Why didn't Raine just honor the deal?
Why didn't Raine just honor the deal?
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He couldn't abide it.
Same reason Schultz wouldn't shake Candie's hand: Tarantino's autism
>honoring deals with a literal nazi
No chance
autism, landa would have been a great asset to the cia post war
How did he not honor the deal?
>he gets to think he got one over on the Nazi
>Landa gets everything he bargained for and gets cosmetic surgery to fix his forehead
Everybody wins.
because hans choked his fraufu
Don't you all want a permanent mark to let the world know that you hate the untermensch?
>nazis were le ebil meme xD
god its so tiring
If that was the goal, why invade Poland?
It's one of the whitest countries.
its the 40s bro hes gonna get raped before the surgery.
Because he is a basterd
>Leon Degrelle
you could have at least picked a Fascist icon that wasn't despised by his own people for being a collaborating sack of shit
Fuck off spic
He did honor the deal though. The deal was "bring Landa to American lines". Nobody said he couldn't carve a swastika in the man's forehead first.
The whole point of the film was to show how unreasonable blindly hating the Nazis is. Aldo Raine is the perfect representation of the naively patriotic American who hates Nazis simply because he is told to.
The scene with the Nazi commander who earned his metal for bravery showed that there were those in the Nazi ranks that were honorable and good. It also showed how little patriots like Landa care about honor: If you're a Nazi, you're evil by default.
Hans Landa proves this perfectly: It doesn't matter to blindly dogmatic people like Raine if Landa was invaluable to bringing down the 3rd reich: He was still a Nazi, and had to be punished as such.
>meanwhile dreaming of soviet dick
were western allies the worst idiots in the XX. century?
>Hans Landa proves this perfectly: It doesn't matter to blindly dogmatic people like Raine if Landa was invaluable to bringing down the 3rd reich: He was still a Nazi, and had to be punished as such.
Landa was also a loyal and enthusiastic colonel in the SS. He did deserve to be punished. Maybe not murdered, but punished. I get what you're saying about Raine, but at the same time, all things considered, Landa got off pretty easy. A medal, a reputation as a hero, a fancy house...and his only punishment is a forehead scar. Pretty sweet deal compared to most high-ranking SS officers.
Nice meme.
>Can't maintain sovereignty for more than a couple decades at a time
Pick one, mongrel.
You do realize that America's early war foreign policy, as best expressed by none other than future president Truman in congress, was to let both the nazis and communists kill each other for as long as possible before joining in to prevent as much of Europe as they could prevent from becoming occupied by one or the other.
The Soviets were bad, but the Nazis were worse and a greater threat at the moment (helps that the G*rms actually declared war on the US, the Russians didn't). That doesn't make the Russians good, but don't be mad when one is a greater threat and gets taken out first, then the other gets the atom bomb so the most that happens is proxy wars and alliances with tinpot dictators in the developing world to establish spheres of influence.
Typical jewish behaviour
>Landa was also a loyal and enthusiastic colonel in the SS
I disagree with that point. Was he a GOOD colonel? Certainly.
Was he loyal? Obviously not, he turned in his superiors the moment he knew he could comfortably get away with it.
Was he enthusiastic? Maybe in the sense that he genuinely loved his work, but he didn't particularly care for the Nazi ideology. He gave that whole speech to Raine about how he was disgusted that people called him "Jew Hunter" (and yeah, I know he might have been saying that to get on Aldo's good side, but I doubt that in a situation of power, Landa would feel the need to impress his own prisoner). Also, it's pretty obvious that he knew that Shoshana was the Jew girl he let go at the beginning, but he did nothing to turn her in (while simultaneously teasing her that he knew).