What went wrong?
What went wrong?
female writers hired
>alt right whining 24x7 because a girl wrote an episode
>make threads constantly where you can troll them all day long
Everything's great friend!
Nothing, this was a pretty by the numbers episode.
The boyfriend wasn't killing enough people a day, so Summer and him got into an argument, then they eventually decided to take a break from each other indefinately.
Feels like the animation got sloppier, or is that just me?
Was a pretty standard episode desu I don't know why people are freaking out, if you didn't like the show before of course you're not going to now but if you did... its the same
I just fucking love Rick and Morty, in the way that I fucking love science. It's so random and cool - it's like the show was designed for us Redditors, see? My mom says I have an unhealthy obsession with the show, but she just doesn't understand how funny it. I wish I could live in the Rick and Morty world and be their friends. Everything would be really and cool and funny if I did. Rick and Morty are so funny and I'm so awesome that it would make perfect sense, but it'd be even better if Bernie Sanders appeared. It'd be so awesome I'd turn up the TV in the common room of my dorm up all the way so everyone could hear the greatness of Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, bacon, weed, atheism, The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Sweden, Bill Nye, 90s cartoons, cats, and fucking loving science.
I run the Rick and Morty Club at my school - we come together, browse Reddit, make some Deadpool memes and watch Rick and Morty. We don't talk to each other but there's a cute girl there I'm gonna try and ask out. I'm a nice guy and I dress well (fedora + trench coat + brown-stained underwear + well-trimmed beard lightly seasoned with dust and corn syrup) so I just know I've got a good chance with her. I've already messaged her on Facebook, I just haven't got a response yet.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand: Rick and Morty! My favorite character is Rick because his style of humor perfectly reflects that of Reddit. I bet if I asked him "When does the narwhal bacon?", he'd know EXACTLY what I was talking about. Also, did you notice he looks like Bernie Sanders if you squint a bit and use your imagination? This can't be a coincidence; MLG Illuminati confirmed. Yeah, that's right, I look at montage parodies too. What good Redditor doesn't? Lenny face, Illuminati, and Doge are so funny. If I met Rick and Morty I'd be sure to show them all those funny and awesome memes and more!
Yours baconly, Atheist92
>Still watching a show after the creators left for muh enturtainmunt and random women took over
This is why television will never be considered serious art.
I loved this series but the last episode was really terrible. Felt like a jump the shark moment.
Also this scene was just the worst. I hate shows with married couples arguing. I hated that last season when they did the couple's therapy episode.
The female writers wanted to make her more of a badass than she should have been. The whole dealing with divorce thing doesn't really explain her acting like a total psycho killer.
Meanwhile you get the idiot fans who probably didn't laugh much at the episode saying, "Yeah well it's not about the jokes and the creators said it was going to get more dark and serious this season."
A fucking SITCOM and it's getting fucking serious? Are you fucking kidding me? I could understand the dark aspect, and you could still have plenty of humor and be dark, but serious? Is Harmon trying to fuck himself up like he did with Community?
I really lost a lot of respect for him when he hired more female writers. Jane Becker who drafted the episode in question had NO TV WRITING EXPERIENCE before this. Before this she was getting fucking coffee for the producers at the simpsons or some shit.
I'm really questioning Jessica Gao's ability to write as well, but she does at least have more writing experience on her resume. On the other hand she has shit as bad as the Annoying orange on there.
Then I looked up another one of the female writers and shes totally a tumblrina ultra liberal feminist who is no doubt devoid of the ability to write good jokes.
I feel like these women were added because they were simply women and not because they were actually good.
>have unprotected sex in a post-apocalyptic wasteland
>get married 3 weeks later
>neighbour says "One man entered. One man comes out in nine months" for foreshadowing
>also beth became pregnant with summer when she was 17 and teen pregnancy can become an inter-generational cycle.
>given the emphasis on beth and jerry's divorce so far its possible Summer will see the unhappiness having a child so young can lead to an choose to abort, which could be a dark subject matter for the series to address in the future.
yeah fuck female writers
I loved the show and have binged the series entirely about 5 or 6 times. I didn't like last nights episode because it felt stale, and didn't make me laugh very much. I also didn't really like the whole Mad Max theme. I thought it had a lot of potential but they didn't do much with it.
If they don't pull out of this nose dive the series will be seen as the next Ren & Stimpy, a wildly over hyped show loved by college age people that totally went to shit after the second season.
Dumb contrived Sup Forums posts that try to look like reddit posts are the worst
You did a pretty good job making fun of Rick and Morty fans, I say this as a Rick and Morty fan who leans on the conservative side.
Pretty funny that you threw Ron Paul in there, but I got what you were saying.
You really do need to get into the mindset of the faggot atheist Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty
imagine raging about this for two days
pretty good episode to be honest
Jerry apologists get fucked
No, as a big rick and morty fan, I just had time to watch this episode. It was really disappointing, I probably smiled twice in 22 minutes. Episode wasn't even Family Guy tier.
They'll keep it up all season, that's the best part.
I saw Rick at a grocery store in Tel-Aviv yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “FUCK GOD, FUCK WHITE PEOPLE, FUCK CHRISTIANS” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen quips in his hands without paying.
The vegan woman at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Haha, you're fucking epic good sir!” At first he kept pretending to be a cartoon character and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the quips and started scanning it , he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any white misogynist conservative infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. After she scanned each quip and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by talking loudly about how price is just a tool to oppress the proletariat by white, antisemitic males
Why are you guys so unhealthily obsessed with reddit
You literally cannot have a discussion about this show without it attracting that one mentally ill autismo who always spergs in this thread.
He's pretty easy to spot.
literally and unironically nope
Just you and your "everything gets worse with the passage of time" mentality
The problem with Reddit is that it has a gay fucking karma system alongside user profiles where you can easily see a persons entire post history.
This means that dissenting opinions are quickly downvoted into oblivion, and everywhere quickly becomes some kind of faggot circle jerk where everyone tries to post the same benail jokes, tries the same queer quirky 'le monkey face' faggotry, or the same (and easily the worst) faux-intellectual smugness.
That is why Reddit is cancer.
Sup Forums is the polar opposite, everyone is anonymous, tripfags are usually hated so identities are impossible to ascertain. Dissenting opinions are publicised due to the (you) system, and most importantly, we're not liberal faggots.
Now fucking kill yourself redditor scum.
lmao this
Sup Forums is actually the most reddit board on this site. ironic.
I thought the couples therapy episode was great. Tiny Rick was good and I liked that it was science fiction therapy where they see what they think of each other.
let me get the bucket for your tears
>one mentally ill autismo
>he thinks there's only one
Do you need to be reminded that the show's original premise was a weird kid going on adventures with his eccentric grandfather? Strange how we get all this drama as soon as female writers are introduced. Seriously, fuck female writers.
Okay but why do you fucking autist spergs have to talk about it constantly. I don't browse reddit you're literally just obsessed. Now kill yourself you fucking teenager.
Another problem with discussing this show on Sup Forums is the mentally ill contrarians
If you say you like something, they'll say they hate it. If you say you hate something, they'll say they love it. It's all about mentally ill retards just constantly arguing with strangers on the internet.
This is a level of autism that has no cure and these people should be put down for the betterment of society.
IDIOTS. It's episode 2. It's SUPPOSED to be bad.
>Knowing so much about Rick and Memey you're able to green text plot points
Back to plebbit
Wrong cap
It's not so much that it pushes atheism, it's that it bashes Christianity.
There's an episode where Rick goes to Israel, and he says nothing about Orthodox Jews despite 18 minutes of the previous episode being a hateful monologue calling Jesus a faggot.
Anyway in the Israel episode he frequently states that Jews are 'God's chosen' and better than 'the dirty rat goyim'.
It really shocked me.
because only a person with an unhealthy obsession with Reddit would bother to keep posting in these threads
it was a shit episode
the dialogue was off, the voices too. even the animation seemed worse.
>where you can easily see a persons entire post history
best system, you can easily see faggots stirring shit and flipflopping.
Or maybe people that just watch the show
can we just get a word filter for reddit already
Like a virgin! Touched for the very first time!
>Unironically defending Reddit
This is why we need to instaban Rick and Morty posters. They don't even try to hide their faggotry.
This. Can we just talk about how weak the episode was? Everything was off. The humor, the excessive drama, the fact that "mad max" R&M wasn't even crazier than the source material it stole from. The only thing vaguely R&M in this episode was the big arm which was an okay gag at best, and the robot Summer/Morty which was pretty tame stuff (Robot Morty was even killed off screen).
But the only people who watch this shit are faggot redditors.
Wouldn't matter, these people are completely obsessed with reddit and everything that happens there. They'll always post about it because they'll always be angry about how their dumb comments got downvoted once.
r e d d i t
Not as touched as you, sir. His comment made you feel some type of way.
Why does Sup Forums have such an obsession with reddit you guys?
I don't like r****t much but I dislike the idiots on Sup Forums who sperg about it constantly even less. I just want to talk about the goddamn show.
The women aren't funny meme hoho. Women are funny get over it. Pic very related
Just a reminder. Don't waste your time trying to discuss this show on Sup Forums.
>He actually wants to discuss Reddit and memey
End yourself
>These people
Then fuck back off to reddit
What went right
well, it is a cartoon...
>Posting in a Rick and Morty thread
>Wanting actual discussion
>Doesn't post on Reddit
Sure thing kiddo. Want gold for that post?
>reddit spacing
You explained why reddit is cancer, but you didn't explain why you fucks can't shut the fuck up about it.
I wish the fucking mods would do their job.
I think Summer is what went wrong. Noticed how the show instantly got worse when the show started to utilize her more?
You could always go back to plebbit.
That's just never going to happen. Sup Forums is nothing but shit posting and memes.
Holy shit, thank you. Every time people mention that place it disgusts me. Faggots need to stop using it as an insult.
also dan harmon is suffering badly from Trump Derangement Syndrom.
Sup Forums is worse than Sup Forums
>I just want to talk about the goddamn show.
Then fuck off back to Plebbit.
makes me think
>alt right crying intensifies
I wish redditors would stop making Rick and Morty threads all the time.
>Sup Forums is the place for free speech you can talk about whatever you want because there's no downvotes
>except for things i don't like because then i'll just shitpost your thread into oblivion
no user
you dont know what you're talking about
just no
Don't ever contribute to any thread on Sup Forums.
Don't ever try to have a serious discussion.
Don't ever do anything but shit post and spread memes.
Sup Forums is currently at the lowest point since its creation. We can push it farther. We can make it even worse than it is now.
>using 'contrived' in a reply to weeks old pasta
when does school start?
What, like they do over on Reddit?
She's an insert for the hack female writers. Watch her role get expanded.
I think female writers are fine. But the ones they hired have terrible resumes. The fuck were they thinking?
>tfw wanted thread to be less about reddit but made it more about reddit instead
Don't forget that toddler behavior and autism laced posts get the most attention, which is the crippling flaw that destroys this entire website.
I really thought there was a lot of potential with the mad max theme, but it felt super fucking boring. I think it's a bad idea to make Rick and Morty more serious, it's a fucking sitcom for fucks sakes.
I thought the big arm part was the best too. People I think overhyped the whole robot morty monologue, it's not really something thats super original on it's own. I instantly thought of the butter passer robot.
>I'm much happier on reddit
Then you know what to do.
It just didn't have that "pop" factor like a lot of the other episodes do. The first two seasons did a great job of subverting genres and story arcs in interesting ways while simultaneously being able to tell domestic family life stories, then weaving them together. This episode did none of those things. With Jerry and Beth separated and Summer looking like she'll be tagging along for some of the new adventures, there won't be anything going on at home. Not just that, but the entire Mad Max setting was basically wasted.
Hard to describe, but think of it this way: your average Rigor & Mortis episode in S1 played out like this: Rick and Morty enter setting X, something that might be a familiar trope for audiences, only to have it flipped on its head and turned into setting Y. Meanwhile, at home, adventure Z is happening, and eventually Rick finds a solution for both problems. I think this episode would have been more interesting if Rick had shown the scavengers the power of electricity early on in the episode, then have Summer and Morty realize they liked it better before and try to sneak into the power generator plant to shut everything down. Meanwhile, spend a little more time with the robots and Beth, having them gain emotions and self awareness early on and develop into human beings that don't want to be replaced, eventually ending in a fight between the real Rick, Summer, and Morty and their robot counterparts. Personally, that just seems more like how a Rick and Morty episode should play out. Hopefully future episodes will be more interesting.
The one where she works for Satan was good.
>a week old pasta
>summer started a week ago
do all of them have terrible resumes? I know Jane Becker's was fucking ass. For Jessica Gao, at least I saw Silcon Valley, which I havent seen at all but I always hear good things about it from friends.
Fat women. Skinny women bore squirrels to death
Well, yes, but I still think the show could have been decent if Summer just wasn't fucking involved as much as she is now. But it didn't help that the writer was way to on the nose in pushing this 'super deep subtext that this is just how the children are dealing with their parents divorce' shite that we got in this episode. And I don't know why, but having Rick say "Oh shit Summer, that was badass what you just did there" drivel. I always thought of Summer as the asshole big sister that will always make fun of her younger brother for being dorky even if he tries his best.
Reddit is, unironically, a far superior site than Sup Forums.
If you want to shit post and spend all your time with brain damaged autismos you come to Sup Forums. This is the number one place for mentally defective shit posting on the web.
If you actually want to discuss things you go to Reddit.
I hate the upvote system, but even with it, Reddit is just the superior website.
See. Reddit spacing. Faggy opinion. Watches Rick and Morty. This is the kind of damage the redditor does to the board.