Can she go back to the B Plot please?
I know Harmon wanted more women in the writing room but fuck
Can she go back to the B Plot please?
I know Harmon wanted more women in the writing room but fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
I knew once they added more women writers we were going to get more of this type of shit. The show is called Rick and Morty not Rick and Summer.
>show gets more popular
>gets more feminist writers
>interdimensional cable 2 already showed that in season 2 they were running out of ideas
drop it, user, you're only hurting yourself at this point.
Disagree. I always like to see more of the family. Don't think she should be part if every episode, but 3 or 4 would be nice.
More disappointed it hasn't generated more decent rule 34.
I like women. wish they liked me back :/
It's good to have Summer around, I don't think we should call foul unless she's the focus of 50%+ of the season. I'd like it if the show toyed with different permutations of character combinations so that includes Summer.
>7 episodes out of the 10 are written by new female writers including this most recent episode which is the first written by a women
roastie detected
Oh no, Summer gets some character development, Boo!
why do women always ruin shit men created? women can't create for shit.
season 1
>wacky dumb random improv fun
season 3
>guys lets do an examination of summer dealing with her parents divorce but also have the laziest mad max parody of all time
Why is this happening
it explored all three of them dealing with the divorce you mong
Legit, the anime flip flappers did a much better job parodying mad max with parental angst as the central plot
>too stupid to understand why summer was mentioned at all
Honestly, not joking at all when I ask this but how did you even get to be able to use the internet if you can't decipher such a simple post? Seriously what is wrong with you?
The only reason you wouldn't hate women is if you're a woman in denial. Women truly are the niggers of gender.
They should have made Morty a better character from the get go then.
>Oh i'm a moody teen who fights with her parents and doesn't know how to talk to boys
Ya those were all really great
Kill off Summer for good, its what Rick wants as well.
why are people allowed to talk about this shitty doc and mahrty rip off?
Women can create men :^)
>mom turns into a whore
>daughter spreads legs for chad
>son gets big masturbation arm from being lonely
This thread reminded me why I hate men so much. Truly the most despicable of genders.
Maybe it was just a one off, wait for the next episode before complainning
get off the man made internet than faggot
Know your place roasti and stay out.
S3 E2 reminded me why I hate women so much. Truly the least funny of genders. Also bait.
damn. worse than all the tumblr genders?
>Women truly are the niggers of gender
>An overwhelming majority of crime is committed by men
What did he mean by this? Men dindu nuffin. They good boys
Raised by single mothers
kek, also true and verifiable
>taking seriously the opinions of NEET virgins who ironically shitpost 24/7
don't act like this is a representative slice of society
We are better at crime. Women don't commit crime because they would get btfo quickly.
>We are better at crime
So are niggers. Men are the niggers of gender
This. There are still good men out there... Like me :p
Niggers aren't good at committing crimes, they are actually quite bad when you consider how often they get caught and locked up.
As a black man i agree some of these white boys cant compete over here
Why are women so racist?
>call off the crime charges
>this thread
>women have to create men in order to take credit for anything good being created
Friendly reminder that women still need men to make more men.
Why are lefty memes so unfunny?
>niggers are better at crime
They commit it more but they are by no means good at it.
nobody mentioned mgtow faggots, kind of like how nobody mentioned salty feminists cunts until I just said it in this comment.
I thought you guys didn't watch this show :^)
They're like barneyfag. They hate the show, but still watch it religiously.
Summers great. I just wish the would kill off her parents.
>tfw I believe the meme that female writers fucked over rick and morty
I hate my gender
>dude I hate women lmao
Nah, that's like getting angry at a dog for rubbing its ass on the carpet. I just get angry at the cucks that thought enabling you was a good idea.
Harmon doesn't care, virtue signalling with her and his new team is his way of drawing attention away from the fact that he went full Scott Walker on his old team after they unionized over healthcare rights.
>episode starts with Mad Max 2016 reference where women destroyed and stole everything man created
Like poetry
did anyone else feel the episode was kinda off? like the voices didnt fit tonically, the animation was slower compared to season premiere.
I choose to give them the benefit of the doubt but if it's like this next episode as well I'm going to kill myself
>hate men
You wish you could ever stop giving a fuck about us you slave to your pussy,
Leaked plot descriptions show that she is front and center in all the upcoming episodes.
Deal with it.
I'm sure she'll do a lot of yelling and bickering too.
>OP is triggered by the fact that Summee got to be the protagonist of a bunch of episodes
God, I hate idpolers.
>So are niggers
No blacks are shit at crime thats why they constantly get arrested, as the race gets more intelligent the criminals become harder to arrest and deal with like jewish mafias being pretty much unstoppable.
>Deal with it.
We will - by not tuning in. I wonder who they'll blame for its decline.
Jerry is supposed to disappear completely from the plot and Summer is going to take Morty's place. Not even a joke, Harmon said it himself.
>mgtow in a nutshell
I will never become a slave to a subhuman cunt
I will never see a cunt as my equal only a tool for my pleasure or to create offspring and nothing else
I will do my own thing while using cunts and breaking their fragile minds while doing so
I will never say sorry to a woman ever
Fuck you stupid women that think this is about HURR VIRGINITY and not your gender being human cancer that destroyed the value of marriage entirely.
When you control the entire country it's pretty damn easy for kikes to be unstoppable.
Women are the jews of gender.
>slave to the pussy
Did you mean the entire male population, you fool?
Jews have always been the elite criminals even in the medieval times they were behind alot of dirty shit they are nightmare fuel a literal intelligent evil race of humans,
You may well be correct, that said why don't you get your tits out you hideous cow.
t. Dying alone
MGTOW is a scam to keep the good white goyim from breeding.
Only betas are slaves to pussy, alphas treat you like complete garbage all the time and still get laid. Civilization caused beta genes to multiply leading to this nonsense called "true love" which began the destruction of human society by beta males viewing you polygamous uncaring amoral beast as people. While alphas like marriage they saw it as a decoration and still cheated on their wives and treated them like complete shit anyway.
"If women are the niggers of gender then men are the crackers of gender" - Mahatma Gahndi
Its the end result of the eternal white female, the degeneration of society into a non familial one where men fuck women and women raise babies while men dont do shit for the babies either. This is exactly what these subhuman cunts want they want us to go back to the mesolithic era when men would throw off cliffs for pissing them off they miss how violent and psychotic we use to be so they invite primtive men like niggers or muslims to recreate that feeling. Truely a revolting cancer of mankind the white female is.
Why do men bend to women like cucks?
Literally what would happen if Harmon told all women to fuck off?
SumSum is Carpeing dem Diems.
>hahaha i made a sexist joke
>am i fitting in now
You know how I know you're new?
Summer and Jerry are the best characters on the show, easily.
You seem pretty rustled, mate
>grown men arguing about cartoons
Beta white knight faggots would pressure him into listening to them. like the legions of white knight fuckers calling anyone who doesnt obey women like a slave a virgin loser.
>implying that criticisms of a show aren't valid due to politics
>t. Dying alone
Most people will die alone. Your spouse might die before you do, or leave you for someone else, or your mind will go and no longer remember your loved ones, or one of many other scenarios where you're lonely before God takes you.
Me on the bottom
Which God specifically?
Its also a lie anyway, women dont give a shit about men in a romantic manner only sexual, these evil cunts say they love you and want you forever than suck some dude's cock and treat you like shit the next second. It is so obvious women dont even know what love actually is based on their "love songs" it sounds like the woman is just singing a sexual fantasy and nothing to do with deep emotional devotion like a male love song.
So many of these cunts cheat on their husbands and boyfriends with guys they dont even fucking know for more than a week and thats just it because they are animals user they are not built for monogamy its torture to them thats why these cunts wanted sexual revolution so they could unleash their subhuman behavior without opposition at all.
They dont care, wont care and never will care how this ruins society as the woman only is concerned with her pussy tingles not even other human beings. This is why Europe is being infested with violent brown men because european women would rather destroy their societies than act civilized for once in their worthless lives.
None, because """""God""""" isn't real
You sound like you are into asian women.
You're hate for white women is nonsensical because what you say stems to all women. You seem to forget that white women are the only type of women that voted for Trump.
The problem to me is that white men are becoming cucked (good times make weak men) or at least be advertised as cucks by the media and are losing control of their own women, who go to niggers and muslims to recreate that feeling they feel white men can't give anymore.
Lol. Kill yourselves, you sorry fucking incels. Holy shit. Literally nothing of value will be lost when you don't procreate, you sad cucks.
>implying we watch television on the networks
hahaha okay dude whatever man but seriously take it easy BROTHER
Which would also be the mans fault :^)
Fuck off white women are shit, we need to start beating the crap out of men that inflate the value of these vile beast that are only concerned with their vaginal pleasure not human civilization. I bet even those female missionaries in Africa are only doing that to get some black cock in them, the male missionaries actually genuinely care about the jungle savages but the females just take advantage of the stupid animals and fuck them just like how the female refugee shelter volunteers FUCK THE REFUGEES and act like its normal to USE ANOTHER HUMAN BEING SOLELY FOR SEX. They dont even care about these syrians they meme about all they are to these white women are dicks that feel good. It is truely horrifying we have allowed beings with this warped a perception on human value to run things in Europe and America. The white woman needs to be caged for good.
I doubt my decision is going to make any difference considering that everys ingle episode I've watched since Season 1 has been taken off a Mega link
Networks really need a new way to measure audience, considering how shit "share" has become as far as actual viewership goes
>Male ((((God)))) of recent times
Not worshipping Danu and accepting all her ancient blessings
At the end of season 3 it's going to be revealed that it was all a dream and that Rick is still in prison and none of this happened.
>God is female
this is a work of art
>women writing comedy
>Watching reddit: the show
>Caring about reddit: the show
>Coming to Sup Forums to talk about reddit: the show
It's time you went back.
You sound like a really sad and lonely person. I feel sorry for you.