I saw this before watching BvS, then I saw the movie, then I saw the extended edition. Months later...

I saw this before watching BvS, then I saw the movie, then I saw the extended edition. Months later, I'm working through Half in the Bag in order and re-watched the BvS review and I'm stumped. Their complaints are so vapid, smug, and self-satisfied that it comes across as a satire of YouTube movie reviewers rather than a genuine review.

>"They were worried this movie would be too smart for audiences. After seeing it, that was such a fucking joke."

Was it, Jay? Because it seems like it was too smart for you. I don't mean that in some condescending way, either, because BvS isn't some exalted art house film, but like, take their complaints about the kryptonite spear. "Why make a spear instead of bullets or brass knuckles?" Hey, maybe instead of watching the movie fixated on finding joke material, think about what you're seeing. Snyder very explicitly puts things in the film to create echoes from mythology that reverberate through the main characters. It's a spear because Christ wasn't stabbed in the ribs with brass knuckles, you fucking hacks. Honestly. "Why did she throw it in the water?" Why does the Lady of the Lake emerge from the water to present Arthur with Excalibur?

They watch movies. They're not dumb. This stuff shouldn't have flown over their heads, so I'm left in awe at how proud they seem to be of not understanding something this on the nose. In past reviews, they talk about decisions akin to making it a spear and justified it saying "it might not be realistic, but then it wouldn't be cinematic." Well? That little pass they've given to other movies basically dismantles 95% of their problems with BvS.

So, what the fuck was their problem?


The problem is that you have autism

>"Why did she throw it in the water?" Why does the Lady of the Lake emerge from the water to present Arthur with Excalibur?
Very poorly executed then, the spear could have been knocked into the puddle and Lois runs to go find it.

>BvS failed because it was too smart

I love this pasta. Here, have a better shitposting image you can use for next time. Your post would work better if it went more into how everyone was too dull witted to understand the true brilliance that was on display. I feel you really brushed past that too much. Good job hitting the RLM button though.

The proximate reason she throws it in the pool is because the fight had deescalated and it was a good opportunity to put a weapon designed to kill the man she loves out of reach in case the tides turned again. Accidentally knocking it in would've been super stupid.

MoS and BvS: Competent military, football, guns, farming, church, American flags, themes of honor and self-reliance.
MCU: SJWism, quips, forced "diversity".

You can't just switch the politicians like that, it's too obvious. You need better bait.

It goes beyond even that. The film is filled with hints at Bruce's psychology and how he was unconsciously sabotaging his own vendetta.

He forged a weapon that would force him to kill in a way that he's absolutely shown to be incapable of. Bruce can't even bring himself to put a bullet in someone, let alone a spear, and here's an image from his dream that reveals what he unconsciously knows to be the truth about his "enemy." The camera lingers on this image, and it's not just "because Snyder thinks it's cool." St the conclusion of the warehouse fight, it lingers again on Bruce staring at the knife he drove into that merc's shoulder. That's the moment where he realizes what really stopped him from killing Clark.

It's no wonder these guys like to stay big fish in the little pond that pop culture and most comic book movies are. They can't even let go of their own preconceptions long enough to analyze what's right in front of them.

shut the fuck up you autist

They hate it because their mouse overlords told them to hate it.

We're talking about the same "critics" that slavishly approve of every mundane assembly-line Marvel and pretend it's the hot new shit.

Fuck them.

They're Disney employees.