I watched you get raped

>I watched you get raped

Nigga is ice cold

>by your husband on your wedding night
when will this meme end

>arranged marriage


>i-it's not marriage because it was arranged like most marriages in history were lalala I can't hear you

feminist cuck logic

>I can telekinetically control HODOR and wolves to wreck shit
>I watched you get raped and did nothing to help
>I'm the three-eyed raven
>It's complicated

Holy shit! What the fuck happened?

>I know that me coming south has destroyed the wall but I did it anyway

He is letting his sister he knows she is hurting and that she has a brother who will support her for fuck's sake.

Most of you people actually do have autism or some other kind of mental illness or detachment from reality and should probably talk to someone about it. Just tell someone, most countries can provide that level of mental healthcare at least.