Pour one out for best girl Edition
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first for frogfu
>it's a sister-fucking, child-murdering, cousing-killing, baby-flinging Jaime Lannister acts morally superior scene
getting tired of this
Mentioned this last thread, but I'll repost here. Which girl has the biggest tits on the show? Most of them are pretty average
Cute! She should have been raped in front of her mother.
Rub one out more like...
best girl
good taste
Looks like the season's picking up.
One of the whore extras
Fat walda frey
Where's the necklace that keeps her youthful?
Here you go lads, have fun. A Lannister always pays his debts.
post some pics of her from this episode pls
books = good
show = bad
Learn the difference, it can save your life and time
ANY normies remember that Jaime did any of that besides fuck his sister
Lannisters are smug cuts with double standards who knew
10th for Jon fucks his own aunt confirmed.
Ya we saw your thread already homo
I'm just mad they ruined his redemption arc by making him Cersei's lapdog again, he was best when travelling with Brienne.
Re-fucking-minder what people say their waifu is Melly REALLY mean.
In her ass
>I loved Drogo. I mourn his death and am saddened that I could not bear his child. I named a dragon after him. He was a good friend.
Kelly C is mentally ill and objectively unfit to rule.
well done lad. dogfu underrated, but holy shit is Ygritte spooky naked. Maybe its the lighting but she doesn't look healthy in that.
>If you wouldn't mind checking your white male privilege
What did she mean by this?
I thought the reason the mountain was in that scene was because of exactly that, but it seems d&d won't touch rape anytime soon again. I just wanted to see some undead on snek action.
Ros, Fake Sansa, and Melly are best girls
>I saw you on your wedding night. You were beautiful.
What did Bran mean by this?
I did not expect Euron to be OP
I wish they made Randylls betrayal one where he goes inside high garden with Tyrell banners and pulls a Tywin
Season3 jaime = best jaime
he's a hypocrite cunt, just like his father
damn, yaaas, slay queen XDD
actually I just copied that user
literally nobody will defend this.
I will, its winter
I didn't think I'd be that tilted by how smug she looked when she was listing off Dany's titles.
cersei x jaime for life you fags
is that the same person?
It's getting colder. What I thought was dumb is how the peasantry dresses more colorfully than the nobility.
I hope she gets fingered in the bum
How badly do you think Romulanfu was gushing after seeing them together?
do you think she wanted to make it a threesome?
scared yet white walkers?
jaime is over her already
>Jorah will return to Dragonstone
>He'll see Jon, Dany's new BFF by her side
>He'll see Jon with his dad's old sword
>It's now a wolf pommel
>yfw Jorah's "sword" got replaced
Cucked beyond the grave by his father
>jon and daenerys will have sex
Jorah, the man that was cucked to death.
Modern day Isaac Hempstead-Wright
What do Westeros and Essos represent in the universe we live in?
that's still on the table, though
>mfw Sansa teaches Gendry how to properly weld
Why did they write bran like that? why was it so abrupt? how did that script get OKd?
spoil that pls
Better get used to her because here is basically zero chance theyll kill her off
I bet they mention Jorah losing his cock too
> Jorah has one night to remain in the Citidel
> Within that time Jon has reached Dragonstone from Winterfell
> Euron sails to near Dorne, has an entire battle and comes back to King's Landing
> Dany's Fleet traverses an entire continent and attacks Casterly Rock
> Cersei fucks Jaime then Jaime magically appears infront of Highgarden
No wonder Bran can see all of time, its completely fucked in Westeros
Also where the fuck is Edmure Tully?
So can we agree the Cersei succ scene was pretty erotic? The way she grabbed Jamies ass. 10/10 would incest
>ywn have a super high level wingman to talk you up to a skeptical cutie out of your league on the first date
>lol u got raped heh
>You went behind my back Tarly, but...you do good work.
>For that, I'll let it slide. Cause you saved a mans life today.
>But pull a stunt like that again and I'll have you cleaning chamber pots with you fat, pink mast tongue so fast that not even the Seven Face God will be able to save you!
Pusy (9) > Meli (1) > Fakesansa (4) > Ros (7) > Dogslut (6) > Shae (5) > Missandei (8) > Daenerys (2) >>>>> Marge (3) >>>>>>>>>>> Ygritte (10)
Isn't that obvious?
Westeros = europe
essos =middle east
Explain why GRRM likes the show, then.
nothing, GRRM is a hack
Why that scene was so shit? Better question is asking why the entire Jon Snow at the court scene was awful. C-team writing scenes.
Why do I unironically love Littlefinger's weird monologues
>I thought a lot about how I could punish you for killing Myrcella, Ellaria. I thought about having the Mountain crush your skull like he did your precious Oberyn's. I thought I having him crush your daughter's skull in front of you. But I've had a change of heart. Now that I'm looking at your daughter, with those soft brown eyes, sweet olive skin, perfect little smile, beautiful round breasts and...*checks* ideal small bush, the perfect Dornish girl...yes, I will take your daughter as my lover, and ravish her every night. There will be nothing you can do Ellaria, to stop my onslaught of finger and tongue. Perhaps I'll even do it down here in front of you sometimes. Perhaps I'll have my brother join me in my endevor.
>Now, guards, take off her clothes. But, leave me the gag...for later.
not canon
1) is there anyone rooting for Dany that isn't a shitskin, woman, or faggot?
2) Did the writers intend to write Dany as an entitled bitch of a mary sue who ruins everything, leaving others to pick up the pieces, and whose only "accomplishments" are due to deus ex machinas? Because that's how it seems from my perspective, but then you read what normalfags are writing about Dany and what the show writers say about her in their behind-the-scenes and analyses, and it seems like they didn't even mean for her character to be a cunt, and they unironically wanted to make her the bestest loveliest ruler in all of the land.
Sam Tarley
Even in death this cunt wins.
She should've lived longer.
GOT Titty ranking
2-double daggers
4-fake sansa
9-tyrions whore
>castle danny
She really loved it up the arse.
this season honestly feels like it was written by teens. no intrigue, no depth, no nuance. literally just exposition with the occasional focus on dany or cersei. I bet they regret casting emilia chunk as Dany but still, I'm not sure a good actress could save that shit.
Try her with more weight
If you prefer left you need to get the fuck off my board
kekd good
what if the land of always winter connects with the easternmost point of essos?
Carice a cute.
You cannot dissuade me.
why did he smash then
she is really cute
he hates it
Maybe it's just my imagination but I feel like Dany looks way hotter this season than before.
Hearthy kek
>Not posting the updated map
Still 100 times better than maise "quasimodo" williams as aray stark. What the fuck were they thinking?
It's funny that people complain about the rape in this show considering irl there would be WAY more rapin' going on. I mean, a straight dime piece like bad pooci would be ravaged for literally years.
>Thanks for the painless poisons, Ser Jaime
>by the way...IT WAS MEEEEEEEEEEE!
>double bird
>dies peacefully
Olenna died as she lived, dramatically.
>this romulan will never take you prisoner
Also Jaime has a great ass
That's the problem with casting a kid who's cute; you don't know what they'll grow up to look like
they clearly weren't thinking. I literally stop paying attention when Quasimodo makes an appearance. Ruins my immersion.
Top five ranking:
1. Snek
2. Mel
3. Missandei
4. Fake Sansa
5. Waif