>Character is named Domino because she has a powder white face with black dot around her eye
>Let's make her a token negro with an afro, that's close enough
Bravo Fox!
>Character is named Domino because she has a powder white face with black dot around her eye
>Let's make her a token negro with an afro, that's close enough
Bravo Fox!
Other urls found in this thread:
Well tits are good enough so maybe...
But that afro... I mean what the fuck. Is this 100% nigga Domino for fun?
Heimdall, Gunslinger, Lancelot, Achilles, now Domino.
it's way too fucking obvious they're doing this shit on purpose
Valkyrie as well.
The eye make-up looks really stupid like that.
Why don't black writers create their own original content instead of appropriating other characters? Seems very huporcritical, desu.
Arent domino all black with white dots though
Cause its not black writers, its dumb white people who want to virtue signal
They can be, yes. Most common Domino is white with black dots, second is black with white dots.
wow, who gives a shit, its a fictional character
>she's black with a white dot now
Autistic shut ins.
To be fair, black with white spots is the more traditional form.
its the same thing they're doing with video games lol
hella diverse
>white to black character
>black to white character
Uncle ben would not approve
hmm very funkadelic
What if I tell you that there are three kinds of people
retarded tumblrs whining about black characters turned white
retarded polshits whining about white characters turned black
regular people that don't give a shit about a characters skin colour
Umm sweetie, one if those are a privileged majority and one oppressed minority. There's a difference :p
They're all based on that one cop killing lady that BLM obsesses over
Fuck you crackers. THIS IS THE FUTURE.
Didnt uncharted4 have one of those too?
>one of those
They is human beings, bro.
If you fall , under the third category then why bother complaining? Unless you're also on Tumblr right now telling them to calm down too
>Cleanse the city with white, righteous fire, Peter.
good lord Ramey
Only americans care about this shit
They're overcompensating due to their fondness of cuckolding
I don't care about the skin color, but that's a damn shame we don't get a short hair cutie. They just had to go with the generic afro hair style.
[citation needed]
black americans are really insecure from coming from slavery
Except the 4th group that want to stay faithful to established characters.
If they made a Miles Morales movie and made him white I'd still be as mad as if they made Peter Parker black.
Not because it's racist but because he's supposed to be like this not like that.
they are both hot to be honest
I don't even understand this. Are you retarded? So anytime a black woman has an afro, it's based off of Assata Shakur?
She's my waifu, it's very personal to see them race shame someone so important to my life.
No, it's niggers crying that they aren't in more shit but do nothing to produce anything, as usual just looking for a handout.
>reads the word Domino
>immediately thinks of pizza
t. murrifat
>Americans are this cucked
Wew, what's next lads? Going to puta small negro boy for the role of robin?
apparently so are white poltards and other far-right fags who go REEEEE everytime some half black actor plays some character
>nigger sheboon with an afro
Easily the worst recent meme that caught on. What the fuck is going on?
>Are you retarded?
Are you? Leftist propaganda completely controls the "gaming" industry now. People are specifically told to make narratives and characters that pander to popular leftist dogma, which in this case translates to BLM activism.
You do realize that is just how black people's hair naturally grows, right?
>another Sup Forums thread
I will never understand why you bitter angry cracker jacks have so much hate and rage towards people of colour. It's almost as if you were wronged by a black person and now hold grudges against them all. What's the matter white boys? Did a hung brother hook up with your mommies? Leaving your biological dead beat daddies as cucks? I honestly do not get the racism towards blacks here..
If we can let Japan turn out historical figures into little girls then we can allow Hollywood to race bend.
They do. But that shit doesn't sell to a white audience
This is a really valid point. I don't understand modern audiences obsession with race and gender and whatnot. Everyone is YAYY WONDERWOMAN YAASS as if she was the first female action lead or as if people hated female actresses because nobody liked Ghostbusters. I get its cool to have diversity and all that shit, but now it seems they're way overdoing it just to please other virtue signaling people.
FFS it's not about the actress being black, it's about the CHARACTER being pale-as-fuck white, with straight hair.
Gamora is a green character played by a black actress, no one cares! Because she LOOKS LIKE THE CHARACTER SHOULD LOOK.
>bitter angry cracker jacks
Whoa, cool it with the racism there bud.
it's just virgins that are angry because they were born with small cocks and whenever they see a black mans cock they feel extremely insecure and begin to realize they are natural selection, as women don't want to reproduce with skinny, baby dick white boys
>black woman getting her monthly child support
Name one reason why it's wrong to get mad about a white character getting cast portrayed by a non-white actor
This. If they made Cable black I wouldn't really care, but changing the entire unique part of her character design is dumb.
extreme projection holy fucking christ lmao
Back when they were created do you think it was easier to get a black thing and put white dots on it, or a white thing and put black dots on it?
lol they went the opposite route. black face white dot
we wuz natural selections and shiet
Go back to posting BLACKED webms, user.
>t. murrifat
that's not how you use it fag
If this bait doesnt even work on Sup Forums why do you think it'll work here
>99% of fictional characters in the west are white
>What if we tried only having 95% of them be white?
Grow the fuck up.
BLM types have been hired on as consultants to "diversify" video games
Assata Shakur is one of the primary inspirational founders and icons of BLM
It's not hard to figure out.
Ever black female character that has been inserted into multiple games across a number of platforms and companies just happens to look exactly like her.
what if she was just better than other people auditioning for the part?
capeshit has never been accurate to comics in the first place, but apparently it's only a problem when Sup Forums has to see a black person
>current day Sup Forums cries more about inconsequential shit in inconsequential media than prime era tumblr
It is the gift that keeps on giving.
it was a different time
not whats happening
you've twisted the situation in order to just tell people to keep quiet
But this is blackwashing, they're changing characters race, they aren't adding anything.
>Everyone I dont like is Sup Forums
>A child's guide to ignoring people's disdain to shoe-horned quotas
Angela Davis never killed anyone...nor did she invent Afros.
user, you dropped this reaction pic in another thread. Here you go. Don't thank me.
then write a non white character, fuckface, don't steal white characters
There are plenty black directors and writers in Hollywood.
>99% of fictional characters in the west are white
Maybe because most of the population in the west is white. And even in 56% America, blacks are some of the tiniest minorities but somewhat are overrepresented in all media.
Does Domino's ethnic heritage have anything to do with her powers, backstory, or character?
Kek, nearly everything in the west is stolen from other cultures, who the fuck are you to talk about stealing?
>natural hair is a meme
That's not Angela Davis, moron
How do we stop the Americucks?
U mad?
decent bait, 6/10
Can't wait for Trump to get impeached so that you retards will slither back to your containment boards
Obviously your race will always have an impact on your backstory, dumbass
>this is what blacks actually believe
>it's OK to change white characters to black but not vice versa
>if you complain you're met with "YOU'RE A BIGOT" or "Stop caring"
[citation needed]
haha is this even real?
I'm not baiting. You ought to be nuked.
Please explain how being caucasian affects Domino in the comics since I haven't read them in years.
Yes it is. Pictures of Angela come up when you google Assata Shakur
>mfw centrists think people give a shit about their turbulent and utterly inconsequential opinions
>mfw centrists' only arguement is "at least I'm not [either right nor left], i'm soooo intellectual for not choosing a side"
Notice they never use pure niggers because they are ugly as fuck.
Any day now.
People coming together, woow big deal?? You should be more worried about all the towers of babylon we're collectively building. God is gonna be FURIOUS when he finds out!
>"Stop caring"
This bugs me the most, the argument of 'stop whining it doesn't affect your life that much' was thrown at SJWs on a daily basis since they first really got started bitching about movies/video games. Now they're discriminating against white actors and when there's outcry they say 'stop whining it doesn't affect your life that much'.