>there are no good women action movi-
There are no good women action movi-
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Yeah I agree. Why did you pick that poster tho?
Is this another '90lb woman beats up big guys that could easily snap her in half' movie?
Fine James Bond ripoff with a shot of John Wick action. Still a bit bland though.
She gets roughed up pretty fucking bad herself and doesn't always win.
Movie looks pretty good desu
Loved this movie. Will watch it repeatedly. Some scenes more than others.
Pleb filter.
They beat the shit out of her, basically fights are long and exhausting, ended by gunshots. After fights she is devastated and in next scenes bruises aren't gone.
Story is repetitive and simple, but neo-noir style and new-wave soundtracks turns out great. Solid 7/10.
>Story is repetitive and simple
I disagree. I believe some parts were overly-convoluted, and the characters' motivations were all over place, causing the story to adopt unfitting, stitched sequences. It's supported by the fact that even the graphic novel didn't share the same ending, which was way more cohesive/fitting imo.
Who cares about flaws, when it's Furiosa and mummy girl making out.
How many movies we had, where main hero was supposed to find and secure list of secret agents?
2 examples without even thinking much, Mission Impossible or older Bond Movies.
Atomic Blonde story is kinda repetitive, but film holds up by great technical aspects. Enjoyed it a lot.
>hehe le ebin misogynism xD
Fuck, so many recycled thoughts on this board these days.
> if you don't discard basic human biology because it hurts my feelings ur a big dumb muhsoggykneest sexost >:(
Cry about it on tumblr baby factory
Every time a Atomic Blonde thread emerges, there's a legion od assblasted Sup Forumstards crying about how a woman can beat men. Really makes you think
kill bill?
Charlize is probably bigger than you.
Wait, this sounds like kino.
does she kick anyone in the face?
I need to jerk off to sometihn
I'm glad they made something original for once and didn't steal a male role
>complaining about realism in movies
>dude let's only complain about the """realistic""" portrayal of women cos my fee fees are hurt
imagine how silly the choreography would look is they had a tiny skinny dude beating up giant dudes
>graphic novel
Opinion discarded
I only recently learned about this musickino. Any more opinions?
> crying
Yeah your feminist power fantasy flick has really upset us sexist bigots
I'm 2 inches taller than her and I probably have about 40 pounds of muscle mass on her.
How do you know what I complain about roastie?
Watching a woman in these kinds of roles, especially a small pretty one reminds me of kids movies where the kids in the film get special powers or learn martial arts and manage to beat up the big mean adults. It just comes off as goofy and theres this underlying sense that everyone watching understands that its just a stupid aspect of these kinds of films that are there purely to play into the "women can do anything" myth that is floating around.
most movies today are recycled thoughts
The movie is a complete mess and 30 mins too long but the extended fight sequence kino at the end pretty much makes the film worth seeing.
>40 pounds of muscle mass on her
And 220 of fat lmao
I bet you're a 250 pound mouth breathing tumblrina with pink hair
>Yeah your feminist power fantasy flick has really upset us sexist bigots
The absolute state of YOU