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Can we get a comfy lotr thread? Why are the movies so perfect? What went wrong with the Hobbit? If you could, what would you have added to the trilogy?

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This is Feanor. Say something nice about him.

He makes nice jewellery

because it was a nearly all white male cast and production based on an old white mans book

cuck/jew free entertainment

>be Feanor
>make the most beautiful gems ever in all of existence
>so beautiful Satan himself comes to steal them
>get mad, swear the most terrible oath that will ever be sworn in the history of the world
>former allies and friends are like "cool down bro, you're not thinking straight"
>kill them and steal their boats
>cross the ocean, get to the other side and burn the boats because this train has no brakes
>takes my entire people on a rampage all the way to the gates of Angband
>personally fight my way so deep into the enemy ranks I end up soloing nine Balrogs at once
>finally get struck down by Gothmog, lord of Balrogs
>my (many) children carry my dying body from the battlefield
>make them swear they nor their children nor their children's children will rest until we get those fucking gems
>set fire and blow away as ashes on the breeze as I die because of how FUCKING ANGRY I AM

This, they were made barely a decade before (((Hollywood))) became openly and brashly pozzed as fuck. We got lucky that we got them right when we did.

What went wrong with The Hobbit?
A bunch of bullshit was added to a comfy kid's fantasy story.

>What went wrong with the Hobbit

Del Toro abandoning the project and the studio giving Jackson no time to get everything ready. It pisses me off because I would happily have waited another 5 or so years for The Hobbit to be done properly.

>Why are the movies so perfect?

The Hobbit should have been one movie, not three.

Del Toro's two could've been cool

I will take any excuse to post this image.

>Why are the movies so perfect?

All white cast.

(not joking)

That is a wonderful pic

What would I add?
The Barrow downs all day. It would add in the powerful swords each of the hobbits get and build on the lore that is much needed in the films

The first movie was great.
The second two were ok.

t. LOTR turbo-autist who has read everything ever written in the LOTR verse by Tolkien & Christopher

>Yes Frodo?
>Why is everything tinted blue?

I get that reference.

I really need to read the silmarilion

I watched the return of the king the other day and it was pretty great. That's all I have to say about that.

Thank fuck the world doesn't revolve around fatties.

I would include Tom Bombadil just so we could see his wife

I still wish they had gotten Sean Connery for gandalf and Russell Crowe for aragorn. Would have been comfy af

i want muh silmarillion movie series. like 6 or 7

I'm not even a foaming at the mouth racist and this rings true.

>this rings true


If they tried to bring out these days there would be endless articles on how 'problematic' it is because there's no black elves and a lack of female characters. The films are unashamed works of art which are rooted firmly in white European history and felt no need to 'diversify' for the sake of it.





>What went wrong with the hobbit
They tried to make three movies out of a book that you could finish reading before the first movie finished.

Nice try buddy

>If you could, what would you have added to the trilogy?
When I first saw them I was disappointed that Tom Bombadill wasn't there, but I've been convinced since then that it was probably for the best.

Still don't think the elves were needed in Helms Deep.

>what would you have added to the trilogy

Removed army of the dead at Minas Tirith, added Pelargir and the armies of Gondor coming to relieve the siege.

Also these, plus extend Frodo and Sams journey out of the Shire. Most comfy part of the books.

That line about honoring their alliance was kino though

The Hobbit sucked because they tried to make a cash grab trilogy out of a relatively short book and shallow book. The switch in directors and focus on cgi over practical effects made the movies feel slap dashed and pointless. There are also a lot of lore inconsistencies and the movies overall failed to manage a consistent tone. Finally they tried too hard to recapture lightning in a jar and made too many callbacks to the LotR film trilogy and shoehorned in hollywood sub-plot contrivances to make the movies more moviey.

Yeah the whole elf thing wasn't needed. Don't know why it got added

The elves in helms deep breaks the movie.

One more thing is that they aged really badly. I was at a friends house a few weeks ago and he had the third movie on and the CGI bits looked bad. Hell I remember being in theatres and thinking Dain looked like shit when the movie was brand new.

Tom Bombadil would have been out of place.

*violently overthrows the government*

Put this in your pipe weed and smoke it.

The battle of Amon Hen is the best directed, shot and choreographed battle in any of the films. It's also the last point in the series where there is actual tension and consequence to the battle. The music, from the instant Aragorn notices sting is glowing right up to the Lurtz fight is amazing and perfectly matched.

The bit at the start where Aragorn shouts "Elendil!" and jumps into the uruks while Legoland and gimli arrive at the scene is quintessential lotr.

Prove me wrong

I can't you are right

I can literally not prove you wrong

If this movie was made today, Trump would be Sauron.

I don't know helms deep was pretty good. Course I've always thought two towers was the best

I can't, you're 100% right

You're right

I wish they'd given the proper ending to Saruman's tale. Where he ends up a petty gang boss essentially. Also watching hobbits in battle en masse would fucking hilarious.

At least we got this. It perfectly sums up the Shire

How do you even expect somebody to refute this?

>Boromir will defend the hobbits, because they can't defend themselves
>grinding against the peons
>1 poison arrow
>RAMPAGE! kills more peons
>second arrow
>fuck that hurts, but I must defend the hobbits even as my arm goes numb
>third arrow
>fall to my knees, now I realize I have failed
>I have failed them
>I failed my father
>I failed my brother


>my king... he did not fail me


Helms deep is second best I'm afraid. The atmosphere created is great and sure the fighting is good.

However, not until Aragorn says "Ride out with me" is it a stirring battle. The moment when theoden breaks out of his stupor and rides to glory and death is great, and when Eomer shouts "To the king" its a genuinely amazing moment.

But the battle is just too monotone and devoid of emotion up to that point

this may be sacrilege, but i think the movies improved the ending by leaving out the sacking of the shire by saruman. in the books it felt out of place and anti-climactic.


It was an important "return to home & the "real world"" moment.

it was awkward


>this arrival
>that speech


It brought you back to the comfy Shire, only to find it had been sacked, and returned to Frodo to his seemingly inconsequential previous life.
It was HUGELY important as a framing device, and to show how Frodo couldn't just "go back" to who he had been, no matter how fondly he felt about it all.(Though Samwise could...)

At the begining in the Shire they run and hide from the Nazgul, even from that farmer. When they return they have no fear, they lead an untrained force against a great threat and liberate their homeland as great heros. It also contrasts how at the begining the Shire is under constant protection from the rangers with no awareness of it's own danger, to a new Shire that knows how to defend itself. It's complete kino

Best speech although part of it is from Eomer's speech after theoden's death in the books IIRC

>Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden!
>spear shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered,
>a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
>Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!
>Death! Death! Death!
>Forth Eorlingas!

How did the LotR movies manage to be so damn comfy?

>doesn't flinch as a giant rock hurtles towards him
>utterly shits himself at the sight of the Rohirrim

>Hobbit is meant to be a childrens story
>PG-13 trilogy with extensive violence and gore

you cant do both, an adventure epic with slapstick humor is like covering a cake in mayonnaise

would be better if it was a TV show that ran 7+ seasons

Aragorn's speech afterward was nowhere near this

Now that I think about it, the movie have been more merciful with Boromir.
Think about how book Boromir felt.

lol true
Theoden and Aragorn made a good part of that movie.

Didn't he have like 50 arrows in him?
Dude was tough

Seeing the fear in the orcs is so satisfying.

This guy is the rightest guy on Sup Forums right now.

The Hobbit Trilogy sucks because it showed Gandalf's role, wherein the book is JUST about Bilbo and his adventures.

Also shoe-horned Legolas and Tauriel and interracial love between one of the twins (Fili? Kili?) and Tauriel.

The elf-king was hot tho.

I love how this is inspired by the film AND the artist's own visualization.

Reminder that he did nothing wrong.

>The Hobbit

Make it two movies as originally planned and give Jackson one extra year of preproduction time.

Guaranteed kino.

I don't mean less heroic, but he died alone.
No Aragorn saying "k I try to fix that"

>hit by two arrows
>dying on your knees
>see your friends helpless in front of you
>look them in the eyes
>get back up and continue fighting
Movie Boromir >>>> movie Faramir

>you will never live in Rivendell
>You will never wake up with Gandalf at your bedside, then stroll out onto the balcony to gaze at the waterfall inthe morning light
>You will never sit with Elrond and listen to him share the wisdom the elves
>you will never look around the elf library and museum
>you will never hear the delicate choral and orchestral arrangement echoing through the valley
>you will never be in a fellowship

why even live?

It's even more perfect when it can be comfy in some parts, and dreadfully disheartening in some others.

I literally started listening to the as you posted

>see your friends helpless in front of you
>look them in the eyes
>get back up and continue fighting

That's heroism, loyalty and determination done right.

Lets be real now. The first hobbit movie was alright and there are parts in the second and third one that were pretty good

3rd is total garbage but the rest is accurate

I've found true respite in watching LotR again give how shit GoT has gotten. I do like the intrigues of ASOIAF but LotR just comes out on top across the board.

I think the first Hobbit was alright but the second and third aren't very good. The third especially didn't have the charm of the original LotR movies, while the first two Hobbit movies at least did in little bursts.

But even with that said I still like all three movies for what they are. Not nearly as good as LotR but entertaining, even if some of the things (Legolas leaping around and doing dumb shit) were stupid.

Faramir was raped by the movies. Possibly the most frustrating thing about them.




That charge into the pike formation was ill-advised and where it not for Gandalf's holy light they would all have died?

They knew he'd do the light thing though

Idk why the question mark is there. Apologies.

Pike formation would have taken out the front line of cavalry but not stopped them cold.

The real trouble with pikes v. horses is even well trained warhorses won't charge into a fucking pike because they're not stupid. However we're supposed to assume the Rohirrim are beyond god tier at horse training.

> the Rohirrim are beyond god tier at horse training

well they ARE. Shadowfax is literally horse-god.

Can someone put The Big Guy behind Ancalagon?

Yeah, not disagreeing. Just saying it's a fantasy story so even outside of magic and stuff we're supposed to expect that characters can do things that ordinary people really couldn't. Even your average person from a heroic age is ten times the man of anyone alive today.

What is this? A Black One for ants?