How bad do you think it's gonna be? I lost any hope for a good movie since they took that monkeyshine buffoon onto the Roland's role.
The Dark Tower
>88 minutes
Fuck you, Idris Alba is awesome.
Fuck off nigger.
I'm okay with Elba. There are other worlds and all that jazz. What I'm not okay is the Good VS Evil Capeshit Video Games Action Scenes.
Fuck that shit. Not my Dark Tower. I'll watch it when it's on tv in 1 or 2 years. My Roland doesn't slowmo and defy physics when he's shooting people.
It's crazy how the shittier the book the more the fans whine.
I don't expect much from it but if people say it's entertaining then I'll probably give it a watch.
The movie looks like shit. Idris and McC are look great, even if their characters don't seem to be the same from the books. Why the fuck are they making Roland into a superpowered gunfighter? Why is Marten acting like a Capeshit version of Randall Flagg? WHY IS ROLAND FUCKING QUIPPING IN THE HOSPITAL SCENE???
They could have cast Scott Eastwood & shot it in the Midwest for a bargain instead we get this
Book 1,2&3 are great (the original versions). 3 is the best. 4 and all the other ones suffer from Cinematic (Literary) Universe Syndrom. 4 is still decent but 5 and the rest reek of King wanting to finish them before his death.
lmao nice bait, maybe if he didn't ONLY blackwash white characters these days
It may be worse than the Force Awakens. I read the gunslinger like 3 times when I was a kid but I won't pay a dime for this tripe niggerwashing bullshit.
I'd rather have an adaptation of The Breathing Method made by Rob Reiner or Darabont.
I do love how this movie is triggering all the Sup Forumsacks
Can't go one post without bringing up him because black. I'm probably gonna go see it, looks fun to me.
>maybe if he didn't ONLY blackwash white characters these days
he's an actor, he just accepts offers
does he really hurt your feelings that much?
Its almost as if Roland was definitely a white guy in the books to an extent that it was a plot point in the Drawing of Three. But someone who just comes to bitch about le Sup Forums boogeyman wouldn't know that would they?
Yes. He doesn't have much star power but there'd be a lot of free advertising on him playing his father. If the movie was good in the first place. It isn't good so not even that British peanut head gorilla Elba can save it.
Black Roland is fine. Elba is one of the few manly actors able to do the laconic gunslinger justice. The problem is that they turned The Dark Tower into Generic Capeshit #34466 with a LOTR/Western Skin.
Slomo air reloads, bullet catching, sliding and shooting and dodging (in slowmo again). This looks like a videogame/gneric action capeshit movie to me.
TIL: The tv series was based on a book series called "The Tower", but the director changed it to "The Dark Tower" at Elba's behest.
Nah TFA forever killed Star Wars. Luke and gang are ruined. Never gonna have a proper follow up to the original trilogy. You can just release another Dark Tower adaptation in a decade and pretend this DT movie never happened.
So if I got offered the role to play Martin Luther King, and everyone got pissed because I am white, they would be in the wrong? This is why Trump won and our country is fucked, because retards like you.
It's guaranteed to be a complete pile of shit. The trailers are awful, the director is a nobody who is coll with garbling the source material into an incomprehensible mess.
They should have either made The Gunslinger as an arthouse horror-western or Drawing of the Three as a fantasy thriller.
>This is why Trump won and our country is fucked, because retards like you.
I'm not even american, but you're definitely mad as shit kek
Black Roland just adds to the mess. You are just making that concession so no one calls you Sup Forums which is fair enough.
The reshot a lot of the movie recently. It was too "complicated" apparently. It's going to be shit and I'll wait for the driector's cut of it. Some sources say the original cut before audience testing was okay, even if a little all over the place. Sort of a puzzle movie if you never read the books, but with a coherent storyline by the end of the movie.
Yeah as long as he's white.
back to /r/thedonald so you can talk about BASED BLACKS like Idris Elba
It's going to bomb horribly regardless of its quality. I've yet to meet anyone who has even mentioned it.
How is it suddenly a movie? I thought it was going to be a tv show?
It's both, the TV show will be the prequel book and will be canon to the movie.