ITT: Proof that procedural tv can work

ITT: Proof that procedural tv can work

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Is there anything comfier than watching an episode of Columbo on a Friday/Saturday evening shortly before going to bed?

columbo has to be watched super late night and you don't go to bed, you fall asleep watching it

Having sex with my girlfriend.

I associate Columbo with summer afternoons,when it's to hot to go out. We stayed in,put the blinds on and watched Peter Falk play an idiot to confuse a rich asshole. Simpler times.

He was ahead of his time. The ultimate HOWEVER character.

x-files standalone episodes


think i'll do that today
which episode should i watch

>there will be a shitty reboot sooner or later and no one of us can prevent it


I'm a bit surprise that hasn't been done by now.

what did he devil mean by this?

House is a great show but the format is a bit too repetitive if you marathon it: weird illness / it's x, give them y / the y made them worse?! / It's z, give them w / I don't trust you anymore Dr. House! / It was z after all. Person of Interest is not only the best show ever, but it has the best procedural format ever:

>Harold and Finch are doing something unrelated
>"We've got another number"
>Quick google of them to get some basic information
>Time to stalk them and see what's up
>Something's going down but they haven't worked out if they're the victim or perpetrator yet, engage anyway
Then it always goes differently from there. I love that they went more serialised later on but the procedural ones are great too, and I'd say all but one episode of the show are Top Tier or above (Wolf and Cub is pretty meh).

People who greenlight reboots are too stupid to understand Columbo. That is why it is safe.

I don't think people under 35 even know who columbo is

Fringe was good when it was closest to this

It might come sooner rather than later.

I dunno,we always watched it on tv so I don't know the episodes

The one with the police commissioner was good.

Mash is also very comfy

Why did none of the criminals ever try to kill / beat up Columbo when he outs them? I don't think he was ever armed.

one female murderer tried to poison him, but he jewed her into jail


Not bad, actually.

Columbo was kino

Gimme her number

to intelligent for violence

You sir are correct. Having sex with your gf is pretty comfy.

Someone tried to kill him using those Rosebud dogs.

It's on MeTV on Sunday nights along with Kolchak. I'm sure some 20-somethings are watching it.

he basically mind breaks them to the point they just want everything to be over

>watching TV

they're too busy with their blu rays, Netflixes, Youtubes, HD-DVDs, Vimeos, Hulus, Amazons,...

does anybody else wish Mad Men was a procedural?

I love everything having to do with coming up with ads. I hate everything with Betty, the kids, the "Dick Whitman" stuff, and whatever's going on in anybody's personal life.

they should always be in the office, drinking bourbon, coming up with slogans.

every episode is a different company, and by the end they come up with an ad.

just watched this one on sunday.
culp plays a different character in a later episode, too bad milland never got an episode to himself

my girfriend's a model and I'd ditch her for an episode of columbo ez; you gotta keep your pimp hand strong otherwise you end up with some pasty landwhale who makes a stink if you tell her to fuck off for a bit so good luck with that bitchboy

Wasn't there supposed to be a spin-off of Twin Peaks were it was wacky procedural show like The X-Files?

He wouldn't be the worst choice in the world.

Daily reminder that Xfiles was a reboot of Kolchak

Dogs then go full slobberlove all over him.

Columbo was the Lord of all Puppers

Although the real kino is in the early seasons, Columbo Goes to College is pretty great if you want a comfy episode. The Nimoy episode, A Stitch in Crime, is fun too.

He just hounds them till they give up.
There was that playboy mansion episode where he just stalks a girl for days till she has a mental breakdown.

I came here to discuss kino not to feel....

Whenever I visited my grandparents house my grandpa could be found almost exlusively watching MASH, Columbo, Murder she wrote (any TV Land ultra kino), or listening to johnny cash senior in his carpentry house.

Time has no mercy, friends.

I've talked recently about columbo with friend the same age as me (25-26)
I've grew up watching columbo with my dad whenever it was on, even saw the one with leslie nielsen in it.
Even saw the shitty one, the last one, the one where his wife gets kidnapped.
My friends, and I was the only one disagreeing with them, said that Columbo was at the same level as Derrick and even had the audacity to says the NCSI (miami, las vegas) were way better.
Columbo is detective kino but the young people are too stupid to like it. I don't thin rebooting it would be a great idea.

they realise the game is up and running would get them nowhere. also often times the police is waiting somewhere near.

>that last episode of columbo that featured psytrance music

I'm getting pretty tired of all your sixes, Lieutenant.

Is Columbo on a digital streaming service?

Based Columbo doesnt carry a gun. The patrolmen are always near

And more than likely the first

>He doesn't have rough sex
Enjoy getting cucked

>He doesn't remember Lady Colombo with a young Captain Katherine Janeway.
It's literally a thing that happened.

Some Columbo villains got so clever, they were even caught twice in a series

>that time Norm from Cheers slammed the door in his face

MeTv is my favorite channel right now. So many good shows on it.

>That time he busted in on Ron Cey, Dont Squeeze Teh Charmin, and Darrin from Bewitched playing poker

>Proof that procedural tv can work
What proof did you need? We've had procedurals on tv for like half a century at this point.
I mean I fucking swear at one point half of NBC's weekly lineup was Law and Order and its spin offs... which is fine, Dick Wolf makes some comfy television, and has the best name ever.

I like Mannix

I haven't seen Mannix yet. I also like Sundance channel. I've been taping Barney Miller.

I'm always fascinated by the amount of women I know who are massive fans of SVU. Something something rape fantasies.

VCR or magician.

Mannix is on pretty late, Banacek used to have its spot on the schedule. That show is pretty good too.

Columbo is such a fantastic show. Kind of sucks there was an 11 year break between seasons.


where was that implied?

Ruffalo is probably the only one that make this work. Now they just have to avoid hiring Damon Lindelof.

Although not a procedural, Grand Designs pretty comfy, desu.

Sunday afternoon with a hangover