Who writes this shit, seriously.
How did we go from a gritty low-fantasy setting with neutral parties to a STRONK-WYMYN good guy team vs the baddies scenario?
Who writes this shit, seriously.
How did we go from a gritty low-fantasy setting with neutral parties to a STRONK-WYMYN good guy team vs the baddies scenario?
FFS, Melisandre spent seasons giving Stannis even cringier pep-talks than this one, and no one bats an eye. ,
but dany is going to win and stannis was a nobody
Why would anybody take her advice? Her entire family is dead. She didn't do accomplish anything by herself. Everything she had was given to her. And her fucking army were a bunch of pushovers.
You can write her shit off as religious psychobabble.
>alt right whining intensifies
>another complain about strong women
>when it's been 2 consecutive episodes of them getting stomped
you niggas need to simmer down or actually pay attention
What advise does she give members of her own House?
All lines are now either quibs or facebook image captions.
RR was always going that way. I guess the writers noticed they overshot so now all the wymyn are getting wracked. last season they could cut a guys head with whip but now they are getting dragged in the streets
Game of Thrones is gay as fuck and you are a legitimately bad person for watching it. Bunch of goofy ass renaissance fair fuckfaces, the lot of you.
>Her entire family is dead.
so is half the world. her house tried to take our and failed 2 times, yet was managing to stay alive.
>She didn't do accomplish anything by herself.
well allegedly she kept her house strong for years
>Everything she had was given to her.
That can be said about a lot of character in the show.
>And her fucking army were a bunch of pushovers.
well they used up all their army + manipulation was always their main stat
probably something about poison and rose thorns
>well they used up all their army
no they didn't
ou have no right to love nuGoT but hate Jackson's Hobbit.
>Remember Margaery ... every rose has its thorn, just like every night has its dawn. Just like every cowboy sings a sad, sad song.
Pop songs are the only thing that could make got worse at this point.
>To go north, you must go south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow.
Is this in the show or not? Can't remember
Yes but we want to fuck her
y-yeah not like it hasnt already happened hehe
>and no one bats an eye. ,
Bullshit, people were talking about how the showrunners were butchering Stannis' storyline years ago, and making him a stupid cringe worthy mindless slave of Melisandre because feminism.
Also this
holy shit
I loved the politics of kings landing where everyone was threatening each other behind closed doors and you never knew where their loyalties truly lie.
This new shit where everyone is franticly flipping Dannys bean for a chance to stand in her squirt is just disgusting.
You're so obsessed with women I'm starting to think all of you have deep psychological issues. Mommy didn't love you?
Lebbit buzzword overused in describing early GoT. Use your own thoughts
mudflap posting is so trite
>We're all just dust in the wind, dude.
Because a show on this scale is designed by committee. People sit in a room and try and make the perfect blend of shit that will nevertheless appeal to the most amount of people. There is no real creativity about it. Thats why they put 90% of the "strong women" characters on the same side.
I just watched the first episode.
Are we gonna see lots of 10 year old lolis getting gutted now?
>gritty low-fantasy setting
Yeah, nah.