Alright there's been a few rick and morty threads that obviously devolved into a shit show. I just watched it...

Alright there's been a few rick and morty threads that obviously devolved into a shit show. I just watched it, and herrreesss my take.

Bad. Pretty goddamn bad. Like some other anons pointed out, the first thing I noticed was that the timing wasn't as tight. A joke would end but it would hang for a few frames, for example. The jokes themselves, to my astonishment, were family-guy tier. The wind whispering "loser" to Jerry, the whole fucking boom-boom thing with the ending clincher "oh you mean the dictionary?", Summer saying "I'll kill you but not because you told me to," it was much more like what people hate about family guy: the jokes are more just stating something and hoping it's funny, instead of actually being clever.

If this show turns into Rick and Summer I'll be pissed, and let's not jump on the women vs men bullshit train Sup Forums loves to ride, but fuck the whole episode felt unbelievably obvious that it was written by women. The way the jokes hit, the substance of them, the arc of the episode about divorce, it just felt like women wrote it. I think women can be super funny; one of my top comedians (comedienne ayy lmao) is Maria Bamford. But it's like if a dude who was shit at writing wrote an episode and it was full of farts and cool guy shit. I don't like the dynamic of Summer and Morty much either; she's so different from Morty that the only thing that can happen is infighting and etc, which distracts from what made the show cool: Rick taking Morty on existentially fucked up adventures. Summer can kind of help as a character, like that episode from a previous season where they go to that planet where the dudes are all red giant retards and the women are super smart but passive aggressive cunts. But that episode wasn't that great anyway; it was more of a side trip from the main theme.


Other urls found in this thread:

Also can Jerry catch a fucking break? This was being written in since nearly the beginning but Jerry's been nothing but a nice dude and gets fucked over by his cunty, contemplates cheating on him to his face wife. Like jesus he's a nice dude who's a scaredy cat, and somehow as the viewer I'm supposed to swallow him getting fucked at every turn and laugh at it? This episode made me super pissed at the whole family. Beth was a cunt like usual, but even Morty and Summer were being shitty. And of coouuuuurse Jerry gets kicked out of his own fucking house to live in a shithole building with hookers outside. If the season is anything like this episode then the series is gonna fucking tank.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>peak autism

i dont get why this shows so popular? its boring af to me.

have people been so dumbed down over the past 10 years that this is now some genius show to the people?

>and herrreesss my take

I agree with every criticism you stated. I'm actually looking foreword to the next episode to see if these will be a recurring trend and completely sink the show.

Nice autism. No one cares.

thanks for the quality pasta mon amie

I ALMOST called you a r*ddit nigger faggot for typing that, but before I replied I caught the last sentence out of the corner of my eye and realized it was bait. Good job.

amount of WoTs in this thread makes me nervous. why are you discussing such a "dude weed fuck god xdd only high iq watches r&m" shitshow?

>having an opinion equals meme autism

Just give it up, kid

I like how buckethead talking like a retard was dropped 2 seconds he unbucketed, nice consistency there guys (y)

That episode was pretty weak 2bh. But i liked the first one from this season.

Which was written by a dude.

>Summer saying "I'll kill you but not because you told me to,"
I'mma add on to that the "I fucking love Post-Apocalyptic versions of us" line. In fact it's that line in particular that lets me totally believe the whole "written by a woman" gripe you're on about. It feels off.

While the general tone is still in place (I dug anything with Morty's arm) I felt like despite how fucked up it was it never felt...fucked up enough. Like, you have Summer and Morty killing scores of people but it has no stakes for them. It's a fucking vacation, murder in a separate universe is fun but compared to something like, say, the escape from that Gear planet in the episode with the Fart it's kinda dull. The setting doesn't help, you absolutely expect gratuitous murder in Mad Max-land. I get that it's supposed to be a therapeutic thing and some character time for Morty and Summer but since I never gave a shit about Summer beforehand nothing here changed my mind.

Despite how much of a meme it is I'm looking forward to the Pickle Rick ep. They have some opportunities there imo.

>Despite how much of a meme it is I'm looking forward to the Pickle Rick ep. They have some opportunities there imo.
I hear it's gonna knock our dicks off ;)

Ah fuck.

I don't know if it actually has something to do with their gender, but I guess we'll find out.

shit episode confirmed

You must be fun at parties.

>reddit phoneposting spacing
>posting an autistic blog about reddit the show
What went wrong with your life?

>Dan Harmon: I think a lot of—I mean, I was in a marriage that ended in divorce and a lot of relationships as an adult. I was a child of parents that experimented with separation. I guess it’s a thing that everybody has experience with.

Well now we know why there are so many jokes about Beth cheating on Jerry, wanting a separation, not caring about him, etc. He probably saw his mom getting railed by a different guy every other night.

>The jokes themselves, to my astonishment, were family-guy tier.

What's new. The show has always been shitty fart jokes and pop culture references. You had to be a pleb to enjoy it.

Also I'm pretty sure Harmon's childhood is why Jerry's mom is cucking his dad with a black guy.

>Discussing a television show
>in a relatively sane and thoughtful manner
>inviting other people to dispute or back up his point

>fun at parties meme

haha mad max!

haha stupid jerry amirite! xD

but so WHOLESOME by the end!

What is this with the female obsession with genitalia?

Wow what kind of idiot thinks everybody had it as shit as he did?

>Watching reddit: the show

It's time to go back

I'm glad OP gave us his take on the show because that what everyone was fucking waiting for.

>discussing things on a forum is not allowed


the worst line in the episode is when Rick unoronically said
>whoa! that was cool!
when Summer shot the car

>regegatitate points that have already been discussed
>act like you've just had an amazing revelation that everyone was waiting for

>Everyone hates it
>More than one thread dedicated to how much they hate it
>Anons hate it so bad that they compare it to other things they hate

So a question for everyone, if you hate it so much, why not stop making threads at all and ignore them? Eventually redditors are gonna leave since they won't get any (you)s

>I guess it’s a thing that everybody has experience with.
>this is what dadlets really believe

>why not stop making threads at all and ignore them?

Because people come here to discuss tv? Are you autistic? They often can't comprehend simple reasoning.

Just because discussion is negative doesn't mean it shouldn't have a place, you tard.


>all Reddit can do is love the show
>all Sup Forums can do is hate the show

Can't really discuss it anywhere.

I tolerate it more here because there's constructive criticism some of the time, but Reddit really treats the show like everything in it is a masterpiece.

Preacher is another show turned to shit.

All this hatred is not good for your health user. What I mean is, yea it's alright to dislike something, but having 5 threads about why they hate it seems like advertising.

>heh tough luck pal, you made a typo

if you watch and discuss Rick and Morty you are a redditor regardless of whether or not you like the show

season 2 is better than season 1 imo

>J-just ignore it
>Maybe the problem will go away
You're a fucking pussy.

is it? I just watched s1 and it had okay moments, but overall was pretty medicore. Dunno if i want to waste my time with s2

They just deepen the southern accent, it's like meant for hicks now.
> characters look lazy and dumber than ever.
>Using "the voice" like toilet paper from a preacher that is a vapid moron.
S02 is terrible, I dropped it from my rss feed.

lmao saved


You don't get to talk

Lolwat weebs are the OGs. Sup Forums was founded by weebs for weebs. Anyone who denies that is a newfag. That's just a fact.

you mean a reddit nigger faggot?

I know they're trying to poke some fun at it, but I think being a responsible person and raising a family is the most important thing a man can do.


beth cant find dildo
go in garage
see pickle rick
this do

yes we all know rick and morty is reddit tier garbage

Greece was founded by gay guys too. Times change, weeb.

You're as much an annoying fag as the redditors that come here to discuss R&M

naaah its boring lmao

I literally just watched it too. It's just not funny. At all. It's actually the opposite of funny. Not unfunny, but, like, something that kills the feeling you get when you laugh.


thanks for proving me right redditor

Looks like we won here bois.

Reddit weeb defeated.

>that episode wasn't that great anyway

Opinion discarded. The Gazorpazorp episode is one of the best of the series.

>If you think my top is cute, you cannot execute.

>took him til the last sentence to figure out it was bait

>still reddit spacing
>still unironically lashing out at "muh weebs"
you have to go back

I am not 'muh feminist propaganda' idiot, didn't even know the episode was written by a woman. But this one wasn't good at all. The whole episode was full of stuff that I actually don't like about Rick and Morty(otherwise pretty solid show) the most. Muh teenage nihilism, pointless references, excessive lolsorandom violence. I hate all of the above.

>Weeb pride! Sup Forums was set up for weebshit, so that means we should shitpost on Sup Forums

As bad as reddit. Fuck off, weeb. You lost.

it's really obvious that you're a Sup Forums newfag who first came here during the election

*fart* women are superior to men morty *burp* also god's not real *fart* *burp* your dad is a loser because he cares about you *fart* life is meaningless and you're replaceable *fart* *burp* *vomit*

Nah, not at all.

It's really obvious you're a dumb weeb though.

I guess I won here.

Top-notch criticism.

yeah you are. you hate weebs because it ruins your image of Sup Forums being the place where all the cool kids who troll muh SJWs on twitter hang out. fucking newfag.

its so accurate i actually read it in ricks va

>Times change, us newfags are taking over!
Lol ok. Glad you admit you're new here. Enjoy your stay :)

>weebshit ruins another thread

I love how anime makes normalfags act like autists

oh no, poor rick and morty thread ;_;
maybe "weebshit" wouldn't be a problem if you went back to réddit.

It's a Rick And Morty thread, we weren't ever gonna have a good conversation.

Anyway someone probably untrustworthy claimed this was at the VERY end of the Rohan OVA and it looked real enough to me, but I'm easily fooled.

>oh no, poor rick and morty thread ;_;
Isn't it great when redditors expose themselves?

>I love how anime makes normalfags act like autists

lol, sure thing, weeb.

>posts retarded weebshit
>"Fuck off, weeb"

We does weebshit attract such shitposting. Go back to your containment board, reddit.

Why does criticizing Rick and Morty cause redditors to defend it every time? It seems so personal its almost like the writers themselves are doing it

go outside

>dat reddit spacing
to kek

it would be ami, if you consider user to be a male

>tfw I used to act like that before i came to Sup Forums and got into anime

who fucking cares it's read the same way in this dumb shitty language

>Rick and Morty fag calling others redditors

>and somehow as the viewer I'm supposed to swallow him getting fucked at every turn and laugh at it?
The joke is that some americans actually will laugh at his circumstances and believe he deserves this because they never grew out of the infantile clique mindset that they developed during their school years.

that's not jessie rogers you idiot

so ive been lied to my entire life?

The parts with Morty were fun but the Summer parts sucked. Its almost like there's a pattern...

>Also can Jerry catch a fucking break
This, its like they are making a Peirce 2.0 He is just the shitty character we are supposed to always laugh at but never with.

They realize that their only value in life is their looks/what is between their legs

I remember when Harmon said Jerry's actually the happiest guy in the world and the best guy off in the show because he doesn't even need much to be happy because he's so stupid.

And then he took that away from him.


I was looking forward to picking apart why this show is so shit for my 'reddit' friends but this episode was just so... disappointing. It's shit in all the ways Sup Forums predicted but for some reason I'm not happy. I could see the glimmer in my friends eyes as they talk about the show wither and die with this episode. The episode was pathetic.

From the lack of creativity from Sup Forumss criticisms I think we're all in the same boat. There were no winners after last night.

don't worry user I agree with you :)
stop fucking avatarfagging though

No, the first episode was written by the same woman who wrote episode 2 too

Leftists are morally invested in the success of the show, so they shill for it.

Like missionaries who think they are saving the world by preaching to everyone about Jesus. Leftists think they are saving the world by convincing everyone that women are funny.

Liberalism is a religion.

They think men talk about their dicks with other men in private so they use genital references to show that they're "one of the guys"

You know what the best part of this episode was?

The hamfisted philosophy that Summer dreamt up about stuff not mattering, it was entirely incoherent based on her actions

This show just lost >tfw to smart points

this the
>why are you sitting at home all day watching tv? I thought you believed nothing matters.
was the funniest unintentional joke if the episode.