What are his best movies?
I watched mr. woodcock and school for scoundrels and they were pretty meh, but I liked billy bob in them.
What are his best movies?
I watched mr. woodcock and school for scoundrels and they were pretty meh, but I liked billy bob in them.
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I like the one where he played a retard
Bad Santa is pretty funny...
His not an actor, he is a singer.
First season of Fargo he plays the killer
Sling blade and Simple Plan are his only true kinos
That movie where he is an air plane controller.
Goliath if you like courtroom drama. Astronaut Farmer's a very interesting movie. Slingblade if you're looking for a profound look at what Forrest Gump would have been with a horrible family.
And "Daddy and Them" is redneckino.
This and its amazing how edgy it seems watching it in 2017.
Both Bad Santas
why does he look old in every movie? even in movies from 30 years ago
honestly one of the funniest scenes ive watched
mhmmm mhmmmm
hair plugs
bad santa
his Dead Man cameo is pretty neato
Daddy & Them is highly underrated.
Prime Laura Dern as well/
The Alamo
Monster's Ball
A Simple Plan, based Raimi and Thornton
Shit got him nominated for an oscar
He's one of those guys thats always in shit movies but he plays his part really well. He always plays his part well, even if he's in a steaming turd of a movie.
Oh shit he was in two movies with Cusack, I gotta check out The Ice Harvest at some point.
I liked him in Armageddon
Bad Santa is great. Bad News Bears is also pretty good, but it pales in comparison to the original.
because he's a good actor
The Man Who Wasn't There is one of the more underrated Coen Bros movies
The Ice Harvest. True kino you faggots never talk about on /tv.
i will never give even 1% of a shit about this jerk due to how much of an utter raging faggot he was in that interview about his stupid ass little band he was trying to promote.
I was hoping to be the first to post about BNB but you beat me to it.
Fargo season 1, too.
top quality sarcasm
Slingblade won an Oscar for a reason. Every once in a while, they get it right.
My favorite scene is the gay dude that tries to fuck him. It just comes out of nowhere.
Surprisingly touching film about a piece of shit realising he doesn't want to be such a shit and the spirit of Christmas and all that.
Then of course the sequel did the 10 year later shitty cash in thing
I forgot...he was also in Tombstone. A very minor role, but you will shit your pants when you realize it's him. He used to be fat.
Only other film I heard that in at the time was Office Space which he was in
Sling blade's pretty good senpai
>An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews, now it means a man who is hated by Jews.
I don't think you guys should be watching this man's stuff, seems like a troublemaker to me.
everybody memes Raimi but nobody talks about his true kino. Also the most underrated Danny Elfman score
Second these.
I don't acknowledge his film career.