> mfw I've got a gallic look about me.
mfw I've got a gallic look about me
How would game of thrones armies that attack each other haphazardly in large scale battles fare against the romans who fought in tight knit well organized and displined cohorts? Minus the dragons of course.
No contest. The largest army fielded in westeroes is around 15K. Rome could easily muster 10 legions in any given territory. Plus the quality of individual soldier is also much better .
>ywn see Dany's army get steam rolled by Caesar
>He has his sword on his right hip. Correctly placed
That little bit makes me so happy.
Four words. Shock cavalry and crossbows. It's common knowledge that any high medieval onwards army would BTFO a late Republic/early Imperial Roman legion.
That's not even going into the improvements in metallurgy that occurred in the 1000 odd years from the fall of the WRE and rise of the knightly class.
Compare how good you were on your first day at work to how good all the people around you were.
That's the Romans vs almost everyone they were fighting against on a daily basis.
The roman infantry dealt with cavalry charges all the time.
Heavy cavalry of the type in the Medieval period did not exist in Antiquity. Plus you know, Carrhae and all that.
I think it all comes down to the innovation of the stirrup. It made Charlemagne and the Mongol armies the super powers of their times.