

He only prolonged war in the end nothing last forever he killed millions cause he was a ant playing the part of God he had no right

Supporting anti-British opposition IS being a good law-abiding American

Every villain is the hero of the other side though.

well, USA was on DEFCON 1 and ready to launch their nukes by the time he acted

>people who lose are the villian.
only in real life.

yeah but if you watch a movie there are characters you feel indefferent to, want to see die, want to see suceed etc

Voldemort he did nothing wrong at all. Humans with magic are objectively superior to muggles.


Not after we've had years of peace and mutual ties post-1815.

Do these shitheads forget where their mail comes from and that Britain has been a US ally ever since WWI?

I'm not a big fan of what the British did in Ireland and other parts of their Empire, but bankrolling terrorism while being American citizens really ticks me off. You wanna do that shit? Fine, do it elsewhere.


Cute girl.

The peace wouldn't have lasted.

He was just trying to preserve his society