No fingers for the bum edition
Previously on /got
/got general
>Her butthole became the world.
White walkers ruined GoT honestly.
Could the Crazy Frog take over Westeros?
it is the very first scene of got.
Why did DD actually feel the need to change the Hounds melted face side? what was the point of that?
And same for Davos. if they wanted to make it easier for the actor to hold a sword bc of preferred hand.. Liam Cunnilingus is right handed.
Apparently, it was
You sir are retarded
she said azor ahai. nice.
Am I the only one who really wants to see Jon and Dany fuck or what?!?!?
>we have to get the magici sword to defeat the evil ice zombie monsters and dragons and stuff
>the end
I agree. ASOIAF works best as low fantasy. Dragons and White Walkers just don't fit the story. Also, their history stretches back too far.
Whites ruined GoT
Yes but they feel like unneeded crap and the oh so scary Night King having no motive at all makes it worse.
14th for Cersei's Cute Lady's Maid
a cute...
nope, everyone wants to see them fuck.
dany is as much an usurper as robert was.
you win the throne by right of conquest. dany's father proved unable to protect himself or his people and he got replaced by his better. dany is just no longer part of the ruling dynasty and her claim by birthright is worth nothing right now
if i say i'm the descendant of napoleon, does that put me in charge of france? of course it fucking doesn't because napoleon is dead and he was removed from power. same with dany
I also want to see him penetrate her moist baby maker
D&D scrapped all the politics and intrigue post-season 4 for good guy vs bad guy and the humans vs zombies end game fight
Who the fuck is Caris van Hausen?
post random hos
Dragons are fine white walkers are just fucking unfitting. They should be a series with magic all over the place.
>created to kill men
>kills men
i too see no motivation
of course, and jon said this in the last episode.
some dutch cutie.
does it matter that he was killed by a member of the King's Guard? He wasn't really bested.
Nth for Queen Sansa
dafuq? whats ygritte gonna say to that
But thats retarded the WW cant lose since they alter the climate with their presence meaning they can kill off your livestock and crops.
I want a Jon Dany Meli threesome
Thats Arya
So you want a realistic down-to-earth show that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic dragons?
Why do we have to constantly go through these things with you autistic faggots?
Thats the show explanation the book says they are another species with no connection to tree niggers.
>forgot you were watching fantasy
that's before ygritte.
What is the tax policy of the Night King?
>Smelly: I brought Ice and Fire together
>Varys: Perhaps they'll write a song about it.
Are they fucking serious?
D$D made the whitewalkers boring ice darth mauls who're just mindless evil monsters
in the book you get the sense that they're highly civilized, almost ethereal
>Melisandre dies by dragonfire
That would actually be a very nice death for her, I think.
only if jon does the finger in the bum
The dragons ruined it. Blame George's wife for telling him to add them.
The only reason feudal inheritance works, is because all the other lords also want their children to inherit. If they accept too many usurpers just because they have an army you end up with the Late Roman Empire. Where there is a coup every year once any random idiot raises an army.
>muh feudal political intrigue and epic army fights XD
Neck yourself
Dragons are just fire breathing lizards you can kill them easily. WW are immortal superhuman things that need asspullium I mean dragonglass to kill them.
well she's gonna usurp again and kill those who call her usurper
Eternal servitude for everlasting life
what's your point?
seems like solid proof to me
So after gaining the support of the Tyrell's & the Martells why didn't any archers & support personnel accompany the Unsullied?
Surely you would mix up your forces a bit to take advantage of their strengths? Like couldn't they send some supply wagons through the northern Reach to re-supply them after taking Casterly Rock?
...and what happened to Mace & his half of the Tyrell army? Btfo off screen during the siege? Did Tarly really bring that many troops that a severely depleted Lannister army could btfo Highgarden in an afternoon? Did Danny have the opportunity to burn Euron's fleet or was he able to raid her fleet from Kings Landing or did he have to go around and meet them on the coast somewhere?
This sucks, this is so unsatisfying, all of these wars & battles I've been waiting years for culminate in Euron killing people on a boat & some sewer rats with a cool 10 second formation march sequence. What gives?
>Characters That Are Still Interesting or Likeable
Randyll Tarly (RIP soon)
That's literally all.
I wasn't
The point of the story is that magic has been long dormant in the world and it awakens and grows over time.
How does he grip a sword properly with no fingers? Is he left handed?
>The only reason feudal inheritance works, is because all the other lords also want their children to inherit
That's just not true at all.
Dragons would be fine if there were just countries filled with them, and if people had a good idea of how to deal with them. Instead of "oh no, these things that can clearly be killed and hurt relatively easily are so scary!". Better yet, give people in the Free Cities gunpowder so that when Dany invades Westeros is ready with cannons and mortars.
They are more like a rival species than evil.
>you will never fuck Clarice Van Houten and cum on her face
you dont know what you want cus your stupid
In the books they're just Ice Elves. They're pretty n shit but in an etheral way. And no one knows where they actually come from.
just go watch the walking dead, brainlet
>tfw no ice spiders in the show
>people call her bitch
burn them at the stake
You know the white walkers in the book aren't REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing ice zombie things, right? They actually speak in their own language, for one.
He uses a public levy on land because it doesn't cause economic inefficiency. That's why he needs to invade.
The Roman "dynasties" chose their own successors and adopted them into their families.
>still calling bonaparte's descendants prince in a fucking republic.
I'm very dissappointed in French people
nice shot
Dragons are hard to put in stories because their bio flamethrowers would make them invincible in the food web. Dont get me started on how nightmare fuel they would be to human tribes or the forest fires they would cause either.
>if i say i'm the descendant of napoleon, does that put me in charge of france?
Not by itself, but if enough people are willing to support your claim then it does.
Why wasn't Casterly Rock built on a rock? Because D&D are hacks.
"Jon Snow, you are so much better at brooding then me"
*Tyrion winks at the audience*
"I will not have that Smirking whore steal my son away"
*Camera cuts to Margeary smirking at the camera*
Jesus christ really?
anyone have a good image of armored jaime? (his father's armor)
Just go watch Downton Abbey dicklet
Who would win book White Walkers aka "The Others" or Sauron from LOTR?
WW are invincible user thats why they need to go.
Who put more thought into how their tax brackets are arranged?
>you win the throne by right of conquest.
Expect for that long unbroken chain of Westereos rulers who inherited the throne by familial relations. Even the Baratheons claimed Targ descent. The Queen Cersei asspull was just bad writing.
It's actually "Casterly Roc". House Lannister's sigil used to be a giant bird
Lannisbro ww @
I think the Others desu. Sauron is fucking retarded by the time he got cucked into eye form.
Feudalism is really a terribly ineffective way to rule and causes constant instability and rivaling claims that can pretty much only be resolved through violence. It's pretty much the equivalent of letting drug cartels run your country where the only thing you can rely on is their pledges of loyalty without any real guarantees.
It really only happens when massive decentralization has occurred due to a long period of unrest.
She is much more attractive in that video than the show somehow
I wonder if it was intentional to de-sex her
On a scale of 1-10, how much better was HBO's Rome than Game of Thrones?
"God damn it Tarly, i should have your ass for treating Jorah without my permission, but your a damn fine Maestor. Next time its your ass Tarly, now get the hell out!"
Yeah aren't they supposed to be beautiful? Like almost so beautiful they're hard to look at? And their language is like the moving of glaciers or some shit, rather than just a nazgul screech.
But arent the nobles business owners in a sense?
What is the best of Rains of Castamere?
Who are your top 5 remaining favorite characters?
>you win the throne by right of conquest. dany's father proved unable to protect himself or his people and he got replaced by his better. dany is just no longer part of the ruling dynasty and her claim by birthright is worth nothing right now
Robert uses the claim by blood as well, he's of Targaryen lineage.
Both 300 years back and through his grandmother.
That is why he was king and not Arryn or Ned.
If Julius or Auguste dropped in on Essos with their full armies how hard would they rekt Westeros and Essos and how long would it take?
Sauron would beat Show Others but idk about Book Others.
How do we fix Sansa's character arc?
>de-sex her
he fucked every men who has kings blood near her. except jon. jon just touched those soft breasts.
/got/ was a mistake, its filled with bookfags
whop the FUCK has the leaked epsiode HAND IT OVER MOTHERFUCKER
He should have been kicked out for risking infecting the Citadel