What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood honestly?
What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood honestly?
They are right about being the wrong community.
>two child molesters
there not wrong though most of them are mentally ill violent tempered sadomasochists who could very easily turn into americas version of isis
oh no they're going to put up a hashtag and parade around in some fag streets?
Fucking pussies, if you think the State is stripping you of your own intrinsic rights, topple it by your own power.
Why is Sup Forums trying so hard to deflect attention from what Trump isn't doing, which is anything useful whatsoever?
His transgendered ban is the same way. The Pentagon says nothing will happen until they're given an actual policy, not a few short remarks on twitter. It's a nothing-burger, Sup Forums!
Rich sheltered people who live in gated communities trying to speak morality to what they see as the dirty unwashed proles
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have posted a politics thread in Sup Forums! You should always remember to post political threads in and post television & film related threads in Sup Forums! There's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my part to help you get used to Sup Forums!
What the fuck are they gonna do? Join the army and start waging guerilla warfare against him?
Best post first
0.001 of the population
>wanting to join the military
I wish white cis males like myself could be banned from the military. have the faggots and trannies fight
Watch out everybody, the actors are angry!
>tried to join the military
>got bounced due to being allergic to a type of anesthetic that's rarely used
If they rejected me from something as simple as that, I don't know why trannies thought they'd be able to get in while needing a bunch of different medication and therapy
hating capitalism
wanting to die for the US army
>buh muh traps can be conservative INB4
if youre a straight white male in american and you john the military youre literally a cuck to jamal, hymie, jose, and Caitlyn Jenner
just lmao @ ur life if you join a western nations military in 2017
>less than a minority of a minority
>half of them will attempt suicide statistically
>most of them will die earlier than their peers
>all of them will require vast amounts of psychotropic drugs to function as "normal" for the rest of their lives even if "successful" in their transition
>implying these people could pass basic in the first place, let alone actually serve in a combat unit or WANT to
>pissed of the wrong community
lmao is this a threat? what are they going to do, suck more dicks?
>yfw Blarmphlets get BLOWN OUT in an EPIC Oscar speech about trans acceptance
Fags and kikes
>be fag
>have to be associated with these delusional cut-off-from-the-real-world faggots and dykes just because I like manass
>when I tell any of them that I don't share the same political views as the LGBTQIDGAF hivemind I get called a traitor and an apologist
Fuck you, sneed
Homosexuality is a shameful, self satiating condition that puts pleasures of the flesh over the intrinsic role of man in nature. It's weakness and moral corruption incarnate, found only in stagnate civilizations wallowing in a pit of their own opulence without any true purpose
No one has given any reason why trans should be able to serve other than MUH FEELINGS. There's no actual argument to support having trans be in the military. The offer NO benefit whatsoever
>Trans are an incredibly minority in the population, so having them being barred from serving doesn't affect the number of soldiers in the slightest
>The majority of trans people suffer from depression and gender dismorphia, and any mental illness bars you from being able to serve, this isn't exclusive to trans
>If trans serve in the military, then they get their ELECTIVE surgery completely paid for by the tax payers. People argue that not all trans get the surgery, but the reason behind this is that it's expensive as hell. If it was offered for free just for serving in the military they'd jump at the chance for it
>On top of them getting expensive surgeries for free, they would be out of commission from the surgery for over 2/3s of the year in recovery
Basically letting trans serve is an awful idea because you're giving a depressed mental idiot a gun, and paying for a surgery that will make them unable to serve for most of the year
>get sent to do to work for the military
>immediately pull the trans-card and talk about how transphobic this whole system is for requiring them to work
What anesthetic?
>the intrinsic role of man in nature
>found only in stagnate civilizations wallowing in a pit of their own opulence without any true purpose
Feel free to visit /his/ anytime.
The dumbest people with the biggest illusions of grandure who live in a self glorified bubble.
boy chelsea/bradley manning sure pissed off the deep state didn't he/she
Celebrities are smarter than the idiots in flyover America. If they weren't, they wouldn't be successful, now would they?
Homosexuality is a mental illness.
I'm not actually sure, I just know it's something that pops up when you start looking at my medical history. I basically just get the shakes from it, and that's post operation
>Celebrities are solely responsible of their succes
kek, most are pretty faces including the men
>Why is Sup Forums trying so hard to deflect attention from what Trump isn't doing, which is anything useful whatsoever?
That has been Sup Forums's (and Trump's) strategy from the get-go. Never defend, always attack. Ignore policy, focus on "the other". Don't pay attention to what Trump's doing, look over there! Fake news! etc
Hollywood hacks still think their opinions matter after Clinton fiasco.
Delusions, dumbass. Stop sounding like a hillbilly when you're trying to make a point.
they mistake making lots of money and having cameras stuck in their faces constantly as being pillars of the national community
>living in a world where peoples biggest sad feels is because a little fucking retard who cut his dick off cant go and die for israel maybe
dont these people who get all offended about all this shit have jobs or families to take care of? theyre busy taking care of the world it must interfere with their time
yeah but what about the 0.01% of the 0.01% of mentally deranged people who want to join the military?
If you are vocally conservative its not the best for your career. Unless you are a cemented great actor/director. Clint and Woods can do it. Megan Fox can't even joke about it.
he's done everything I expected and wanted of him so far and more
I wanted a clown for president, and I am not disappointed
celebs are low INT high CHA and LCK characters.
George Takei is such a fucking faggot. He lives in my neighborhood and threw a bitch fit when we shut down the subway stop that was going to be built. The city would have upzoned the neighborhood and huge condos would be built in everyone's backyards but of course he thought it was all about "rich white people not wanting minorities to come to the neighborhood"
Two things with that:
-There are many bus lines they can take to come to the neighborhood
- What is a poor person going to do in a neighborhood that is entirely residential and out of their price range?
Hes doing a good job if you owned stock or cared about crime you would know but you dont
Being this autistic
You cant win
>The city would have upzoned the neighborhood and huge condos would be built in everyone's backyards
Like on your property or what?
>Basically letting trans serve is an awful idea because you're giving a depressed mental idiot a gun, and paying for a surgery that will make them unable to serve for most of the year
But Republicans want mentally unstable people to handle guns and by your logic having any type of major surgery due to illness or accident that has a long recovery period should be grounds for an immediate discharge for people who serve.
No, but nearby. One of my friends had the house next to him razed and a four story condo building put up by developers who got fast tracked through the zoning process by the city council, so to an extent it's already happening. We're just trying to slow it down but these people are killers.
basically rezoning means that after you move out the property has to be bulldozed and replaced with the new zoning buildings
>trans joins military
>gets killed
>SJWs get pissed
>start hashtags against ISIS
>SJWs see this
>start hashtags #NotAllISIS
>America collapses on itself
Basically Trump saved America.
Leo DeCaprio dropped out of high school and is praised for being a climate change activist
>But Republicans want mentally unstable people to handle guns
Quotation required.
> by your logic having any type of major surgery due to illness or accident that has a long recovery period should be grounds for an immediate discharge for people who serve.
Nice try, but we're talking about an ELECTIVE surgery that the trannies choose to get, and don't actually need to survive. Don't try comparing that to a life threatening injury or illness that needs to be treated.
That sounds fucking awful. I can't imagine working and saving up for decades to afford a nice house in a good neighborhood just to have shitty housing projects injected into the place with shitty people moving in
why are you reposting the same goddamn thread
Celebrities are usually so rich and isolated from average people that their minds are completely divorced from reality. Only a fool would take their opinions seriously.
>alt right board is shit
>Sup Forums has reddit taste
Really makes one think
Neither of them are transgender so why should they care? I really wish fucking fags and dykes would stop appropriating my transgender culture. Seriously.
As someone who has been in a discord that had some trannies in it, they are an incredibly unstable bunch who have a slew of mental illnesses and a lot can barely function in the lower ranks of life itself.
If you've never been exposed to direct in a community contact, you have no idea how bad they are. This is .6 percent of the population, who have far too many looking like Chris chan now making women share a bathroom. Of the percent passes for a cis female, I'd be shocked if more than .1 percent pass. So many angles, tons of makeup and the ability to take endless photos.
From experience most are agp degeneates, who have zero feminine personality traits and suffer from autism.
>"Fine, we'll go to war and shit. You can stay"
Trans people love complaining, but more importantly their ridiculously expensive transition surgery would be 100% free if they enlist and then get the surgery.
So for a lot of trans people it's a way to get that retardly expensive optional surgery for free, and they're mad that option is being taken away
Well, there's thing called empathy. Not that a sociopath like you would understand but mayb google it.
Of the 0.01% of the population, how many of them were actively serving?
Just like in Black Lives Matter the people affected need to speak. Attention whores like Takai and Dunham need to sit down and let the actual marginalized people speak.
Having people find out about your quiet neighborhood is the worst. With every fucking instagram post of some unusual looking food or kooky activity a thousand more people want to move in, and then blame us because we already live here and they can't afford it. Build a cool business in your own neighborhood, don't ruin someone else's.
Besides, their growth plans are unsustainable. Everyone wants to move to neighborhood X because it has a certain character. But neighborhood X doesn't have enough housing stock, so their solution is to increase the density and change the character of neighborhood X, thereby ensuring that nobody wants to live there.
>their ridiculously expensive transition surgery would be 100% free if they enlist
Hold up, hold the fuck up (im not american)...trans people really do this shit? Enlist so they can desert and pay the surgery?
Jesuscrist on wheels, you americans need to get your shit together fast and help those people kys themselves quick
They can't desert, but they just serve their time and can have the surgery, which they take over 200 days to recover from.
Also there are tons of jobs in the military, they could be doing a cushy as fuck job and not actually be in enemy territory
>This neighborhood is great. You know what would make it better? If we brought in a lot of people -- especially poor people.
Politics has been like this for hundreds of years you doofus, also you're on the wrong side of history. People with mental illnesses will be laughed at for years to come
I guess that's why some people prefer gated communities. Expensive as all hell, but they can't be subverted like that
>George Takei
>A gay Japanese American man who was on an internment camp as a child due to WW2 hasn't been marginalized
And trans people like Kristin Beck who served years at the military before retiring and having surgery have spoken against this bullshit.
He was marginalized. The US government paid reparations to him and the other Tojos who were displaced and now gays have more rights than straights. He needs to check his god damn privilege.
>your countrymen attack where youre living
>you get imprisoned because obviously itd be suicide to let you attack the country youre living in
>youre the victim
>not the dead americans
Seriously, how many Americans in California received 24 hour protection from the National Guard? Nah, they were left to get fucked if Japan invaded.
fuck liberals, fuck off trannies and fuck off hollywood.
Pls don't make the guard work
T. Going to Korea with the god damn natty guard because they cut back on federal funds
Well there are also movements to get rid of single family homes in general. I can't imagine being the type of autist who could see a family playing in their yard and being so infuriated as to demand the neighborhood be bulldozed. Everyone has a right to live, but you do not have the right to live wherever you want.
I feel especially bad for my friend's dad. He grew up in Malibu before it became Malibu, back when it was just like an out of the way sort of backwater. Now it's full of disgusting, intrusive, out of place colossal homes. At least it's not apartments.
>Well even if he once faced same type of hate and discrimination that doesn't make it right for him to now defend people who still are in the same situation as he once was
The only one here who needs to check his priviledge is you, son.
>be me
>try to get in military
>deemed schizoid (ie weird) and rejected forever
>mfw leftists want psychotic faggots who want to mutilate their genitals, change his identity and take testosterone blockers to serve
>mfw leftists want women with their physical weakness, mood swings and proneness to PTSD to serve
Don't be sexist, women are just as strong as men.
>People being held in internment camps is the same thing as a group of MENTALLY ILL people being excluded from the military
Do you have a single reason, beyond MUH FEELS as to why trannies should be allowed to serve? The vast majority of them suffer from depression, and their suicide rate is fucking staggering. Also fun fact, trans or not, any one with a medical record of depression is barred from the military, because they're considered a fucking risk to give a goddamn rifle to
>Well there are also movements to get rid of single family homes in general
You have to be fucking joking. Surely no one is so fucking autistic and petty that they think nobody should be able to own their own home without sharing it with strangers. Right?
Oh no an old gay chink and a flabby lesbian Jew cunt are out for us noooo...
Gays/trannies/whatever might be useful as a diversion, put them all in the same unit and use them as a distraction or meat shield. Better than not having any soldiers at all and it gets rid of a useless section of the population at the same time. I don't see what the use is in excluding them.
the "alt-right" doesn't really exist
>You just pissed off the wrong community
Gay people were labelled mentally ill in the past.
>triggered by clickbait
Trannies have more in common with Apotemnophilia and Somatoparaphrenia than Homosexuality.
>that woman turning around in disbelief
Absolutely based two-limbed man.
>girl in the back angrylly looking at the organizers when she just saw a cripple do it
Clearly they knew there would be climbing here
but they are the wrong community, and community in the wrong.
I dont see a problem with this.
Triggered? It's humorous.