If Reviewbrah had his own show on Food Network would you watch it?
If Reviewbrah had his own show on Food Network would you watch it?
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If you had some real friends, would you stop making these shit threads?
Joey's World Tour show first and then we will talk.
So he can go on about his far right leaning agenda pushing bullshit? Fuck no and fuck him.
Jeez what a fag
But yea I would watch the hell out of that. Especially if they forced him to have guests on so I could see his insanely akward interactions with them
Will someone explain the obsession with this faggot?
This kid is that guy in high school who thought he was being groundbreaking and unique by dressing well but was a total asshole and social outcast.
Watch it chrissy
How would that work? Would he still be filming it in his mom's car and at his parent's house? How about a show where he travels around the US reviewing local eateries.
What's wrong with wearing suits?
jealous as fuck, reviewbrah is getting mad pussy on the reg, he'll send you both to the gas chambers
> Autist attaching other autists
That pic
Can we stop pretending to like this cringe lord? Stop encouraging him.
seriously tho, David Lynch needs to cast him in a movie. Maybe about an intrepid food journalist that stumbles into a small town full of amnesic cowboys that is a portal to a dimension of transcendental worms. Review Brah uses his knowledge of AM radio to satiate and then marries a bar girl names Sue.
The only pretender is you
his reviews are pure kino at times. The framing, the lighting, the sound design and the cat all add up to something truly groundbreaking
>far right learning agenda
what the hell are you talking about? i don't think he ever talks about politics. the most i ever remember him saying is telling everyone to go out and vote but he never endorsed a candidate.
imagine dunking a mcnugget through that tiny hoop attached to his head
has reviewbrah ever posted any of his short stories? i remember somewhere he said that one of his hobbies was writing short stories. i'd really love to read one.
He literally browsed here but it was /fit/ so your fat ass wouldnt probably understand.
If he had Henry Purcell playing in the background i def. would
Reviewbrah is too kino for the network that employs Guy Fieri
Is he genuine or faking it?
I need a diagnosis from legit autists please, i dont trust your random socially shunned user for these matters
Hes not even an autist, hes just quirky with an impeccable sense of style
I think it'd be a big hit if they let him control it without too much jewish interference
it's addictive
I've watched every video he's posted the last year or so within about 2 days of them being put on the Tubes
RB is literally the only a-political youtuber popular at the moment. people cant even discuss him without resorting to the usual e-celeb memes
when will he wear a suit that actually fits?
we'd know the jews had won
>have to shoot much anticipated season 2
>paranoia sits in
>reviewbrah disappears with his camera and lives in his car again
>people from the network are leaving comments on his videos begging him to come back as its the only means of contacting him
>he removes their comments
>they get pissed and flag his videos
>comes back to studio with an attorney
>mfw this was supposed to be about food
can't stand this stupid faggot.
Wtf i love reviewbrah now
Literally /ourguy/.
the normies will never take him
Only if it were called "crippling social anxiety"
That's why I like him, because I have that too. And probably most of you
i used to until i started liking people
its an acquired taste. i suggest starting out with something entry level like dogs and toddlers. i dont recommend staying on Sup Forums to talk with anons or worshipping ecelebs for that matter. thats shooting yourself in the foot and ensuring your hikki persona stays around
yeah but I also like seeing the new food and if it's worth the money.
nice dub dub dub of truth
>It's a reviewbrah gets too real episode
>Some sperg decides to put on oversized suits, try and talk like Pete Campbell from Mad Men, and review fucking fast food
FUCKING HELL, you shouldn't even pretend to like this freak, he's beyond sad, the only attention this thing deserves is abuse and threats.
If you even consider pretending to like this channel, kill yourself immediately.
>Sup Forums
You fuckers already have him
Fuck you
ok. im young and got a lot of family but i guess in my stupidity i transgressed beyond redemption. im sorry for upsetting you. i dont intend to be a burden on anyone. i guess ill swim in the ocean and let it take me. i do love water.
>some guy dressing in suits and reviewing fast food deserves abuse and threats
ah yes
clearly we are the pathetic ones
one of us
I likes that style of suits
>because your a cocksucking fag thats why
Isn't he the epitome of everything wrong with America.
whore BTFO
brah has no time for these hoes
My negger
few people could make a 10+ minute video without a single edit or jumpcut and it be mostly seamless
no pausing or stumbling thru the words.
most of the people in this thread would have all kinds of jump cuts and we'd noticeably be reading from a script due to the anxiety.
he was also ranting about niggers once in the commend section
Fast is generally shit. I eat but it's shit. I've never had 9/10 anything at a fast food place.
It's food prepared but people who don't give a fuck with the indigents chosen to maximize food and paper costs. I still eat but I find the idea of fast food reviews kind of silly.
Yes, I too am sick of those hidden swastikas in his videos
>going from normal and sociable to ranting cursing sperg in seconds
Yeah he's Sup Forums alright
I like Reviewbrah's reviews for fast food I'm not sure I want to try, usually novelty/meme items. I based my decision to try Little Caesar's BBQ brisket pizza off RB's approval of it and it was breddy gud.
when does he ever talk about 'right leaning' agenda?
how is that right-wing agenda?
it would be the only tv show i watch
He doesn't like the direction the world is heading? (degeneracy, refugees, etc)
His dry comedy is unironically amazing, with the state of comedy today he is already probably the #2 dry comedian behind Norm McDonald.
When he said "do you hear that? and posed his chicken in front of the camera a moment, then said...me neither." that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
His razor sharp cuts of ginzu sarcasm are awe inspiring, just check out any Burger King review, like most people "get" sarcasm but for him its this high art form beyond sarcasm.
He should somehow get a stand up routine with him inside a car sarcastically making food reviews and eating ironically, it would be the Tony Award winner of all time.
so fucking based
THOTs have no place for reviewbrah
>He likes the 80's style suits
He's the epitome of what the American Dream is.
I can't believe he ate a tube of raw chorizo. I am impressed and disgusted.
/ourguy/ joey>redditbrah
Yes yes yes yes yes.
are you in the same thread as everyone else
Or he's disgusted by the content on Sup Forums
sorry faggot, he's full of hate and disgust towards the world. he's ours
I can't find it but I remember him saying in a comment that his local McDonald's is always filled with "beaners". He's Sup Forums incarnate
yeah i'm sure he would visit "often" if that was the case
it's a pretty unambiguous statement desu
I've been harrassing the travel channel on twitter for a year trying to get them to give trotw his own show.
with travel money he could go to other states and try regional fast food.
>he goes to Sup Forums
>how is that a right-wing agenda?
post a brah save a brah.
well, if you can't find it
i go to reddit. does that make me a left wint agenda/
it makes you a fag
reddit isn't all left-wing or explicitly known as a haven for left-wing ideas, not when the subreddit with some of the highest traffic is r/the_donald but this is just a false equivalence that doesn't apply to Sup Forums. Are you new here? There is clearly an explicit demographic there, retard.
do you go to Sup Forums?
All that means is that you have to go back.
Reviewbrah is an old man in some weird kid's body and that's why he's so wonderful.
there's literally nothing wrong with spamming /pol memes across the board.
fight me.
Not that it matters but I've been on this site for over a decade and obviously know how board cultures work.
Lurk more, kiddo. I'm getting sort of sick of you post-election nutters shitting everything up and asking dumb questions like "is Sup Forums right wing? I don't think so".