This triggers the niggers
This triggers the niggers
black women stink and it's almost always due to their fake hair. nearly every black girl I had sex with had an unmistakable odor of decay. the one black girl who didn't just wore her hair naturally with no nasty product in it. she was also one of my favorite fucks.
Miscegenation is not television or film and it's a grave sin against Nature and God. Anyone engaging in that unholy activity is an abhorrent person with no moral compass.
race mixing triggers assholes of any race.
life would be better if we all just fucked our cousins and genetic diversity wasn't important for our species.
>This triggers the niggers
it does for real?
>fucking niggers at all
>genetic diversity
gross, this is what diversity looks like and its just gross
I don't have any real standards. Some of them are actually able to mimic intelligence. But the smell... Couldn't get past it.
yes user tell me how ''genetic diversity'' is so important when people never did till 10 years ago and Brazilians look like a bunch of goblins
Man, black genes are dominant as fuck
I wish every single person on earth is brown so we can finally stop hating eachother :)
No it wouldnt retard,Quadroons(Dominican Republic) hate niggers(Haiti).
>Brazilians look like a bunch of goblins
Brazilian niggers look like niggers and mulatto niggers look like any other mulatto in the world.
Look at the Gracie, they're all handsome.
Nahh, Bob's manlet genes would be inferior to any race.
doubtful, black people have a deep disdain for black women. No demographic is more abused, used, and forgotten.
didnt realise bad suits were genetic
Spend more than an hour talking to one and you will see why: Entitled, opinionated, argumentative, and selfish in bed.
literally everybody hates racemixing
fuck off pedro
Africa is proof if we were all the same shade of brown we would still hate eachother.
>Portuguese name
Look, I can cherry pick too!
>shows a crowd of people
his cherry pick shows like a dozen uggos though, your's only shows one attractive person.
you don't miss a chance to cop some free Guarana you faggot
Nature and God were mistakes to begin with, boyo
what a shithole
All black girls prefer white men.
It's only because of the hair
me in the blue
me as the president
Our self-esteem isn't low enough to care about whites fucking our women.
You can keep her for a few days while I continue fucking Stacey. Fair trade?
Come to Brazil baby
most of those people are white, they're just tanned
>You know, i got a dozen drones flying over us right now haha
This websites hateboner for black women is so fucking weird
shut up Pablo
Dem legs
Why does this make me hard as a rock?
cause you wanna cum inside Maya and have Obongo get you a made up job in some multinational that donates to the DOC?
>people never did till 10 years ago
The world existed before you were born, user. Read a book.
>wanting a job
kek, wageslaves delude themselves