Welp, we all know where this is going. Sony/Columbia is pissed all they have on hand is the Spiderman franchise.
The anime-to-Hollywood saga is just beginning.
Welp, we all know where this is going. Sony/Columbia is pissed all they have on hand is the Spiderman franchise.
The anime-to-Hollywood saga is just beginning.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dragon Ball Evolution
>Taco in the Bell
Why do they love wasting money?
Funimation owns a lot more than that
Spike Spiegel - Michael B. Jordan
Jet Black - Idris Elba
Edward - Janelle Monae
Faye Valentine - Elle Fanning
Vicious - Ryan Gosling
i actually wouldn't care if they cast Idris Elba as jet not mememing
Funimation has streaming rights not live action adaptation rights.
>Elle Fanning
Will Sony cast non-gooks in the inevitable movies?
You having a stroke mate? This is right up Sup Forums's alley.
>Release string of financial flops
>Faced with two options:
>Invest heavily in low-budget high-concept indie films, hoping to strike gold with an original film while your competitors all dick around chasing capeshit money
>Or find something new to blow hundreds of millions on, one film at a time, in the hopes of replicating capeshit success with not-capeshit
The sad thing is that even a competent company probably would've chosen the second option
Let's cast it bros
It's fucking unbelievable how incompetent they are. What is their fucking problem?
Jake could be a good Spike.
Anime adaptations will NEVER be succesful because of the cultural appropriation and diversity meme which refuses to die
This motherfucker
This is the exact opposite of Sup Forums's alley
AWWW FUCK. They own Lodoss War
surprise surprise...
>What is their fucking problem?
When their head bitch gets fired (for racism against Obama and not for stinkers like Ghostbusters and the Emoji movie) they headhunt the guy who got fired for incompetence and was responsible for the most successful R-rated movie of all time being held up in pre-production for a decade
piss poor management, most likely
I'd be OK with that
Don't worry, his predecessor who was even fucking worse had a French-Italian surname
The opposite of Sup Forums? Elaborate on that.
This election helped them realize the affinity the right has with anime. So they came for our sacred cow.
will they make a live action of this
i don't know what it is so please don't ask
The reality is that he thinks after Ghost in the Shell anime is gonna be the new capeshit. He's always hated comic book movies with a passion (hence his abuse of Bryan Fuller) and since Avengers he's been constantly going on about how his job is to find "the next thing after comic book movies"
>affinity the right has with anime
what are you retarded or something?
Think about what you're saying for a second, really think about it.
You're complaining about people complaining about whitewashing in anime adaptations.
You're simultaneously complaining about "forced" diversity in films.
>it's fine to take a Japanese character and make them caucasian, fucking libtards whining about everything
>implying you'll even acknowledge this
that was Pascal
>sony is about to rape Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop
These are literally the only animes I like.
Oh wow, you're cool and hip too? I thought I was the only one on this website lol
Wanna chill out and take selfies and post them on our snapchat stories? #havingfun
No I don't care if General Armstrong is cast as Ving Rhames.
I just hate how it is FORCED. Resulting in shit actors and shit stories which dont make sense like the japanese/english speaking changing randomly in the GiTs live action movie, it's like they have no idea what they want the movie to be because they're trying too hard.
I would prefer them to actually change the character and movie names and plot to fit the medium of a movie, or else you get shit like the Dragonball Z movie where the hair is riduculous.
First they came for the classic literature, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a man/lit/.
Then they came for the comic books, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Sup Forumscksucker.
Then they came for the videogames, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Sup Forumsirgin.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
>Rothman was literally why Fox was in the shitter for over a decade
>he stifled the X-men franchise hard because he never liked the series and repeatedly would slash budgets at the 11th hour
>Sony decides to make this retard their CEO
Of course.
Are you collecting your retardbux or are you not diagnosed it yet? You think he's thinking "Surely they'll cast only japs for these!" and thinks that BAD? If they actually did that, I'd be mildly impressed. Except what we'll see is surprise surprise more niggers and gooks.
Not that it fucking matters since it'll all be terminal sarcoma audiovisual cancer with or without a good cast.
>Because I was not a Sup Forumsirgin.
Yes you are
Your inauthenticity to /lit/ is proof of just that
Sony bought a distributor though.
That doesn't actually mean they own Cowboy Bebop, right? 150 million doesn't seem like that much for all those IPs.
sony has proven itself to be impossibly incompetent. How is it even possible to not be able to make a return on investment when you have millions to spend?
The age of the capeshit is over, the age of the weeb has begun
>we will never get another age of indie shit
when's hollywood gonna fucking implode already? we're in the middle of one of the most disastrous summers ever with a record number of flops and the only company that seems to be reacting is sony who are now just spending even more money
it never fucking ends
they never fucking learn
>>we will never get another age of indie shit
Does an adaptation of Tatami Galaxy count? I could see MEW being cast.
I know Idris Elba is a meme here but he'd actually make a decent Jet imo
>indie shit
>an established union Hollywood actress with bigger fees than an entire indie production
>That doesn't actually mean they own Cowboy Bebop, right?
Right. The retards above have no idea what they're talking about.
>doesn't know Kodomo no Jikan
I haven't watched it and even I know about that scene.
it was written by a woman who had a crush on her kindergarden teacher.
Hollywood will remain until the last chinaman is dead and everyone knows this.
>First they destroyed my favorite comic book heroes
>Now they come for my favorite anime
grow up and you won't have these problems
Or maybe it's because you don't need to make something twice unless it can be made better. It's like adapting an 8 season TV show into a two hour movie.
The human embodiment of failing upwards
How does Sony even have the money for a stick of gum at this point
Most of the stuff Sup Forums likes is too autistic to ever get adapted, and it could never get a straight adaptation anyway. It would get caught in the hell of trying to be faithful to the original but palatable to a western audience, e.g. Dragonball Evolution. The only way to succeed with a weeb adaptation is to change it to such an extent that nobody even knows it's from weeb source material, like Edge of Tomorrow.
That being said, I do think Fullmetal Alchemist could actually work as a big budget Hollywood movie. You wouldn't have to worry about cries of whitewashing, and non-weebs might be tricked into watching it.
They don't own any of that you clown, its all licensed for English releases.