>spared no expense
>spared expense on park security
>spared no expense
>spared expense on park security
incorrect. Hammond was a victim of employing his own son.
The relationship between parents/children/offspring is very important to the film
You suggesting that Nedry wasn't being paid enough?
Hammond even says that his pay is considerable.
thanks dad
He cheaped out big time on Nedry and made him take on additional tasks that weren't in his original brief.
Nedry was a cunt but he did have a legit grudge, hence why he took Dodgon's offer
Nedry was a greedy jew in the book, he did it because he had people problems and thought he was the shit and well above the pay rate, which was adecuate. Read the book, filmfags.
If he didn't spare any expenses does that mean he cut down every cost?
We're talking about the movie, thats why we are on the movie and film board you stupid motherfucker.
That's the point. He's a showman, a good promoter. Nothing more. That's what the whole flea circus part was about.
This is bullshit. Nedry bid too low to stunt for the other companies. He knew exactly what he was going to get.
That Nedry bid too low is irrelevant. Hammond chose Nedry because he made the lowest bid without considering the risk.
His claim that they spared no expense only applies to the surface details of the park. Beneath that is a powder keg, ready to explode. Little things like cars that don't secure passengers during the tour are the more common problems. But Nedry is obviously a big problem, as well. Bigger still, the animals are breeding out of control because of shoddy science and poor oversight. Nothing shown in the movie should give you the idea that Hammond had any real clue what he was getting into.
Also remember that Hammond considered Grant and Ellie the "top minds" of dino knowledge yet didnt consult with them at all during the making of the park.
In the novel, the reason the dinos were breeding is because they programmed the computers to only show the expected number of any particular breed. When Malcolm told them to punch in a higher expected number the computer said that there were that many. IT shouldve been programed to be real-time tracking but instead Hammond figured if they bred x dinos there will ONLY be x dinos forever.
>Nothing shown in the movie should give you the idea that Hammond had any real clue what he was getting into.
Are you forgetting the flea circus scene? Or the
"Malcom was right. Life found a way"? I feel like the entire movie was showing you Hammonds folly. Sure on the surface he seemed like a good guy but all the chaos was screaming to the audience "THIS IS A VERY BAD IDEA!"
You misread him, hes agreeing with you
>Even director Steven Spielberg wasn't safe from Attenborough's twisted vision.
>"One time I yelled 'cut' and Richard turned to me and said 'what if someone just stood in the front of the raptor shed and announced chili and sea bass for lunch? Maybe Alejandro would forget his trained routine of preparing a delightful meal.' My jaw hit the floor and it never really came back up. That's when I thought, is he getting in character to order chili and sea bass, or is chili and sea bass something that he's been hungry for all along?"
>"Sometimes I would go to look into the cameras, and I noticed Richard had put something in the lens. It was stuff like 'What if the sea bass were really served with chili? Would it still be Chilean seabass?' and 'Lights. Camera. Weehavateereks.' I had to ask him to stop because I was feeling too scared to direct."
They also had the lysine defiency and making all females as security measures, the female thing was specially why he only expected the dinos he breed
That's the point, you fucking idiot. He's a cheap motherfucker, and only cheap motherfuckers talk about how they don't care about money. If you don't care you just don't talk about it.
Right, I understand why he would think to only calcuated EXPECTED numbers, but it still seems an odd way to program it.
What are you talking about? He used cutting edge UNIX system technology.
>yet didnt consult with them at all during the making of the park.
In the novel he did, they didnt tell them what they were doing, but they kept asking how they may raise the dinos or what they diets could be