Mexico and Canada are more redpilled than amerilards

>Mexico and Canada are more redpilled than amerilards
step your game up burgers

we have a fuckton of niggers what do you want

>implying it's not asshurt Leafs and Beaners hating on America

Success breeds jealousy

What constitutes a Hate Law is far different in Canada than the US. You can really say almost anything in the US compared with Canada.

thats because everything is hate speech in cancuckistan

Canada isnt the UK or Sweden. Freedom of speech prevails.

>be mexico
>non mexican shitskins are banned from entering
>only whites can visit
>cartels kill all the degenerates

Half your country is jealous of us. Nobody in Canada cares about tge US.

You haven't been legally allowed to criticize Islam in Canada since 6 months ago.

>having a poor grasp of what the bill actually does



>literally elected a fucking cheeto as your president

Reminds me that I need to get a VPN before the leaf death squads of tolerance come and break down my door and fucking kill me for saying nigger.

>mfw I'm browner than Obama but I love to say nigger
>mfw whitey boys will take on all the blame

>being this deluded
a man was walking in a building he owned and was made to pay some 12k to the family who was living there (and leaving, he was looking to show the room) for wearing shoes in their bedroom, on religious grounds, because they're muslim.

literally this
>tfw browner than shit and voted trump
>tfw call people nigger and spic everywhere
>whitebois get all the blame

>stuff that never happened

lol we literally have hate speech kangaroo courts

wtf is wrong with poo in loos?

This map makes zero sense. You have an unbalanced color scale, no source, arbitrary numbers and most of the middle east is considered the best in the world when it comes to hate speech. So what does mainstream media in those countries not count? Just Canadians using a poo-proxy online?

What kind of shit scale is that. First off, you should have scale markings at sensible numbers (1.00, 5.00, 10.00, etc). Second, if there are magnitudinal differences across countries, the data should either be log or normal transformed. Lastly, why does the scale try to make me think that 10.1 is the center of the data. It makes me think that 3.24 and 22.7 are equal measurements away. Please don't repost this shit graph