Hollywood Diversity and Inclusion See Little Rise in 10 Years (Study)

>The report found that of the films surveyed in 2016, 31.4% of speaking characters were female, unchanged from 2015 and not much higher than the 29.9% logged in 2007. The overall ratio of male to female characters was 2.3 to 1, and 34 films had a female lead or co-lead, compared to 32 in 2015.

>Meanwhile, 70.8% of speaking roles in 2016’s top 100 were white, far outweighing the tallies for characters who were black (13.6%), Asian (5.7%), Hispanic (3.1%), or other (7%). The study also calculated “invisibility” numbers that reported, for instance, that 72 of 2016’s top 100 films had no Hispanic or Latina female speaking roles, and 91 had none for LGBTQ females.

>Male gay characters were among the few demographics to rise year-on-year, up to 36 speaking roles in 2016 from 19 in 2015. There was also an uptick in underrepresented racial or ethnic groups in animation, but that was attributable to just two films, “Moana” and “Kubo and the Two Strings.”

>The 2.7% of characters with disabilities in 2016 films was about on par with the 2.4% reported in 2015.
Why is Hollywood so backwards?

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>Why is Hollywood so backwards?
too many gentiles

that black guy accomplished the impossible, being a slave and intentionally looking like you deserve it. holy shit

What about the Jew, they arnt white.

Is this a joke thread?

Hollywood has gone nigger crazy over the last 5 years.



>assuming sexual orientation
>assuming gender

This '''study''' is problematic

niggers consider themselfs kings lmao

>Egyptian mummies have European and Turkish DNA - scientists

>The study, published on 30 May in Nature Communications1, includes data from 90 mummies buried between 1380 bc, during Egypt’s New Kingdom, and ad 425, in the Roman era. The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans.

Tl;dr modern cousin marrying shit-tier Jihadi Egyptians are blacked.

Ancient Egyptians were not.

Why did Africans never manage to develop agriculture, or anything else that would make life easier

Every other nation managed it

>Yul Brynner
He's 75% far Eastern Russian

>royalty in your dna
>its ok when black people do it

>Yul Brynner

>Live in Africa for thousands of years
>Invented fucking nothing


>Slav nigger
>playing pharaoh
im offended too

>Blacks and asians overrepresented compared to the us population
>Somehow this is still bad

So will they not be happy until each ethnic group is equally represented then? I mean, Hispanics have the most room to complain about this but they'll forever be drowned out by the kangs.

It's Levar Burton.

Idk, some of the sub-saharan trade empires were pretty impressive for their time and situation.

Why blacks don't even acknowledge their existence is absolutely beyond me. I guess they choose to ignore Timbuktu when they can claim the pyramids instead.

>that pic
Should we have white people playing black slaves? I mean, race is a social construct and all.

Black people don't seem to be able to think very far into the future. Even the smart ones only have a 5 year plan. Once they're done squeezing whitey out of the picture, does anyone really think there will be anything less than all out war with Asians and Mexicans? God forbid Muslims gain more traction in the US, it'll be the end of blacks as they know it. Why are white people the only ones to put up with them?

>some black somewhere was king
>thus every black has royal blood
Are they stupid?

I can't imagine a black american sitting down to read a history textbook about medieval west Africa.


fucking idiotic, who writes this crap?




was yul brynner white?

This is what really outs them as stupid. If there was one black king in Egypt, they really think he passed "king genes" (whatever those are) to every different type of black person. Someone from the Caribbean would claim "black king genes." This is actually something black people believe.

>black ameritards appropriating the history of north africa
Really activates my dates

blacks are where they should be

Anyone got screencaps of nogs reacting to these multiple published studies about the Kang being closer to European dna? I don't think I've ever seen one. Do they just double down on denial?

am i supposed to know who that is? some ghetto rapper maybe?

Why can't minority representation within media be proportional to their portion of the population?

What's wrong with that?

*opens borders*
*introduces mandatory diversity training*
*revises history books to show how evil whites are*
*economically disincentives white women from having children and subsidizes nonwhite mothers*

How many studios created by women or minorities did the survey turn up? You know, shit they have to put their own money into?

why? because these people dont know when to stop, if you give them they take all they can get.

It's clear from the prison/crime statistics, poverty level, obesity rates, and single motherhood percentages that conceptualizing the long-term ramifications for their actions isn't exactly a strong suit.

I remember reading an account from some charity worker in Africa that the people there didnt even have a word for "future"
He said his group would help them farm with fertiliser and instead of doing the same thing themselves next year theyd blow all the money on some immediate pleasure

Hey how come they don't have a religious demographic breakdown of Hollywood? That's important for diversity too.

I guess they just forgot.

Jews are a race, not a religion.

Judaism is a religion which teaches Jews that they are the master (i.e. "Chosen") race.

There was black royalty in Egypt, but none of the well known figures come from that dynasty. Cleopatra, for instance, was a Macedon.

All that study shows is Black people are currently overrepresented in Hollywood. Hispanic and Latino people are underrepresented as a portion of the US population. SJWs are crying about this though, despite Latinos facing many of the same if not more challenges than the American black man.

>"Alright white boy. Name one thing you can do that we can't!"
>"I can hold my finger against my nose and chin without hitting my lips. Just like the Egyptian Pharaohs!"

>There was black royalty in Egypt
No there wasn't.

The "Nubian"/Kushite North-Africans you are going to claim were Black are actually a Cauasoid race.

Blacks are sub-Saharan Negroids.

The very, very late pharoahs were black. When Egypt was in severe decline. Probably not a coincidence.

>The very, very late pharoahs were black
Stop believing and propagating lies.

"Black" is a colloquial term for Negroes. There were never any Negroid pharaohs.

Dark skinned Caucasian North Africans are not "Black". They are on a completely different branch of the human evolutionary tree than Negroes (a.k.a. Blacks).

No. There were pharaos in Sudan, who might've been black. There were numidians, who mightve been black ish. Egyptians were never black, although black people have emigrated to egypt since ancient times.

Clearly they mean Anatolian. Given that the ancient Anatolians (Greeks/Hittites/Armenians) were all Indo-European speakers this basically means that the Ancient Egyptians would have been related to the Indo-Euros, however, curiously, their language was afro-asiatic (The same broad-language family as the Semitic languages).

You gotta think about the types who believe that shit. They are the same ones who believe ancient Africa was extremely technologically advanced before the evil white caveman came with their sticks and racism and destroyed it all.

Ironically, alot of black Americans do have 'Kangz Blud' but much more likely from the Plantagenets/Carolingians.


>Cauasoid race.
Caucasian isn't referring to skin colour, but bone structure.

everyone knows they were aliens

It's hilarious the leaps of logic they make there.
"We had science fiction levels of technology, you'd just crawled out of the caves and are tottally inferior in every way but then somehow defeated us so tottally that you were able to give us collective-amnesia and take credit for all of our accomplishments".

Pic related. It's what one of the "Black" pharaohs would have looked like.

Libtards can't tell the difference between West-African Niggers and North Africans who lived 2000 miles away.

The blacks barely ruled Egypt for LESS than 100 years and invaded Egypt in 728 BC. For thousands of years the Egyptians were light skinned people. The black Pharaohs invaded (presumably from Sudan where the Egyptians were mining their gold and gems) and were deposed within barely a generation. They were therefore shitty rulers and incapable of maintaining what they stole.

In December 2014, an article was published internationally by Egyptologists who had found the graves of light-skinned Egyptians who were not slaves. Some of them had naturally red hair.

Egyptian males were depicted with red skin in sculptures and papyrus illustrations and Egyptian women were depicted with pale skin. This is because the women worked indoors and in shade - whereas the men worked outdoors in the sun. Some people today are not aware of this and mistakenly assumed the red paint (which darkened over the centuries in some cases) represented black skin. It did not.

I know I haven't been the most regular poster for the past two years, but does this board have absolutely no fucking moderation whatsoever?

What gives?

just because someone from your same race was a king at some point doesnt make you a descendant of a king

Yes, exactly.

"Black" is just a layman's term for Negroid. Dark skinned Caucasians are not Black. Albino Negroes are not White.

When a White person gets a tan their race doesn't change.

Pic related, it's one of the "Nubian" kings that libtards keep claiming were Black. As you can see, he's White.

whats the problem, forced diversity and black inferiority complex is tv related.

>The blacks barely ruled Egypt for LESS than 100 years
>The black Pharaohs

Do you suffer from mental retardation?

Niggers never ruled Egypt. There was not a single Nigger pharaoh.

Nubians weren't niggers.

It's almost like the mods are pushing a narrative....

They are, it's called free-speech.

>"Black" is just a layman's term for Negroid

"Negroid" is just a layman's term for recently descended from Africa. You'll be hard pressed to find any reputable scientist that still uses terms like Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Negroid, in their original racial sense.

>Yo yo, butterfly in the sky, dis blunt will get you twice as high.

Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessed with black people?

To escape from the depressing reality that Asians are becoming superior to either of our races.

Because of cultural Marxism. Honestly modern academics have to abandon reason in order to keep their jobs. You have to basically believe that evolution and speciation stopped at humanity to not see that Humans fall into three broad racially categories (of divergent Hominid spcies which are/were on their way to total separation) with some transitional populations in between them

Because the zeitgeist is obsessed with black people.

They really aren't, not in any meaningful way, but that could just be because they're so secretive about it around outsiders, which makes you wonder if they're really sneaky, or actually just harmless pest like a common roach, essential but harmless.

>yul brynner
Russian swiss

Racial classification is still used all the time in Anthropology and medical science.

Niggers are still Niggers even if you call them a politically correct term like "Black".

Black, Nigger, Negro, Negroid, African-American. Call shit whatever you want, it's still shit.

The important thing for you to understand is that North African Sudanese and Egyptian people are not closely related to African-Americans. African-Americans are actually sub-Saharan/West-African Bantu.

>Because of cultural Marxism
>modern academics have to abandon reason in order to keep their jobs
I really don't see any evidence for this save a few dubious cases presented by those with an agenda.

>Humans fall into three broad racially categories
Even the outdated terminology you're referencing promoted five separate races (Caucasoid, Africoid/Negroid, Mongoloid, Australoid, and American). This just goes to show that defining races is actually extremely messy and there would almost certainly be more than three.

It's of more scientific and statistical value to sort by ethnic group than by race anyway. The latter only became important because Americans are so mixed that they need to refer to a pan-European heritage rather than something specific (save a few nationalities).

Cause they are the evil people, that only make up 16% of the population but commit half the violent crimes.

The higher the % the more crimes, we are all gonna get killed.

But those are statistics for the USA
No one cares about americans

>Black, Nigger, Negro, Negroid

These aren't synonyms. Melanesians are considered 'Negroid' but wouldn't be called black in any western country. Some Indians and Arabs would be included under Caucasoid but would never be considered white.

>The very, very late pharoahs were black.

The very, very late pharaohs was a greek aristocratic family which ONLY had children with their family members. How can they be black if they were from greece?

They're smarter and they work harder than the majority of Westerners. The Chinese economy and R&D sector is on course to surpass that of the US - soon. They are keenly investing into fusion reactor technology while the American planned particle collider is now (literally) a mushroom farm.

If you can't see the writing on the wall, you're deluded.

Tut Ank Amon (the sarcophagus she was looking at) was not black tho. There have been DNA tests on him. This is how he looked like: i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/10/20/1413803176021_wps_1_King_Tut_Scientists_produ.jpg

There were a few Ethiopian ones.

because they get shoved in their faces on every occasion

Ethiopians have the bone structure of white people even if they have dark skinned. Which is why race biologists before 1945 (because it was thrown out of universities after that) usually recognized them as white.

>If you can't see the writing on the wall, you're deluded.
I can, I just don't see the point, which would completely convince me. What is the end game? If they have everything, who can they lord over, especially if their "people" are just a mindless mass of elite propaganda that follow a single direction.
If it's all a matter of the elite gaining more stature, all that will end in is complete implosion and collapse of society.

Black Americans aren't related to Ethiopians.

Ethiopians are Caucasian. Black Americans are Negroid.

Ethiopians only have "white bone structure" due to their proximity to the Arab world. To include them as white would also mean including Mohammad and Mehmet as well.

>biologists before 1945
>using a term as unscientific as 'white'

Find me one reference

I would like to see a Jew to gentile break down in those 'white' numbers.

Maybe you should gtfo Sup Forums right the fuck now you literal twelve year old.

imagine having no real /ourguy/ almost ever

because i dont know some ghetto negro?

Etheopian was a ancient term for african. Basically they differentiated the tan northern africans from the darkskinned etheopians.

What exactly are you arguing?

If niggers claim they were Pharaohs because some genetically unrelated Caucasians from 2000 miles away were pharaohs, they might as well claim they were the Kings of England as well.

The garbage you are spewing seems completely unrelated to the conversation.

>What is the end game?
To return to their historic position as the "central kingdom", literally the center of the universe.

In a more practical sense, they want to do what every country does. Develop, progress, and create a great quality of life for its citizens. But in the case of China, they do this in a far more aggressive and opportunistic way. That means the strategic purchasing of foreign businesses, backed by the state. It means the existence of Chinese nationals in literally every country, who have more allegiance to their own ethnic group than anything else (Chinese Malays).

He wasn't some ghetto negro, which is why he's upset. Rarely, a monkey learns to walk upright, as it is with blacks and acting. Eventually one will learn, and he'll be remembered forever for his feat. Burton earnt his respect and you should show a little more of it

>13% black roles
>blacks are 13% of population
Underrepresented desu

>they might as well claim they were the Kings of England as well.
Some KANGZists claim exactly that. Someone post it pls, I don't have it.

>In a more practical sense, they want to do what every country does. Develop, progress, and create a great quality of life for its citizens. But in the case of China, they do this in a far more aggressive and opportunistic way. That means the strategic purchasing of foreign businesses, backed by the state. It means the existence of Chinese nationals in literally every country, who have more allegiance to their own ethnic group than anything else (Chinese Malays).
>be ausfag
>notice this trend slowly over the years
>it's become more rampant and aggressive recently


>What exactly are you arguing?
That if you're saying Ethiopians are "white", then you're also saying Arabs are as well. This is distorting the accepted definition of "white" so you can make a poor point about how there really were no black Pharaohs.

>The garbage you are spewing seems completely unrelated to the conversation.
Reminder that you're the one using an outdated version of race to construct a bullshit argument. The only reason you posted this: was, ostensibly, to say Ethiopians aren't black which is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Look at their skin color.

>>using a term as unscientific as 'white'

Caucasian then. they used tons of different terms for different types of white people.

Also an ausfag.

Chinese businessmen with ties to their Communist Party were caught bribing both of our parties, only a few months ago.

Oh my, what a travesty.

The only one is the women one, they are actually underrepresented. Also 20% of American have "some form of disability", but the question is what the different definitions include.