/got/ general

one true queen edition

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Jon will win the game of thrones and turn it into a republic.

>We, the free folk

Lena Headey's acting was very good in this episode. Unlike Kit and Emilia's.

I wish they made Danny a villain but it's too late.
Now every time she gets all badass it comes off as forced and cringy.

There are currently 3 /got/ generals in the top 5 threads. Get your fucking shit together. These threads go well beyond 400 posts, dude.

You're the head of a house in westeros.
You have 4 sons and 3 daughters.
What do you do with them? Who do you try to marry them off to ?

suns are an offering to the gods.
Daughters marry my self.

Sansa marrying Little finger when?? He's so sexy

Give them to the dothraki so they can become culturally enriched

I don't think it's too late for that tb h, but I doubt they have the balls to do it.