Gay Kino
It's nice to see a two short about two guys who want to be friends.
This is awesome
Oh for love of God, enough with this gay crap.
I enjoyed it a lot, but the comments section on the YouTube release was absolute shit. Most of them were either 14 year-old fangirls making "omg kawaii xddd" comments and calling people who didn't enjoy it as much at them homophobic, and edgelords making "faggot shit" remarks. I liked it personally, and thought the animation quality was stellar, especially for a college project. They did an excellent job at selling the two's relationship without pushing an agenda. Overall I give it a solid 8/10.
you like that you fag?
Pretty boring t b h
Though fair skin/olive skin is a kino pairing
Stop being intolerant drumpfkins, just let these kids fuck each other in the ass already you bigoted goyim.
Shotas always get a 10/10 from me
How embarassing.
The ginger is actually a reverse trap. Think about it
>They did an excellent job at selling the two's relationship without pushing an agenda.
Please, go fuck yourself.
Thanks for your kind remark user! I'll be sure to take it into consideration
It's not easy watching western society collapse.
This, honestly.
the concept is actually taken form something else, but the production is unreal for a student film.
My friend was a colorist on Welcome to Hell along with 15 other people and it still looked amateurish.
I really enjoyed Welcome to Hell, and have re watched it on multiple occasions. Despite seeing it so many times it still manages to get a chuckle out of me
what's some other essential blkino?
don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved it. The voices writing and boarding is fantastic. I just meant that Heartbeat looks like an actual Disney movie, while Welcome to Hell looks like it's a work in progress.
I'm just curious how they pulled off such a finished looking project. I guess it's the whole 2D/3D thing.
I can't stand rotoscoping, but Yuri on Ice was bretty gud.
The actual ice skating scenes were fucking terrible what were you talking about
I was talking about the non-ice skating scenes.
Cant wait for the r34
They obviously had a fairly large team behind it and a lot of time/money. With all those things considered, it isn't surprising that it turned out looking like a Disney short
Do they do scholarships for senior projects or something?
How does the school decide to put money into the two specific students whose names are most credited. Is it all friends and other students in the same class working on it together?
I have no idea what goes into make this stuff. I'm curious about how it all came out. Maybe there was a committee/ sponsor vote? they could have won a contest or something.
Gay as fuck.
It was gay
I think the ovens just got 10 degrees hotter.
It's kawaii though
wtf im gay now?
I thought it was really well done, especially for a college project.
It raises a good point though. Most of us in school, if we liked a girl and wanted to ask her out then we just did it. There was nothing to worry about. For two kids like this though, it becomes a lot more complicated. How will everyone else react? How would your family, or your friends react? Would you even still have those friends afterwards?
It's something to think to about.
They had a kickstarter and raised 14k.
aww this was cute :) I wish I had a guy on here like that to talk to and hold my hand :-P
I honestly don't give a fuck what sexual agenda they're pushing, as long as it's not interracial then I can probably look the other way. Interracial is truly one of the biggest reasons for the downfall of the West.
Would have been better if the Chad was straight, rejected Red as a boyfriend but accepted him as a friend. But of course, everybody is gay and had to pander to an agenda.
Fucking haram ban this shit, i go on holiday for one week and not one person is making noise about, jesus christ this place is fully reddit
this is Sup Forums not tumbler, get this fucking faggot shit out of here
>implying Sup Forums isn't full of fags
Funny thing is shit like this gets greenlit on kickstarter every goddamn day and we let it happen.
Kill yourself
I keep seeing comments about how the animation is good and general stuff like that. Makes me curious if people would still think if it would be has amazing if it was with a guy and girl.
why do you need to ask tv it should be obvious the whole of Sup Forums loved it as everyone here is a fag.
Keep seeing religious comments about how they are all stupid and evil for hating gays or being mean spirited against gays which mainly triggered me because I'm a religious Christian. While I don't agree with it I still respect your choice to be LGBT and would wish you show the same respect towards me and my choice.
>Beth David
Not even gonna click that link.
Nice Sup Forums meme. And you didn't watch what the thread is discussing. Glad you posted.
If this was abour a college boy falling all over a girl like that there would be people screaming rape culture, but because it's a boy it is brave and forward thinking.
As for my actual thoughts on the video, it's ok, kind of cute.
>being this much of a drama queen
>For two kids like this though, it becomes a lot more complicated.
Not really. You're stuck in the past. Being gay is common as hell. Kids the age of 10 come out as gay and no one gives a shit.
2% of the male population at most is gay.