>opens in 2 days
>no hype whatsoever
Opens in 2 days
The books were fucking stupid, the movie is going to water down those books and make it into a buddy cop movie.
>another Sony flop
welcome to August, the biggest dumping ground for shit films.
It's like January 2: Electric Boogaloo.
How will niggers ever recover?
>opens in 2 days
Holy shit you weren't kididng
Once again sony is fucked
It's still summer. Why August still a box office bomb month?
It's getting shilled a fair amount in the UK
Seeing ad clips for it in the evenings quite a bit
Probably only due to the popularity of our national bull though
The review embargo isn't till the day of or after release either.
Oh man it must be complete garbage. Was summer always this shit?
no it's not you dumb fucking nigger
Suicide Squad did alright last summer despite being trash.
You always get the occasional trash movie. Hardly surprised, a movie can't do this series justice.
I don't see a reason to support politically motivated movie.
Where are the reviews then??
Yeah, the joker is one of the most popular villains of all time though. Who cares about regular Roland, let alone blackstained nigger roland?
You could turn those books into movies if you actually followed them. The first 3 would actually be good
people were already prepared to hate Leto's Joker though.
A TV series on HBO might be more suited.
Do you remember the hype levels a couple of days before it's release user? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Suicide Squads opening weekend will be bigger than Dark Tower's entire run
I don't know why August gets so many bombs, it just does.
Sometimes you'll get a gem. I think Sicario came out in August. It was a good film, but the studio didn't have confidence in it, and it under preformed.
I think District 9 came out in August and was a big success, but it was a new director, with a no-name lead, in Africa. I guess the studio didn't have confidence in it.
Remember this conversation and look at what films come out next August.
Movie releases August 4th in the US.
Reviews aren't allowed to be posted until the evening before or the day of.
I've had a feeling for a while that Sony is deliberately trying to kill its movie side. That's the section of the company that has been bleeding out money for ages now, thus sucking up the profits made from their core business.
There's better ways to kill the movie side than just make bomb after bomb
Guardians of the Galaxy also released in August and did ridiculously well.
August is so weird I don't know why more studios don't take advantage of it.
How confident was Disney of GoTG though? It had a lot of marketing but wasn't it original projected to do a lot worse than it did? It seems like August is a "not sure how it'll do" month.
How long is this supposed to be? Is it a trilogy or sumtin'?
I'm not going to remember what you said in a year jackass
>It seems like August is a "not sure how it'll do" month.
I think that's an accurate way to put it.
Didn't Ghostbusters come out last August?
oh, hey /pol
still a virgin i see
>Didn't Ghostbusters come out last August?
Yeah it did.
You mean
>Running time
>1h 35min
seems a bit short desu
perfect running time
You gold teeth, gold chain wearing, fried chicken and biscuit eating, monkey, ape, baboon, big thigh, fast running, high jumping, spear chucking, three-hundred-and-sixty-degree basketball dunking, titsun, spade, Moulan Yan. Take your fucking not all niggers and go the fuck back to Africa.
I was just listening to a video talking about how it tested horribly, to the point where execs considered firing the director. Kind of sucks, because the first four books are great.
It's gonna flop hard, which is a damn shame because the books deserve recognition. But I guess its not surprising given how little respect whoever made this has for the series.
King's adaptations are usually complete shit. The man apparently just doesn't know how to say no.
I've never read a dark tower book but I remember fans praising it and hyping up a movie adaption for years.
And now it comes out in 2 days and nobody cares lmao.
guy is ugly so not hyped and not gonna watch.
I think it was supposed to kick off the King cinematic universe
>review embargo the day after release
This would require anyone who sees it in a public theatre to sign an NDA
actually it's today
Maybe hollywood will one day stop injecting niggers into white roles
that was some easy butthurt
Has nobody said anything about the film? Don't vague impressions usually start happening in twitter after a premiere even when there's an embargo?
saw a 30 sec ad for it on my phone while watching youtube
it looks like shit
Apparently that's because the test audiences didn't understand it, which isn't exactly surprising. Doesn't mean for sure it's bad.
huh they are making a TV series as well and it will be a direct adaption of the books.
Should I read those books?
Of A book, specifically Wizard and Glass which is the prequel.
>I don't know why more studios don't take advantage of it
They do, you moron. You mentioned and example. Suicide Squad was also released in August.
If it's 95 minutes long that's easy to understand. The Dark Tower's plotline is ridiculous, even the first book would need a 2 hour film to adapt properly, this is supposed to be a retelling of the first four or something.
The really sad thing is King is desperately promoting the film because he cares more about looking progressive than defending his works. Stephen King uses the words nigger and negro a lot, I think he secretly doesn't like black people.
It seems to be some sort of hodgepodge that will take things from several of the books, but will mostly tell the story of the first. The director has said that the sequel would introduce Eddie and Susannah, so they are somewhat sticking to the script.
It go qwik lik Lamar wit dat tv out da doh.