Other urls found in this thread:
>it's ok when Sup Forums complains about lack of white people or not enough white people in a movie
>it's not okay when other races do it
Hypocrites much?
You're about a week late
But you're here
There is literally some Obama-looking fucker who is the commander of Daenerys' army and his afro-lesbian girlfriend.
I wonder what OP looks like
>his opinion matters because he's a nobody who was casted in star wars for being a nobody
*smacks lips*
>other races
only blacks
Sub Saharan Africans are subhuman, there is no argument to be made otherwise.
Sorry if that hurts your fee fees
The book and its adaptation don't call for black people most characters are caucasians
What's the fucking deal these days with people wanting to insert black people in everything being made
Seems like fantasy authors/fans are extreme racists. Tolkien's stories lack of other than white human races did make me angry too. GoT author is following the master too.
i guess anglos are truly brainwahed by bbc propaganda, and now they think medieval europe was full of black people
>next season
>suddenly there are hundreds of black people
Not OP. But being white inherently makes you more handsome than any other race.
everyone has at one point been considered subhuman by you racist retards
that's why no one takes you seriously because they all know they'll be the next on the list of you mentally ill rejects
*whooshing noise as OP dodges the question*
Sounded like the dodge of a fat person.
especially blacks, since every non-mixed black guy looks like a fucking ape
This is one ugly negroid.
we wuz lannister n shiet
Because we live in a "outrage" culture and we have immediate access to food and water so we gotta complain about something.
>I'm not gonna pay to watch something where everybody is the same type
Did Boyega just blow Marvel the fuck out?
t. niggers
How bad does that room smell?
Don't these two get scenes in every fucking episode?
I feel like I've seen more of them than any Stark
If somebody wrote a book set in fantasy Mali or Ethopia everybody would cry about getting things wrong, using sterotypes or the author trying to bank on black history.
Wrong. Missandei and Grey worm exist and are as relevant as Boyega is for SW.
i'm jewish actually, we stand with our black brothers because we hate you and what you stand for
everyone does
>only one race
So, he's saying the most reddit show isn't reddit enough. Sure, why not make it even more unwatchable with PC bullshit.
No user literally every Eurasian civilization has agreed that blacks are feral animals not people. Europeans are the only reason blacks arent killed on sight in the middle east or enslaved in a flash.
Black people as a demographic aren't into fantasy. Or sci-fi for that matter. Star Wars and Game of Thrones are "white people shit"
I haven't seen many Asians in GoT as well but I'm sure you are going to have a hard time finding some Chinese guy complaining about it.
This is such a negro thing to do: White people, let me into you countries. White people, give me money. White people, give me an education. Whoa, why are there so few black professors? Whoa, why are there so many blacks in prison? Whoa, why isn't this fantasy series that's thematically based on a romanticized vision of Europe's past full of negroes?
No group of people has accomplished less on their own than blacks, so all they can do is yell and complain that they are not being 'integrated' and 'represented' by the works of others. What a disgrace.
jews hate niggers just like everybody else
Why is nobody complaining about diversity in Girls Trip?
they usually have superior tastes and like anime and other japanese stuff
the fuck are you on about
>im being racist on the internet again
I bet none of you would have the balls to say this shit to a black man's face in real life cause you know your fat neckbeard ass would get your teeth kicked in.
they hate them even more than the radical political groups do
Yes nigger show us your an uncivilzed ape that is looking for any excuse to attack a human for fun that will surely make us rethink our ideas towards you.
Stupid nigger.
uhhh no, ancient society (especially greeks) loved black people it was the slave trade that created their negative perception
in islam prophet muhammad said moses was black
no we don't, right wing israeli retards do but they hate everyone who isn't them
I'm not in the mood for any identity-based antagonism today. So let's keep it to a minimum okay, guys?
>reacting to banter like a violent monkey
Of course he would lmao
>so few black professors
Implying these jungle savages even appreciate their intelligent kin, they rather worship the psycho rappers and criminals just like them while demonizing their smart folk for being too white as they put it.
It's a funny thing
>bunch of ethiopians got converted to judaism ages ago
>israel imports a bunch of them to pimp their population numbers
>they get treated like subhumans even though they're officially part of the great jewish family
>right wing israeli
glad they are not in charge...
this is because of illegal immigration not because they are black, unfortanately it is because sudan and eritrea are not the best right now
the situation is being alleviated and they themselves don't even want to be in israel. they came to israel because every other middle east country is in war or already has way too many refugees
Or stuff like this where they made up over half the crowd despite being only 13 percent of the population and also only made up 6 percent of Dunkirk's.
>slave trade
Shut the fuck up, the fucking phoenicians called you subhumans while we whites were ooga booging,.
>white people invent cinema tv and radio
>wahhh make movies and content for me cracka
>wahhh why are so many white people making stuff
Check the archive, op makes this thread several times a day to bait the racists.
>Medieval europe was full of dragons and zombies
Because an all black cast IS diversity you bigot
>Jewish people invent
fixed that for you.
if we start dredging ancient stuff white people are going to look way worse
There's no denying that once papa whitey is out of the picture, the Asians, Mexicans and Arabians are going to systematically crush black people, they hate you so much
this is not how capitalism works
if you want my money and my attention you better pander to me otherwise don't expect anything
Oh thats rich coming from a race with architecture more primtive than the very first civilization in the mediterrean in the fucking 1600s AD.
>having money
why do you think just because I don't irrationally hate all black people I am black?
you people are the sickness destroying the world
Marconi was Jewish?
George Melies?
Philo Farnsworth?
No the sickness is you jews trying to convince people your african pets are humans fit for society.
>you people are the sickness destroying the world
A kike posting this. The fucking irony.
There is literally a whole army of black people and they were pretty important in the last episode
Not really. White people are some of the only people to collectively say "damn we need to stop sacrificing and enslaving other human beings." If there were no white people, in 2017, you'd probably be laboring cradle to grave making some pyramid for some oil sheik.
Black or not, your position is clear
I know you are a Sup Forumstard baiting with screenshots from obscure feminist blogs nobody reads, it's getting boring.
But honest question: does any normal person care what Boyega has to say about anything?
I guess the answer is no.
So, do us a favour and fuck off back to your containment board
Enslaved by sandniggers as well, thats the real redpill you blacks really are dumb animals to non white humans globally, without us you would be dead fucking dead. I can only imagine how much you will get tortured by your muslim/spic rulers in the future.
the Mediterranean was a better environment than sub saharan africa and had access to the world trade
if greece got their writing, their culture, their way of thinking everything from Egypt, Hittite, Mesopotamia, etc, how can you people not see how important it is not to be isolated? what did white people invent independently? not even one written language and huts as well
>poltards aren't even able to spell Guarantee
Go figure..
2 things:
You don't get to censor and choose what goes where
And two, if the "containment board" leaks, it may be a sign that certain views are not as outrageous and unpopular as you think
Chimpfrica is so easy to live in thats stupid niggers are not extinct yet on that landmass. Africa being hard to live in is a fucking meme, there is megafauna to stab to eat everywhere, and a consistent climate with no worry about freezing to death either. The negro is just a dumb beast.
if was christian thinking that did that not fucking white people and their innate goodness
not to mention it is way more complicated than just people deciding to end it one day, there are economic and political factors to consider as well
>black actor John Boyega laments the lack of demand for a black actor in popular television show. Stresses the importance of black actors such as himself, a black actor. Black actor John Boyega states to the press "I watched this shit and I thought it was dumb as fuck, but then I saw how much this Kid Harringman or whatever gets paid per episode, and I was like, damn, if I can't get in on that then this is probably some racist shit or whatever." Boyega was last seen on the set of the new Star Wars film, arguing with the Production Assistant about the racial implications of the different foods on the craft table.
>those two
Those are clearly Caucasian
Don't you consider this statement really offensive and racist?
Do journalists know any other word for criticizing something besides "slams"?
Nope those are niggers, if ifs from the the mid Sahara and below its a nigger.
>this is what fat poltards actually believe
Let me guess, ethnic kekistani?
There's really only so much arguing you can do for black people and so much help you can give them. They'll eventually either catch up or they won't. I'm pessimistic.
>All these racist people
The dude looks like he could model well
LOL africa has the most and worst diseases, the deadliest and most undomesticated animals, few natural harbors, one major river with many cataracts that can't be traversed, a desert the size of the US, a jungle that size of brazil etc. are you insane?
if Africa was so easy and amazing why did no foreigners conquer it until the 19th century? surely if Africa is so great and black people are so dumb the Romans, Persians, Franks, Arabs, etc could have taken over the Congo by the year 300 AD and reaped the huge """"rewards""""
Fact remains, in the modern world, no white people to hold shit in check means being at the mercy of soulless Asians, Mexican cartels and Sudanese pirates
>please don't have a different opinion or world view near me, kthx
How do you even live
yeah if you find literal baboon facial features attractive on humans
White people were smart enough to settle in the easy areas first, with access to the sea and plenty of food sources. It's nobody's fault that niggers thought settling in the deepest jungle was a smart move.
You are missing the simple fact that the
Muslims started civilizations in the Sahara while niggers lived in caves. It took until whitey for the african jungles to even have anything close to a civilization.
Are you twelve?
>how do you even live
Probably way better than you.
Also, stop putting words in people's mouth.
>if you corporatize something you invented it
Steve Jobs invented the computer.
No you dumbass, niggers are very diverse thats why you have niggers with human shaped skulls in East Africa,